I'm a little late with this, but:
Primrose Day
Emily of New Moon
Gone With the Wind
Girl of the Limberlost
Years of Grace
#booknames #bookname
I'm a little late with this, but:
Primrose Day
Emily of New Moon
Gone With the Wind
Girl of the Limberlost
Years of Grace
#booknames #bookname
E - Everything You Want Me To Be
L - Love and Other. Consolation Prizes
I - It Girls (The)
Z - Zelda - I haven‘t read this book, but couldn‘t find one I read that started with a Z.
A - A Dangerous Crossing
B - Bookshop at Water‘s End
E - English Wife (The)
T - Trust (The)
H - Hello Sunshine
These aren‘t my absolute favorites, but they are ones I enjoyed.
Fun game....glad I gave it a go. THANKS, for the tip about using Goodreads, @MeganAnn
H— Hex
E— Exploring JRR Tolkien‘s The Hobbit
A— A Wrinkle in Time
T— To Kill a Mockingbird
H— Hobbit (The)
E— Eternal Kiss of Darkness
R— Red Prophet
This was hard! I would have liked to have spent days coming up with my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE for each letter, but I only had ten minutes!😝
L - Lilac Girls
I - Interview with a Vampire
S -Station Eleven
A - A Discovery of Witches
This wasn‘t as easy as it looked. 😀Too many choices.
This was harder than I thought it‘d be!
L - Little Women
E - Essex County
S - Saga
L - Let‘s Pretend This Never Happened
E - Every Heart a Doorway
Y - You‘re Never Weird on the Internet
I‘ll tag the books in the comments. Thanks @ScorpioBookDreams for starting this fun activity!
#booknames. Such a cute prompt!! @ScorpioBookDreams
J Jumper cable
E The Expected One
N Night Sister
N The Nightingale
I Irish Born
F Family Album
E Echoes of Titanic
R The Roanoke Girls
Thanks again for the tag @ScorpioBookDreams ! Here are my #booknames
These were all 4 or 5 stars for me
J was the hardest! I have no books listed on goodreads that began with J so had to go back to my schooldays!
I tag anyone who hasn't done it yet!
Jane Eyre
So Much For That
Swimming Lessons
Idiot, The
Converstions With Friends
All Grown Up
It took me forever to come up with favorites for each letter. These were all five star reads for me and all books I've read numerous times! I'll tag them in the comments.
M - Memoirs of a Geisha
E - Ender's Game
G - Guilty Pleasures
A - Angelology
N - (the) Night Circus
#booknames #bookname
This was HARD, which is why I'm doing it so long after everyone else. My name needs better letters.
M - Mélusine - Monette
E - Echo - Ryan
M - (The) Mistress - Reisz
O - Overture - Gaiman, Williams, & Stewart
R - (The) Raven King - Stiefvater
Y - Yotsuba&! - Azuma
OVERTURE's sort of cheating since I'm pretty sure it's officially called THE SANDMAN OVERTURE, not THE SANDMAN: OVERTURE, but I've made my peace with it. #booknames
J-Joy Luck Club
E-Epic of Gilgamesh
N-Not So Quiet
N-Nevermore series
I-I Love You Stinky Face
F-Fahrenheit 451
E-Esperanza Rising
R-Resraurant At the End of the Universe
@Cupofjo I finally finished it!
#booknames #bookname