Thanks Pinterest, now I have to educate myself on the fun art of sugar cookie decorating because these cookies are STUNNING, and I want to make some.😍
Thanks Pinterest, now I have to educate myself on the fun art of sugar cookie decorating because these cookies are STUNNING, and I want to make some.😍
This is totally me.. #foundonpinterest I do love autumn but it‘s usually still too hot to go out. 😂 #Texas
This is so me 😂😂😂
So my drive took me a lot longer than 6 hours because of the fact that I-10 was closed due to SNOW and ICE. IN FLORIDA???? Anyways I finished listening to this! I really liked the ending! My only qualm was that it seemed prejudice to Italians.... did anyone else feel that way? Anyways, now I can see the movie!
Picture was #FoundOnPinterest 🚂
I've been laying in bed all day due to this sickness, but at least I finished this book before the New Year! It was excellent! Now to (im)patiently wait for the next....
This picture was #FoundOnPinterest
13. Most read genre: Fantasy ✨🐉🔮
#FoundonPinterest This picture isn't of any book I've read, but it is beautiful and I felt like it conveyed the fantasy genre
This is not a want, this is a need!!!
12. Best conclusion to a series: The Raven King
I know that there are mixed opinions on this ending, but I loved it! I loved everything about the Raven Cycle!!
Books you re-read: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone ⚡️
Look at how cute this fan-art is! #FoundOnPinterest
This is my current situation ☃️ I need more blankets!!