I absolutely love my new stickers!!
I absolutely love my new stickers!!
124 pages of advice for cats on how to navigate living with humans; this guide lays out all the pros and cons to having a relationship with those things called humans. Witty, honest, funny. A delight for cat lovers, especially in the time of misogynist JD Vance.
This is really for those manga cat lovers! A collection of hilarious cat breeds monster style and the owners dealing with them!🤣🤣🤣
In a photography book kind of mood lately - and luckily my local library obliges with a decent selection. Today‘s book of photographs is of French cats (there really is a book for everything 😹)
Loving it!
I‘ve done it again, forgotten to post my #12BooksOf2023! So here‘s my favourite read of October, which is an utterly charming story of a writer and her two new kittens. A perfect gift for any bookish cat lover!
As we enter the holiday shopping season, beware of the indifferent employees at Catmart. 😀
This book ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
I‘ve seen it billed as a children‘s book, but I don‘t care. I loved its simple but beautiful tale of an author who, after losing her beloved cat Victoria, decides to get another cat. Just the one cat. Or maybe two…