"Get clear on whose opinions of you matter" - Brene Brown
#brenebrown #encouragement
"Get clear on whose opinions of you matter" - Brene Brown
#brenebrown #encouragement
When the book you've had on pre-order for months and months finally arrives 📚🤩 #brenebrown #newrelease #daretolead #selfhelpbooks #motivation #transformation #wordsofwisdom #nonfiction
"Don't be afraid to fall apart, because it's an opportunity to rebuild yourself the way you wish you had been all along" - Pema Chodron. To me, this book isn't just for when things fall apart. It's wisdom for every, single, ordinary day ❤ #pemachodron #booksthatchangedmylife
I'm such a sucker for a "selfie". Love taking them. Love looking at them. This is my "recently-read" shelf ❤?☕? #shelfie #spiritual #selfhelp #nonfiction #personalgrowth
When you find some #mariannewilliamson at the secondhand bookshop, for 50c. Winning!
#strongwomen #selfcare #badasswomen #empowerment #selfhelp #inspiration
A light bit of reading 😬 Here's the thing: death scares me. And the recent passing of my stepfather has shaken us. It's easy to think we have all the time in the world to do the stuff we want. But, we just don't. So, instead of planning to do things next year/ next month/next week, do them today 🙋