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Wow. Never thought I‘d see a man believe this, let alone write it down. To think, this was written in 1959. That‘s just impressive.
#GrantlyDickRead #ChildbirthWithoutFear #childbirth #battleofthesexes #meninthe1950s

Texreader Yes impressive 6y
GingerAntics @Texreader we need more men who recognise this, if nothing else. 6y
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Megabooks Wow! 6y
GingerAntics @Megabooks right? I didn‘t know there was a man capable of admitting he had weaknesses, or that women had those things as strengths. 6y
Bookwomble Our current crop of politicians notwithstanding, despite appearances we're not all complete arseholes! 😉 6y
GingerAntics @Bookwomble I can agree with that! Sadly, you‘re also not even distributed. It‘s probably safer for you guys in numbers and all. 6y
readinginthedark My husband is one of these. He has been so amazing through both of my pregnancies and child births and after, always asking and never assuming he knows how it is or how to parent. We learn by being open with each other. This world could do with more of that. 6y
GingerAntics @readinginthedark I completely agree 6y
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So true in every way. I also tend to think this is true the other way round.
#caitlinmathews #thecelticspirit #mysterious #battleofthesexes #women #men #truth

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Yeah, and women have always been the problem. 🤦🏼‍♀️ Comes on, guys, really? I can‘t even.
#battleofthesexes #excuseme #icantwiththisguy #adamandeve #stephengreenblatt

“Adam tried out what would become known as beastiality, it wasn‘t for him. Thus he made it taboo and asked for a woman.” 🤦🏼‍♀️

julesG For real? 6y
GingerAntics @julesG for real. Apparently this was a common theory in some circles. No idea. Leave it to a man. “Hey, I‘m bored. That thing doesn‘t seem to be doing anything, I wonder if I can have sex with it. Oh, no? Yeah, no. Oh well. Worth a shot.” 🤷🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🥃 (edited) 6y
julesG 😂😂😂😂 6y
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Exbrarian Wait? I‘m no theologian, but wasn‘t sin “created” because of Eve and the forbidden fruit? I mean, where did the desire come from pre-Eve and the realization that she was a fruit eating hottie? 6y
GingerAntics @Exbrarian that‘s actually what this whole book is about. It‘s all this man made thing. Son didn‘t exist until humans realised that some people where arseholes. 🤷🏼‍♀️ “Fruit eating hottie” 🤣😂🤣 Either I‘ve gone slap happy from lack of sleep or the whole conversation on this book has just gone straight to the point. This whole thing has been taken t absurd levels and now it‘s just funny. 6y
Weaponxgirl 😂 this book has just given the best discussions. Every time I find a new quote and discussion whilst scrolling I get excited 6y
GingerAntics @Weaponxgirl oh there are some doozies. I have no idea how some of this stuff was taken so far and no one thought, “hey, this is not sane.” 6y
Weaponxgirl @GingerAntics are we talking the subject of the book or discussions? 6y
GingerAntics @Weaponxgirl neither, it‘s more the theories people have had about the story of Adam and Eve that are covered in the book. Beastiality, hermaphrodites, no genitalia, god is the good guy, god is the bad guy, satan‘s the good guy, Satan‘s the bad guy, Eve is the bad guy, Adam is a victim, Adam is a willing participant, Adam is clueless and stupid, Adam is a genius, Eve is an evil mastermind, Eve is flighty, talkative, and knows nothing... 6y
GingerAntics @Weaponxgirl (takes deep breath) it‘s human history, it‘s allegory, it‘s human history but only the history of the Hebrews, Adam and Eve were one person cut in two thus also explaining why people wanted to get married, Adam and Ever were blind, Adam and Eve were human shaped beings of light, there was a sex in the garden, there was no sex in the garden, there was passionate sex in the garden... 6y
Weaponxgirl @GingerAntics it is all insane isn‘t it? Was Lilith mentioned in the book at all. When I heard about her as a teenage goth my heart just went tell me more. 6y
GingerAntics @Weaponxgirl (takes another deep breath) there was sex that was not exciting or passionate at all that everyone watched because it wasn‘t anything different than having a conversation, they had kids in the garden, they had kids after the garden, the garden is America, the garden is in Africa... and that‘s just what‘s on this bloody book!!! I‘m sure there is more (and some I forgot at the moment). 6y
GingerAntics @Weaponxgirl only briefly, in passing really. I‘ve never heard much about her so I was kind of hoping he‘d go there, but it also wasn‘t really part of where he was going with the book so I guess he didn‘t need to go there. He could have but it wasn‘t going to add or detract from his overall point. 6y
Weaponxgirl @GingerAntics I thought that might be the case. It‘s more a I like hearing about her kinda thing. 6y
GingerAntics @Weaponxgirl if it was my area, I‘d probably go in search of a book on her. Maybe I will still. 6y
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The Beauty Myth | Naomi Wolf
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For 32 years I‘ve been asks why I can‘t be more like “they boys” in my family (by the women in my family). Gee, I don‘t know why. I didn‘t almost flunk out of college. I have a masters degree (2/3 of the boys barely graduated with a bachelors). Somehow, both of those boys can afford an apartment, frequent road trips, etc. I can‘t afford permanent housing and I can‘t get a full time job (possibly because I can‘t afford to buy a skirt).

