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Wednesday | Anne Bertier
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1. I was on call at work last weekend, and have no pics of anything that I did. This evening my daughter and I picked strawberries.
2. Yes. They have been fun. #Cincinnati #Columbus #Dayton
3. Tacos
4. Dark blue. (Old skater shirt from my younger days)
5. I finally checked out the list, and found that I've read 28 of them.
#HumpDayPost @MinDea

emilyhaldi Yum! We are going strawberry picking tomorrow ☺️🍓 6y
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The Kingdom of Ohio | Matthew Flaming
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Please tag other Buckeyes. If you‘re in the Columbus area, I could use some local help with planning.

#LitsyHappenings #OhioMeetup #Ohio #LitsyMeetups #meetups

Ohioana Book Festival
Sat Apr 14, 2018
Columbus OH

RSVP and Note Your Preferences:

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Callemarie If you do Columbus area and pick a weekend to do this myself and @Smangela can make the pilgrimage and then I can go to@the bookstore I‘ve been wanting to go to while we‘re down there haha 7y
Chelleo @Callemarie the date and location are set (scroll down the original post) so I‘m looking forward to seeing you and @Smangela 😊😂 7y
Samplergal Not in Ohio but a great idea. 7y
cobwebmoth We plan on being there! 7y
GondorGirl I'm going to try to kidnap @hyperhawk and drag her down. We're in Toledo if anyone wants to carpool. 7y
Pamwurtzler @kitty_reads and I hope to be there too! 7y
Chelleo @PictureandBook my 2nd home! 7y
Mdargusch I‘m so excited! Looks like there will be great authors at the event! I‘m sure @Reviewsbylola @emilyhaldi and I can give you a hand if you need it. You should join us @Meredith3 😁 7y
Meredith3 @Mdargusch that sounds pretty fun! 7y
NCNY Ohio is my motherland (left when I was two). I feel such fondness for the state. Hope everyone has fun!! 7y
Callemarie Unfortunately I won‘t be able to do a Saturday. I work saturdays and Progressive isn‘t great at giving me that day off. Plus I‘ll just be coming back from vacation and won‘t have the time to take of then. :/ 7y
Chelleo @jwashreads hope you can join us! 7y
Chelleo @Callemarie 😭😭😭 hopefully we‘ll connect soon! 7y
Chelleo @Mdargusch thanks for the offer to help. One thing I‘m trying to figure out is if the Starbucks near the event is big enough for us to meet. Any chance you can scope it out? You can email me at Chelleo.michelle@gmail.com to talk more. 7y
Chelleo @emilyhaldi @Reviewsbylola ☝🏾☝🏾☝🏾 7y
Reviewsbylola Yes we should be able to do that!! 7y
Chelleo @Reviewsbylola Awesome!!! Thanks so much! 7y
Reviewsbylola Ok, so we looked into it. The closest Starbucks to the site is pretty small BUT there is one IN the Sheraton where the book fest is being held and it looks big, plus we were also thinking we could grab coffee and go congregate together in the lobby if necessary. 7y
Chelleo @Reviewsbylola Thanks@so much for the speedy intel! Sounds like the Sheraton Starbucks will work! 7y
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Gone Girl | Gillian Flynn
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As promised, my haul from the clearance sale! 15 books for $32! So excited about all of these finds 💘 #cheapbooks #dayton

brendanmleonard Aw yea cheap books aw yea Ohio (I grew up in Akron) 8y
brendanmleonard That Pete Hamill tho 8y
12parsecs @brendanmleonard right? 👌🏻 only had to push 5 people out of my way to snatch that one 8y
MrBook Nice haul!!! 8y
PrincessLibrarian The Chabon, too! That was a blast to read. 8y
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