so much truth on every page 😍🙌🏻 #christian #bible #god #jesus #truth #thegoodnews #romans #allroadsleadtoromans #paultheapostle #booksiwouldtaketoadesertedisland #shedelights #womenintheword
so much truth on every page 😍🙌🏻 #christian #bible #god #jesus #truth #thegoodnews #romans #allroadsleadtoromans #paultheapostle #booksiwouldtaketoadesertedisland #shedelights #womenintheword
And of course Beatriz Williams 💕📚
And I'm a day behind!!
#BooksAcrossOceans #day7 #BooksIWouldTakeToADesertedIsland Instead of books,can I go with authors?These are 6 of my favourite authors,the Harry Potter series,Elizabeth George's Inspector Lynley series,Dame Agatha,Karin Slaughters Grant County & Will Trent series, Anne McCaffrey & Kerry Greenwood are all authors & series I could read over & over again without getting tired of the stories.All fantastic writers and I've just realized, all women!💁🏻
My picks for the #BooksAcrossOceans Challenge | Day 7: #BooksIWouldTakeToADesertedIsland 🌺
I chose a good mixture of 1️⃣mysteries/thrillers I haven't read to pass the time, 2️⃣books that will make me feel good (Backman), 3️⃣books that will make me think (The Hate U Give and Everything I Never Told You), 4️⃣a book that makes me laugh (Confessions of a Domestic Failure), and 5️⃣ an old favorite to make me feel at home (To Kill a Mocking Bird).