GingerAntics Gee, I wonder why?! 🙄 I‘m sick of blaming myself for not being as “successful” as “the boys.” They can all kiss mine. I‘m smarter than the lot (for all that will ever get me). #thebeautymyth #naomiwolf #battleofthesexes 6y
julesG Same here. It's infuriating. 6y
GingerAntics @julesG oh my god, you‘re the first person to ever say they were compared to boys before. 🤦🏼‍♀️ I knew other girls who were compared to older sisters, and I‘ve had people say “that‘s horrible/stupid/ridiculous”, but I‘ve never known anyone else who was treated the same way!!! Oh I love Litsy. Sorry we‘re in this sad little club, though. 🙄 6y
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julesG Going to a school with 90% male schoolkids did that. Also, although things were outwardly equal rights for every gender, growing up in the GDR still meant being compared. I just told my son that I competed in 100m sprints against the boys - made me the fastest girl and I'm still happy about this decision. But, how often have I heard: look what he achieved and you're stuck in your small flat,... He's making the big money, and you? 6y
GingerAntics @julesG I want to punch those people in the face. “All tings beings equal,” that wouldn‘t be the case, but all things are not equal. Men are still valued higher than women for the exact same bloody job. 🙄 6y
AlaSkaat In my family it is women who are seen as the 'bigger ones', even if one stays at home with kids with little money while her brothers makes thousands overseas. The success of one is not measured by money or education even, but by character. And even though we are equals, most men in my family/culture respect women for who they are and what they do - for themselves, them and the world. 6y
AlaSkaat They supported me through all my choices and the only reason they 'laughed' at my goals is because 'I'm too lazy to ever do anything.' And I can't even blame them for 😂😂 6y
AlaSkaat But when it comes to others- strangers, friends or even teachers, I have been shown less respect in that area. They always talk how I will never make as much money as them or someone-a man- they know. And often try to make me give it up because 'you just can't do it.' And not only that, but they never listen to anything I say because 'what can you know?' 6y
julesG @GingerAntics - even with equal pay, how often I didn't get a job I applied for although I had the same or better qualifications and a guy got it. 🙈🙈🙈 6y
GingerAntics @julesG oh yeah, been there done that. 🙄 @OleAnder oh I get that even from my mother (one of the two women who did this to me as a child). I get pissed and say “you‘re right. I wasted 3 years of my life getting a masters.” And she goes “I didn‘t know you knew that. How was I supposed to know?” Oh I don‘t know, BECAUSE I HAVE A MASTERS DEGREE IN THAT!!! 🤦🏼‍♀️ It‘s amazing how so much of this is propagated by OTHER women. 6y
julesG @OleAnder Gah! Talking people down is so annoying and infuriating. 6y
AlaSkaat @GingerAntics Oh, this is so true. If there is anything in life I hate most, it is ignorance. I can no longer listen to them. Before I would have agreed, either to end the argument or bcs my confidence was low. But now? Neither a man nor a women will say anything like this to me. I'll walk away without a glance or I will tell them straight, which ALWAYS shuts them up. It's so hard when it comes from someone who should support you most-family. 😑 6y
AlaSkaat @julesG And it always comes from those who never had to try-things were always given to them. Or from those who never will try-those who still do nothing and are happy with it. I hate, hate, hate it! 6y
GingerAntics @julesG @OleAnder exactly!!! Yes I have boobs, but I also have a brain. 🧠 Thank you very much. I stopped following ginger/redhead IG pages because ultimately they were just “hot gingers” in their underwear. “Oh look at these ‘exotic‘ women for you to ogle.” 🙄💥🔫🤦🏼‍♀️🥃 6y
AlaSkaat @GingerAntics I noticed that redheads have become some kind of 'fantasy' to people. When they look at them, all they see is that fantasy and not a person. Goes back to how people looked at blondes as stupid. Although that still haven't changed much. 6y
julesG Wonder what that makes me? My "hormones" turned me from a blond girl into a strawberry teen and now I'm a greying brunette mum. - - - IG is so much "Photoshop" and so little reality. I follow a few yoga teachers, but it's hard to find some that do not just do splits in bikinis. 6y
GingerAntics @julesG right? Even body positive accounts turn ugly fast. Sheesh. Yeah, I really don‘t like IG, especially when it comes to body image/nutrition/reality stuff. 6y
GingerAntics @julesG it makes you a badass mum!!! That‘s what it makes you. You‘ve dealt with lunatic toddlers and survived. You‘ll survive them as lunatic teenagers, and then you‘ll be a badass mother of adults who will get to kick back and laugh when your own kids try to survive their lunatic children. It‘s free entertainment, really. 😏😂 6y
julesG Looking forward to the entertainment. 😉 6y
GingerAntics @julesG 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 6y
GingerAntics @julesG @OleAnder In related news, just saw a commercial that was going on about how “90% of women don‘t have a lip care routine.” PROBABLY BECAUSE THEY DON‘T NEED ONE!!! 🤦🏼‍♀️ Put stuff on when they‘re chapped or it‘s windy, don‘t when they are or it is not. THE END!!! 🤦🏼‍♀️ Every commercial because BS when you read this book. 6y
AlaSkaat @GingerAntics Lol, I haven't yet read this but I already add my own comments when I watch tv, be it commercials, films, or series. I watch and end up criticising. I not only see the problem with this but with soo much more. There's been many times I have thrown my hands in frustration and left the room bcs gosh!! Also irl. I lost my tolerance. Completely. I just can't deal with so much crap! 6y
GingerAntics @OleAnder it‘s amazing to realise just how much we have quietly accepted as “just how it is.” I like this knowing thing. I like this “I‘m not taking this BS anymore” thing!!! 6y
AlaSkaat @GingerAntics Verrry true. Although I hate it. It was actually easier to live with a blindfold on my eyes. Now I can barely talk to anyone without getting frustrated!! 😂 6y
GingerAntics @OleAnder there is that, sadly. 6y
julesG @OleAnder Wish more people saw the problems/crap. I get frustrated so often and people around me don't care, don't get the point why I care. 6y
GingerAntics @julesG I know that feeling. “Why are you so angry?” “Why are you so upset?” “Boys will be boys.” “It‘s not that big of a deal.” 🙄 but it is. Why are we accepting this as how it is? If we all said no, it wouldn‘t be this way. Although, I have a feeling it‘s because we are all really freakin hungry. 6y
AlaSkaat @julesG @GingerAntics Unfortunately people don't like the truth. They just throw it aside. But I still think that if you just live true to yourself, it doesn't really matter what others do because it won't have much of an impact on you or your life. I stand strong by my values and beliefs and most people (the ignorant ones) stay away lol 6y
GingerAntics @OleAnder I‘ll agree with people not knowing the truth. Especially at the moment. English has a new term since 2016... “post-truth.” 🙄 6y
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3 AM Epiphany | Brian Kiteley
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Reading up on writing women and men, and this was an interesting little tidbit.
#creativewriting #briankiteley #3amepiphany #battleofthesexes

