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#GuiltyAsCharged!!! These were my two most recent purse purchases :) 🖤❤️🖤❤️

rubyslippersreads Those are fabulous! 😍 2mo
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“It isn‘t just a coincidence that Anderson Cooper can knock a hole in your heart with his steely blue eyes.”
#guiltyascharged Love Anderson, Love Hank Green, Love this book!

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Soooo i forgot the whole bookbanning thing and got all these books for $25 at the flea market #sorrynotsorry #guiltyascharged

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A lovely meditation sort of book for when your brain (and sinuses) feel fried. My personal favorite word was 'tsundoku' which means leaving a book unread after buying it, along with stacks of other books...
#guiltyascharged #booklover #authorlife #tbr #neverenoughbooks #shelfie #library #language

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#readjanuary #day10 #bookseveryonebutyouhasread I know, I know. The shame! As a fantasy fiction fan of over thirty years, you'd think I'd have read THE most influential fantasy series of all time, wouldn't you? But nope, read The Hobbit but never got further. My son was so horrified to hear this, he bought me the box set for Xmas with strict instructions to "read this before next Xmas!!" #guiltyascharged

pppooraikul Lol. I love how your son gave you the Xmas present. 🤣 And LOTR is gonna be worth it. (It's pretty different from The Hobbit, especially the reading vibes.) 8y
josie281 I have not read LOTR either. I saw The Hobbit cartoon when I was young! 8y
thegirlwiththelibrarybag Have you watched the movies? I loved reading LOTR but my friend couldn't stand them (but is obsessed with the movies) 8y
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Laura317 I've not read any. Not sure that I plan to either. 8y
Mimi28 I own all of them but have not read them either. 8y
Lizpixie @pppooraikul he inherited his love of fantasy from me, so was totally gobsmacked when I admitted it. He loves Tolkien with a passion, mention the movie version of the Battle of Helms Deep & you get a 2hr dissertation on exactly how wrong Peter Jackson got it!🙄 (edited) 8y
Lizpixie @thegirlwiththelibrarybag I actually love the movies, I dragged the hubby to see them on the big screen & even he loved them(he's not a reader) and I own them on bluray too. @Laura317 if I don't read them I think he'll disown me!🖐😫 8y
pppooraikul @Lizpixie 😂😂😂 I loved the Helms Deep battle the most. Loved the whole second book, actually. I guess he and I could get along fairly well. (But I think the movie Helms Deep wasn't too bad, given Legolas's glamorous appearance.) You NEED to read this epic! 😁 (I'm saying this as one of Tolkien fans and fellow fantasy lovers. No judging here.) 8y
sherryvdh I'm with you! It's a point of shame for my father, I think. Lol. He loves them, and his one bookish daughter (who enjoys her fantasy books), has not completed this series. 8y
sarielizbeth I had trouble getting into these too, wordy descriptions and history bogged me down. I recently got them all on audio, and it was much more enjoyable! 8y
MyNamesParadise Hey! No shame! My friend made me watch the three movies and come the third movie I had to ask who one of the main characters was! I respect them and know they're well done but they're just not for me. Except for Harry Potter, I'm horrible at "world-building" when reading. I'll see the movies, I just can't get into the books sometimes! 8y
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Sleeping Giants | Sylvain Neuvel
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This has been waiting to be read. It's not a genre I read often but still so excited to read it! Plus it's yet another library book, haven't purchased a book in 4 months very proud of myself - and thankful for an epic library at the top of my street! Please let the book be awesome!!!

Ms.Story 4 months -- yes, I'd say that's a pretty awesome library you have! When I'm tempted to buy, I always check my local library. I have to admit I'm slightly disappointed when they have it haha!!! 😂📚 8y
CocoReads I'm trying to buy less books but I never manage to go a month without buying at least 1. We have a pretty good library but sometimes they don't have what I'm looking for, especially if it's a group read. 8y
athorne #guiltyascharged I doubt I can make it through a month without buying one. XD 8y
Michelle_mck @BrittanysBookshelf I have run out of room for shelving and can't bring myself to sort through my books and donate / that's a job for the new year! @CocoReads I hear you on group and book club reads it's been difficult @EMJenkinson I say buy the books if you have the room! 8y
Laura317 I totally relate. I don't have a great library, but it's a decent one for a small town. I'm relying on it, trade credit at McKays and NetGalley. It's hard, though, because I enjoy buying books. 8y
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