My #Scarathlon2022 Fall #BucketList includes music, beer, food, combat boots, flannel sheets, and lots & lots of candles. 🕯🍂🍺
My #Scarathlon2022 Fall #BucketList includes music, beer, food, combat boots, flannel sheets, and lots & lots of candles. 🕯🍂🍺
I'm the same way. My husband's always trying to get me to try new things at restaurants and I'm always, "I know what I like."
#food #knowthyself #likes
People with vaginas of all ages would benefit from and enjoy reading this. Basically our lady bits are a wonder to behold, we should know more about them and be proud of them.
#biology #science #knowthyself
I am one of those readers who feels an obligation to the author to finish what I start. This was the only book that broke my code. I have loved other books by the author and was privileged to hear her speak at a local book store. Based on a true story of a serial killer. Extremely dark. #dangeroustype #rockinmay #notmycupoftea #knowthyself
This is my favorite game. Anyone read Stranger in a Strange Land and know what "Grok" means? I'll wait. ?
#peace #emotionalintelligence #emotionalIQ #emotionalliteracy #feelings #needs #values #empathy #nonviolentcommunication #languageoflife #harmony #connecting #connection #knowthyself #understanding #nvc #games #cards #celebrate #grok