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Cinfhen Finally!!!! I was starting to worry it was lost🙏🏻 6y
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Soul Mates | Thomas Moore
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#LiteraryLove Day 6: When I created this post of the 40 books that shaped my “womanity” when I turned 40 (nearly 3 years ago), I shared Thomas Moore‘s #SoulMate(s) as part of that list. Here is the full post: https://wp.me/pDlzr-bnl

Crazeedi Soulmates spoke to me in so many ways when I was searching as a young woman 6y
Crazeedi Actually I read the other two also, I was looking for meaning and paths, I read so many of these kind of books, then found the faith of my childhood was what I was looking for after all. 6y
Crazeedi Following your blog 6y
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GatheringBooks @Crazeedi wonderful! i am so happy to note that we are book kindreds as you mentioned in your comment. :) 📚🧚🏼‍♀️💕 6y
vkois88 Your writing is always so beautiful ❤ 6y
Crazeedi @GatheringBooks 😍kindred spirits being found here, I love it #Litsylove #friendsoflitsy 6y
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@CBee Thank you from the bottom of my heart! I have wanted this book! You are so very kind and generous
#friendsoflitsy #gratefulheart #littensarethebest

CBee Yay! I definitely know exactly what to do now if it happens again! 😁 Enjoy ❤️❤️❤️ 6y
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I was just thinking how much I enjoyed the book swap I participated in last year, and thinking about participating again. Only I have NO IDEA how to find these book swaps :$ I was hoping the lovely people of litsy could point me in the right direction of book swaps that are happening soon! (Ps. I live in Canada) #bookswap #friendsoflitsy #canada

Jess7 @LitsySwaps posts some of them 6y
erickaa @Jess7 thank you!! I found one :) 6y
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The Selection | Kiera Cass

Introducing my friend to the world of America Singer with The Selection books. The problem is, she lives 7 hours away- so today I shipped a package for the very first time. 😂 So I hope that she enjoys the books, and the surprises! #PostLit #FriendsOfLitsy

bessejayne91 Love these books 6y
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Thankful | Eileen Spinelli
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@EllieDottie Thank you so much for thinking of me and sending this!!! It‘s absolutely perfect. I love it! I already put it up. Sorry I didn‘t post it sooner. #friendsoflitsy

Mommamanzi Oh I love this!!! ❤️❤️❤️ 7y
EllieDottie I‘m glad you like it 😊 7y
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