Just can‘t get into this like I did Wicked. Something is just not hitting the same. Has anyone felt the same? Read the others? Maybe I skip this one and go to the next?
##wicked #sonofawitch #dnf
Just can‘t get into this like I did Wicked. Something is just not hitting the same. Has anyone felt the same? Read the others? Maybe I skip this one and go to the next?
##wicked #sonofawitch #dnf
This just didn‘t fulfill its potential, in my opinion, and I feel like 40% through is a fair shake. The characters felt really surface-level, and the situations were more silly than entertaining. The book felt more like a series of loosely connected short stories that weren‘t that great — this may be a translation issue, or maybe this one just isn‘t for me. There are just a lot of books I‘d rather be reading.
#dnf #hailthebail
4 chapters in and I couldn‘t do this anymore. This is just a giant string of quotes followed by rubbish. Shakespeare wasn‘t a genius because he learned to write and got better at it as he did it, and because one hit wonders are geniuses? 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻
Only 44 pages in & It just does nothing for me. #hailthebail #DNF #TBR
This as a weird book but I was honestly intrigued by all the different POvs and how they were connected. I also loved the weirdest of hell. Things started getting kind of too weird for me halfway through and I realized this just wasn‘t for me. #dnf
Idk, why I thought I would actively want to read this. I really have not found many historical books that I truly enjoy and can get invested in. Even with the fantastical subplot, I just didn‘t care. Honestly, I think this was more a peer pressure thing where I saw so many people loving the book and I gave into the hype. #dnf
I picked this up because I like the title and the author/illustrator's name, Dancing Snail💃🐌
It's a self-help book about depression and fatigue, lots of illustrations to reduce cognitive load in delivering its message. I'm not a great fan of self-help books, but it'll be interesting to see how this one comes across.
Sad to #dnf this, but I just don‘t like it. The characters are not very engaging and just horrible things are happening to the women/female characters which I just don‘t wish to read about anymore. I think I will just jump to the Fitz & the Fool series and pass on the Rainwilds - which is generally disliked. #hailthebail
#roll100 off the tbr and 1st #bookspinbingo
I‘m sorry. I just can‘t bring myself to read another sentence. A lot was promised, none of it was delivered.
#CarolynMcVickarEdwards #TheReturnOfTheLight #unpopularopinion #DNF #bail #couldntdoit