1. Ravenclaw
2. In high school but not college
3. Rebecca
4. The Good Earth
5. The Last Unicorn
1. Ravenclaw
2. In high school but not college
3. Rebecca
4. The Good Earth
5. The Last Unicorn
1. Ravenclaw
2. Yes
3. The Great Gatsby, The Scarlet Letter, The Catcher In The Rye
4. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
5. 1984
1) I‘d make for an irresponsible wizard. So clearly, Hufflepuff is my house.
2) If by reading the required readings, you mean go to sparknotes, yes. Ain‘t no way I could read The Canterbury Tales. It‘s impossible!
3) Probably Lord of the Flies in 12th grade
4) Winesburg, Ohio in American Lit II
5) I dunno. As I‘ve gotten older, I realized that English classes did nothing but suck the fun out of reading.
@Mandigolightly #book2school
1. Never got formally sorted on Pottermore, but did it in a livejournal group back in the day. Ended up in Ravenclaw but was close to being Gryffindor
2. Pretty much
3. Pride and Prejudice
4. Hm…Catch-22? I was super lost with that one 😂
5. To Kill a Mockingbird. Maybe if I had I wouldn‘t be almost 30 and haven‘t read such a classic
1. Ravenclaw
2. Yes
3. I Know When The Caged Bird Sings
4. Julius Cesar
5. Lord of the Rings
@Mandigolightly #Book2School
1) Hufflepuff for the win 🖤💛🖤💛
2) The vast majority of the time I would
3) The Alchemist
4) The Great Gatsby (I know, I know but god I hate this book and the two movie adaptations so much!)
5) The Hitch Hiker‘s Guide to the Galaxy (its a really weird and quirky book that‘s short but I think it might have helped some people get into reading)
@Mandigolightly #book2school #UMN #NMU #LaneTech #schoolpride #hufflepuff #mpls #twincities
1. Ravenclaw, though Pottermore lost my sorting hat results after a few years and reassigned me to Gryffindor 😱
2. Yes, I was (am) a huge nerd. Even got the top student in English prize in my HS class of 600 😂
3. The Poisonwood Bible. And Shakespeare. In college, A Room of One's Own.
4. 1000 Acres by Jane Smiley. Also I hated the Monas ed of Crime and Punishment (summer reading😵).
5. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest or Shakespeare history plays