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Gallant | V E Schwab
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The Starless Sea | Erin Morgenstern
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Look at this beauty. I can't help myself from staring at it. The keychain is cute, it came with the signed book.
#newrelease #newin #beautifulbook


KT1432 I love when hardbacks have a beautiful design under the dust cover 😍 5y
UwannaPublishme 😍🙌🏻 5y
fleeting Love the keychain!! Jealous! 5y
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Nute I am running to my bookcase right now to see if that loveliness is under my book‘s dust jacket! 5y
Lollymya Is this one good??? It‘s popping up everywhere!!! 4y
sharread Yes! I loved it. The writing style too awhile to get used since there is different books within one. Definitely high fantasy. 💖💕💗 4y
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Best-Loved Fairy Tales | Hans Christian Andersen
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Circe | Madeline Miller
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Finally received my copy in the mail! This book is so gorgeous I can't wait to read it! I love her last book #TheSongsOfAchilles so much I hope this one lives up to its hype too. A retelling of Greek Mythology sounds too good to pass.

#Mythology #GreekGod #GreekMythology #retelling #Gorgeouscover #BeautifulBook #booknerd #bookworm

WanderingBookaneer Lovely cover! 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I love this cover!!! 🧡🖤🧡🖤🧡🖤 6y
LitLogophile What a great edition! 6y
BooknerdsLife @WanderingBookaneer @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @LitLogophile Thank you! It's even more gorgeous underneath that dust jacket!! 😃 I can't wait to start reading it! 6y
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Circe | Madeline Miller
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How on earth could I say no to this beautiful cover? Not to mention I loved The Song of Achilles so I have no doubt this book will be just as amazing 👌🏼

#circe #madelinemiller #beautifulbook #beautifulcover

Meeko93 6y
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False Lights | K.J. Whittaker
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Today I went charity store trawling for books with my little one whilst popping out for this months History Magazine. I found almost like new hardbacks of False Lights, The Dark Half and Needful Things and I‘m very impressed. I‘m particularly excited for False Lights because it‘s beautiful and I‘ve been after it forever. #hardbacks #beautifulbook #bookish #bibliophile #booklover #bookblogger #historicalfiction #horror #king #stephenking #history

TrishB Great finds👍🏻 6y
Sophoclessweetheart @TrishB Thank you Trish. 💛👌🏻 6y
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Tapestry of War | Jane MacKenzie
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It looks so bright and sunny out and I want to sit in the garden and read.... but it‘s all lies, it‘s freezing out there! And with more snow expected next week! Can we just have summer yet? My current read is set in Egypt and the sunny beaches are making me feel a little warmer and brighter but, it would be much more fun outside! #arc #currentread #bookish #prettybook #beautifulbook #bibliophile #bookblogger

ju.ca.no Lovely bookmark! 6y
alisiakae The sun can be so deceiving on cold days! 6y
BookishBelle When that happens it always reminds me of the BNL song lyric “It‘s colder than it looks outside...” 6y
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Sophoclessweetheart @ju.ca.no Thank you so much, my friend made it x 6y
Sophoclessweetheart @4thhouseontheleft I know right? Damn English weather hah xx 6y
Sophoclessweetheart @BookishBelle I don‘t know that one but I‘d definitely agree 😹 6y
catebutler I keep thinking spring is almost here and then it snows again. It‘s currently pouring outside, which means it will turn to snow again.... here‘s to warm weather hopefully around the corner! 🤞🏼 6y
Sophoclessweetheart @catebutler fingers crossed 🤞 We Have more snow predicted for next week but I am so over winter now and it‘s usually my favourite season 😅 6y
catebutler @Wanderingwithwords I normally dread winter, but I‘ve been trying to be better about embracing the seasons. We had a relatively mild winter this year, which was nice, but I do hate when it snows heavily, everything just shuts down. Spring is one of my favourite seasons, so I‘ve been watching for the signs. Hopefully the snow won‘t be too bad for you this next week! 6y
Sophoclessweetheart @catebutler We‘ve had a mild winter too which was a nice change. I love the snow so getting some was nice but it‘s getting crazy now. 😹😹 6y
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Tapestry of War | Jane MacKenzie
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I‘m currently suffering “women‘s problems” so I‘m snuggling in a ball with my current read, buying masses of WWII fiction/nonfiction online and waiting for my new clothes to arrive. I justify my actions by buying my daughter new clothes and books too, it‘s not unjust spending if we both get treats, right? #historicalfiction #WorldWar #arc #allisonandbusby #currentread #prettybook #bibliophile #bookish #beautifulbook

TrishB Sounds perfectly acceptable to me 👍🏻 6y
Sophoclessweetheart @TrishB Wonderful. I like how you think 😘😹💛 6y
laurieluna Yep! Retail therapy is the best during times like this! 😊 6y
Sophoclessweetheart @miralunasbooknook Definitely so! I feel much better knowing I have fresh new clothes and books 🤣💛 6y
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Tapestry of War | Jane MacKenzie
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Another ARC for my next read, this one a historical fiction from Allison and Busby. It hits stores April 19th 2018. This one is one of my anticipated releases for this year so I‘m honoured and grateful to be able to read it early. It is of course Tapestry of War by Jane MacKenzie, is this on your radar? #historicalfiction #prettybook #bookish #bibliophile #bookworm #beautifulbook #bookmark #WWII #allisonandbusby #arc

somebooksaround 🙌🙌 7y
catebutler This sounds great! I‘ll definitely keep my eye out for this one! 7y
Sophoclessweetheart @catebutler It sounds wonderfully good. X 6y
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