I have definitely #changedmymindabout Shakespeare. I have much more appreciation for him and his plays than I did in high school. #feistyfeb @RealLifeReading #catsoflitsy
I have definitely #changedmymindabout Shakespeare. I have much more appreciation for him and his plays than I did in high school. #feistyfeb @RealLifeReading #catsoflitsy
#FeistyFeb Day 4: #ChangedMyMindAbout
Not this book in particular, but there was a time, about 12 or 13 years ago, when I couldn't imagine reading comics. Certainly they must be inferior to books purely in print?? Ha! What a fool I was. I was converted when someone shoved this book in my hands, and I read graphics constantly now.
Didn't hurt that I started with a masterpiece!
This is a series I #changedmymindabout. I hated the first book when I picked it up in high school, but loved it as an adult! #FeistyFeb
My friend gave me Koontz's Shadowfires in the 80s. I hated it. I thought it was rambling nonsense. Years later I got Dragon Tears and became a Koontz fangirl! I even reread Shadowfires and liked it. #fiestyfeb #changedmymindabout #secondchances
What I thought in my early twenties was sooooo romantic just made mid-thirties me angry.
Aside from the fact that it basically advocates eating disorders, the moral of this shallow tale is "Change yourself for a man." ???
#ChangedYourMindAbout #FeistyFeb
I know it is shocking that I didn't immediately take to Sandman. For some reason I read a cousin's copy of "Fables" before anything else. It was a year or so before I re- started from the beginning. I love it more with every re-read. #changedmymindabout #fiestyfeb #day4 @RealLifeReading
After reading a couple issues of the retooled Archie and the March trilogy, I've #changedmymindabout comics and graphic novels. It took me some time to get into them, and they probably still won't be automatic reads for me but I've learned to appreciate them. #feistyfeb
Definitely my most radical #changedmymindabout. Read this the first time and HATED it (but finished it, oddly enough), listened to it a few years later and adored it. I reread it recently for a book group and still loved it. I would highly recommend listening to the audiobook. #feistyfeb @RealLifeReading
I know I have used this for another prompt recently, but this is a series I #ChangedMyMindAbout
I originally read the first 3 in the series. I enjoyed them, but not enough to continue with the series. I did however keep them. When I reread them a couple of years later I sped through them and NEEDED to know what happened next! 😊
#ChangedYourMindAbout #FeistyFeb
Okay, there are a lot of things I can get on board with. But sparkly vampires? Nope. Can't do it. This will never be a book I've #changedmymindabout. #feistyfeb @RealLifeReading
Sorry if it's an unpopular opinion!