New blog post: Books That Have Changed My Life: A Curated Selection
#athinsliceofanxiety #booksthatchangedmylife #newblogpost
New blog post: Books That Have Changed My Life: A Curated Selection
#athinsliceofanxiety #booksthatchangedmylife #newblogpost
"Don't be afraid to fall apart, because it's an opportunity to rebuild yourself the way you wish you had been all along" - Pema Chodron. To me, this book isn't just for when things fall apart. It's wisdom for every, single, ordinary day ❤ #pemachodron #booksthatchangedmylife
I read this for the first time around the age when You start to understand that people who die don‘t come back😔 This book was a huge comfort and it had an enormous influence on how I feel about death and dying.
Day 1 of #Booksthatchangedmylife
I was nominated by @Joy0201 to share 10 books that changed my life (and made me the reader I am today).
I nominate @petersonks15 to participate (if she wants to).
Last day of books that changed my life. I took a chance on this book in a charity shop & I'm so glad I did! Although it's the second book in the series (the first is Talking to the Dead), Harry Bingham has now become an auto-buy author & introduced me to the psychological crime thriller genre - a new firm favourite!
Today I tag @Bambolina_81
Day 6 of books that changed my life. Yes I know it's another 18th century book but this one led me to my MA dissertation topic and my love of the Gothic genre.
Tagging @TrishB if you'd like to join in.
Day 5 of books that changed my life.
I believe everyone has an order of favourite Jane Austen novels and for me this book is Northanger Abbey (with Sense and Sensibility being a close second - Alan Rickman 😍😢💔) as this book told me I might enjoy the Gothic genre! (I do like it!)
Tagging @Velvetfur
Day 3 of Books that changed my life - Songs of Innocence and of Experience. This selection of poetry is special to me for 2 reasons! 1) It reminds me of my favourite teacher at upper school & 2) because of reason above I ended up writing my BA dissertation on Blake's poetry and this collection of his poems featured quite heavily!
Tagging @Katerina @maich and @kaysworld1
Day 2 of Books that changed my life - I had a choice of three Shakespeare plays, but decided on the one I studied three times at school, & by a coincidence three is a significant number in the play!
Today I tag @DeborahSmall & @Caroline2