@ConnieK I received your #favoritebookswap package! And I mailed out my #HelloFrom package to my surprise Litten. So excited to open and to see everyone‘s goodies!
@ConnieK I received your #favoritebookswap package! And I mailed out my #HelloFrom package to my surprise Litten. So excited to open and to see everyone‘s goodies!
Shipped out four swaps today:
#SummerBookSwap for @RainyDayReading ETA 8/28
#HelloFrom for @Kappadeemom ETA 8/24
#FavoriteBookSwap for @catiewithac ETA 8/24
#FallingForFallSwap for @SexyCajun ETA 8/24
If for any reason your package does not arrive by the ETA date please let me know at Deb at JustShortOfCrazy dot com and I will forward the tracking number.
Happy Reading!!