Thank you all to participate in #bookishspring2017 challenge. Today I choose 2 winners. @Lcsmcat and @Lizpixie wrote mi email knjigoljubkamaja@gmail.com and choose one ebook from this post. Congratulations! 😊☺
Thank you all to participate in #bookishspring2017 challenge. Today I choose 2 winners. @Lcsmcat and @Lizpixie wrote mi email knjigoljubkamaja@gmail.com and choose one ebook from this post. Congratulations! 😊☺
It's the last day of March and the last day of our challenge. Thank you all for your participation.😍💝 It was great, excellend and creative. And I really enjoyed in this challenge. Winners will be announced in the next few days.☺😊❤
#bookishspring2017 Favourite read of the month
-Carve the mark
-The great Gatsby
#carvethemark #veronicaroth #thegreatgatsby #fscotfitzgerald #bookchallenge #springreads #bestofmarch #booksandflowers #outside
March reads: 9 books - 3 on Kindle, 1 audiobook, and 5 "real" books ?
Cat's Eye, Room, and Private Life were my #bestofmarch #favoritereadofthemonth. #marchintoreading #bookishspring2017 @RealLifeReading @maich
#bookishspring2017 The main character who playes the guitar
I haven't read that book. But in Wintersong play flaute, violin and piano. 🎻🎹🎵🎶🎼
#wintersong #sjaejones #fantasy #paranormalromance #ebook #orchid #whiteorchid #bookandflower #bookworm #booklover #bookaddick
Do more than just exist. Read books.📚❤😍
#bookishspring2017 Stay sassy!
#divergent #insurgent #allegiant #veronicaroth #slovenianedition #myfavourite #books #snowdrops #bookandflowers #flowerlover #bookworm #bookaddict #ilovebooks
Little things make the worth living.😊❤💝
There is a beautiful tag #brightenedmyday when you tagged some of lovely people who brighten your day.💗 I tag @CrowCAH @Ancchy and @Matejchi
#bookishspring2017 cuddling with books (bad days)
I currently reading The girl with all the gifts.
#thegirlwithallthegifts #mrcarey #scifi #openbook #bookandglasses #glasses #bookworm #booklover #bookaddicted
Those who do not believe in magic will never find it. 😊💫
#bookishspring2017 Book publish this year
#carvethemark #veronicaroth #scifi #fantasy #flower #bookandflower #floverlover #bookworm #booklover #bookaddict
I finished this last night, in time to be my #titlestartswiththeletterp for #bookishspring2017. It's a quiet novel, in spite of the many historic events its protagonist lives through. But give it the time it deserves and it packs a wallop. Heartbreakingly beautiful, or just heartbreaking? I'm still not sure. @maich
These two books are recommendation by my sister. Do you already read it? 📚😊
#bookishspring2017 Tittle start with the letter P
#theprojectrosie #therosieeffect #dontillman #graemesimsion #slovenianedition #books #snowdrops #flower #bookandflower #flowerlover #bookaddict #bookworm
Yes, I really do need all these books. 😍😊📚❤
#bookishspring2017 Pastel books
#spring #springishere #pastelbooks #frommyshelf #somanybooks #ilovebooks #booklover #bookworm #bookaddict #bookaholic #bookalicious