maggie_azevedo Wow, very interesting. 6y
GingerAntics @maggie_azevedo who knew? 🤷🏼‍♀️ 6y
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No Talking | Andrew Clements
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#battleofthesexes and this challenge is almost complete. Just tomorrow to go. 🤓. bTW LOVE this BOOK. The kids decide who can go the longest without talking. Even the story game they play is awesome. Read it. You deserve it.

jmtrivera I read this to a class I had once and they decided to play that game all day. It was amazing! I love this author! 7y
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The Chemist | Stephenie Meyer
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#SpookyOctober #BattleOfTheSexes
Julia and Kevin certainly lock horns in this book 😤


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He Said / She Said | Erin Kelly
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#BattleoftheSexes 👫 #SpookyOctober 👻 #HeSaidSheSaid by #ErinKelly - While at a festival with Kit, Laura interrupts a man and a woman. She sees something terrible. The man denies it. It is her word against his. The woman seems grateful. Months later, she turns up on their doorstep like a lonely stray. But as her gratitude takes a twisted turn, Laura begins to wonder—did she trust the wrong person? 15 years later the truth catches up to them. #TBR

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Cathythoughts Nice one ❤️👍 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Cathythoughts thanks!!! Had it for years! Got it at the suggestion of one of my ex boyfriends.. needless to say I never read it!!! 🤣😂 7y
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#battleofthesexes! Because Eve is determined to be a better spy than any man. This was a really fun book, recommended to me by Littens so I could fulfill #letterQ for #LitsyAtoZ. It was very gripping bc very plot-based and I listened to the audiobook in 2 days. More of a fun book than a good book due to some character/plot deficiencies imo, but overlookable for a fun time, definitely. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ #spookyoctober

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