#SeasonsReadings2016 #Charactersonthenaughtylist Trying to catch up!
#SeasonsReadings2016 #Charactersonthenaughtylist Trying to catch up!
#SeasonsReadings2016 Kind of cheating to catch up. Here is my #BookChristmasTree with A Song of Ice and Fire series! Many of the Lannisters are definitely #CharactersOnTheNaughtyList - specifically Tywin and Cersei. Tyrion is naughty in a less evil way!
I'm combining #RedsAndGreens, #CharactersOnTheNaughtyList (Bellatrix LeStrange), and #BookChristmasTree into one post. #SeasonsReadings16
#seasonsreadings2016 #day24 #charactersonthenaughtylist Catching up on my reading challenge & I don't think there are any characters more deserving to be on the naughty list than the de Luce sisters.Flavias sisters,Ophelia & Daphne,are the siblings from hell.They have tied her up,locked her in various rooms & closets,told her she was adopted,convinced her she was the cause of her mothers death & more.They definitely should be on his hit list.🎅🏻
The Weasley twins would probably #charactersonthenaughtylist - in the very best way. ❤😁 #SeasonsReadings2016 @RealLifeReading
#charactersonthenaughtylist #seasonsreadings2016 Gotta get my post in for the day and I'm voting for Mrs. Reed. Hateful woman.
Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays, Litsy!
Today's #seasonsreadings2016 is #charactersonthenaughtylist. Need I say more? Yes...because evil masquerading as and manipulating our bureaucracy is terrifying, and more important than ever to identify and challenge! #harrypotter FTW.
#seasonsreadings2016 #charactersonthenaughtylist
Aggie may be on the naughty list much of a time, but you can bet Santa's still gonna bring her a ton of treats! #dogsoflitsy
Day24 #SeasonsReadings2016 #charactersonthenaughtylist I was doing a comfort listen of Rob Reiner reading the audiobook last night & started thinking about the whole list of naughty characters. Sure, Inigo Montoya & Fezzik redeem themselves by the end-but we can't forget they were kidnappers/murderers for hire w/Vizzini & there's Prince Humperdinck & Count Rugen & even the ROUS in the Fire Swamp probably aren't getting a visit from Santa...🎅🏼