This cosplay you guys...this cosplay. I actually had my picture taken with the Dalek. I HATE having my picture taken. I love it SO MUCH. #connecticon2017 #DoctorWho #Dalek
This cosplay you guys...this cosplay. I actually had my picture taken with the Dalek. I HATE having my picture taken. I love it SO MUCH. #connecticon2017 #DoctorWho #Dalek
I'll admit, the reason I dashed out of the line I was in to take a pic was because I saw the yellow shirt and thought "OMG IT'S A T-REX CAPTAIN KIRK!!" ? I don't watch this show, but I think I would if Marty was a T-Rex. #Connecticon2017
My sister as the 13th Doctor! #DoctorWho #Connecticon2017
YOU GUYZ. This is the Party Istari. MADE MY NIGHT. Look them up on Instagram (thebrotherscosplay) #connecticon2017 #lotr
They cracked us up by yelling "Boom Baby!" when posing ?#connecticon2017
It's Newt, the Niffler and Pickett! Woot! (Pickett will be getting his own post later. So cool!) #Connecticon2017 #fantasticbeasts
Belle at #Connecticon2017! (Excuse the terrible "photoshopping" ?) He walked right into the shot and stopped.