Just finished this one. I loved this duology and I giggled at this joke. I‘m a sucker for bad jokes. #daughterofthepirateking #daughterofthesirenqueen #library #hardcover #pirates #quotes #badjokes
Just finished this one. I loved this duology and I giggled at this joke. I‘m a sucker for bad jokes. #daughterofthepirateking #daughterofthesirenqueen #library #hardcover #pirates #quotes #badjokes
Happy New Year 🎉!!!!
And Here it is, my top books of 2019 tower! It was such a great reading year.
#topbooksof2019 #booktower #booklover #bookstack #stories #bookspines #favoritebooksof2019 #2020
Started this tonight. That was one hell of an action-packed first chapter! 😍
#yafantasy #highfantasy #daughterofthepirateking #daughterofthesirenqueen
🌊 QOTD: What was your last 5 star read?
🌊 I finally got Daughter of the Siren Queen and I am WAY to excited about it! I loved DotPK and I'm so ready to dive into this book!
✨I haven‘t read a lot of books with pirates in it. #daughterofthepirateking by #tricialevenseller sounds very intriguing and adventurous. QOTD: Do you have any book recommendations that feature pirates?✨
🐳 QOTD: What is a book you could reread a million times and never find old?
🐳 AOTD: I don't really have one, sadly. I actually don't reread books that often.
🐳 I can't wait to read Daughter of the Siren Queen! It's st home waiting for me. I just have to get there! That is, after I finish my current read of Obsidio. 😉
Forgot to post this but this is what my boyfriend got me for Valentine‘s Day ❤️ I‘ve been asking for Coraline for months now. And he had heard that I wanted a book that had pirates in the title so he haaaad to buy it for me because “I need more pirates in my life.” Then he bought me some pop figures, I think he‘s trying to complete my Stranger Things collection ❤️ #DaughterofthePirateKing #Coraline #StrangerThings
Just finished #DaughterOfThePirateKing , now onto #Caraval 😍
Amazing and a must read! I can't wait for the second book. 😭 It's so good.
#daughterofthepirateking #pirates #yalit #yalovin #fantasy
#24in48 asked us for the recent challenge to pick the “first words” of one of our books that we like best. This one made me laugh 😂😂~ can‘t wait to start #daughterofthepirateking here in a bit @24in48
#book #books #bookshelf #bookblog #literature #bookworm #bookish #read #reading #reader #bookblogger #becauseofreading #readathon