The perfect book to stay up past your bedtime to finish!
The perfect book to stay up past your bedtime to finish!
The next series I‘m revisiting via audio to finally read the final book!!!
It is taking every ounce of self control to not pick up the final book right now. I know I‘d end up staying awake FAR too long.
Clara is coming to Vogue Knitting Live - Cbus Edition and I wanted to read something of hers. Nonfiction is not my normal go to, so I audiobooked this and really enjoyed it!! Might even listen to her other book the library has since I have awhile until my holds come in!!
I just think a Game of Thrones-esque tv series of these books would rock my world.
Cannot WAIT for Book Two!!!
All but the Deanna Raybourn book is a new addition to the signed books bookshelf after seeing Rainbow Rowell and Faith Erin Hicks!!!
I loved this so much I might just start it over from the beginning again.
I DEVOURED this book. Cannot wait for the sequel next year.
I am not a great audiobook listener - I‘m too easily distracted and easily forget details if it‘s been too long - so discovering that rereading old favorites via audio works for me has been a joy. Esp when those favorites have an excellent narrator as the thief series does. Always love!
Love this series so much. (And Libby‘s stats feature made reading feel like a game!)
Noooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!! (Immediately borrows next audiobook.)
We are now to the point that I have to talk myself into leaving the car every time. #gettinggood #cantstoplistening
Checked another short book I‘ve been meaning to read off my list!! And I freaking loved it! Could read an entire 300 pages about Troy, Gabe and Elena! Best!
I love a fairy tale retelling and combining two into one is the bees knees. Also, this edition is gorgeous! (And a quick read, which is always appreciated!)
Did I think the plot got overly convoluted a bunch of times? Yes. Did that stop me from tearing through all three books? No. No it did not.
Tried the physical book. Tried the audio book. I was bored at first and once the action picked up, I was just depressed. Too much death, not enough cathedral building for me. So it was a rare bail on this one, sadly.
My reading plans were thrown for a loop when a few books came off my hold list! Midnight Riot - Or Rivers of London, depending on who you ask - is the first book in a series I‘ve been meaning to revisit and catch up on. A friend recommended the audiobooks and they were so right! The narrator was GREAT. And the book itself held up on the reread! Can‘t wait for the next book to come in!
Needed a fun read and thought this AK-based Book was perfect for a snowy weekend. I love Ally Carter!
Since I just finished this, I was revisiting my trip to Oxford almost a decade ago when my friends and I made the pilgrimage to the botanical gardens to see Lyra and Will‘s bench. It‘s hard to see, but their names are scratched in the arm.
Might as well wrap up the short stories as well. Love visiting Lyra‘s Oxford!
Tundra is slowly reissuing all of LM Montgomery‘s books and they are gorgeous and I love them. #importedfromCanada
Finished juuust in time for Book 2. Loved Stevie, loved the mysteries of Ellingham (fingers crossed for more secret passages!), looooooved the diversity of characters and relationships.
I designated January as Catch Up on Library Stack and this is my first stack I‘m taking back. I love getting arts/crafts/hobbies books from the library to decide if I should invest in a copy for my home library. Of this lot, I‘m for sure grabbing 500 Crochet Stitches! Crochet Skill Builder‘s Workshop was also great. (Brioche is still a bit too advanced for me!) #crochet #knitting #sewing #yaycrafts!
Trying to really get myself to read books in my apartment in 2019.
Listened to this for the first time (having not reread it in years) and I forgot SO MUCH. Cannot wait for the mini-series!!! (Anything will be better than the movie, right?!?!?)
This thriller was great for this overcast/foggy week! (Even if the twist wasn‘t very twisty.)
Hallows vs. horcruxes, indeed.
Flew through this while cleaning this weekend. It‘s just a sad, thrilling dash to the end at this point.
I have about 14 days to get through both this AND Deathly Hallows on audio!! Let‘s do it! (Also this MIGHT be my fave of the Pottermore covers, even though I love them and their negative space all equally. ;) )
Even though Chamber of Secrets is my least favorite book, I find Order to be the hardest one to get through. So much miscommunication, so many bad assumptions and missed opportunities. I love it but it makes my heart hurt.
Started this audio a few days ago - it‘s the longest of the series, clocking in at 27 hours - and I‘ll be listening constantly because both HBP and DH audio books just came in for me. It‘s a Potter-palooza! (Also, yay Luna!)
Finished the audio a few days ago. This book always flies (no pun intended) for me. I could read forever about the Quidditch World Cup and wish we had heard more about Durmstrang and Beauxbaton!
Both this audio AND Order of the Phoenix audio just came in from being on hold so we are DOING THIS.