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I was so hoping I would finally make it through a book that was meant to be read over the course of the year. I‘ve had this book for almost three years now. In fact, if I kept reading for one more month I would have officially read every entry once, if not necessarily in a single year. But the 7 June entry brought me to a screeching halt. 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻

GingerAntics It was supposed to be talking about not being violent which is commendable and a discussion that should be ongoing for people of all ages. Instead, it blamed abuse victims for their abuse and claimed that really, as humans, we can‘t help but be violent. Excuse me? 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 (edited) 6y
GingerAntics “Violence initially stems from the thwarting of our will or desire; it is an instinctive lashing out against things we do not like. It‘s containment is made possible by mature self control and patience. Sudden outbursts of domestic violence are usually triggered by a succession of irritations that have built up until they are unbearable.” This is the most ridiculous response to domestic violence I have ever heard. 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 6y
GingerAntics Up to this point I had a few things about this book that annoyed me (although I never had to contain a violent outburst), but this is the breaking point. This goes beyond annoying me. This angers me. This is easily triggering. This is disgusting. I have no patience for bull Shite like this. I have no time for idiocy like this. I still don‘t have to control any violent reaction, so there‘s her whole theory out the window right there. 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 6y
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GingerAntics There is nothing mature about my reaction to this passage. My reaction to this passage is as instinctual as it gets, and here it is: I am done with this book and I will not be reading anything else by this author or her husband. I will not be contributing to the upkeep of this author in any way, shape, or form. Good riddance to bad rubbish as they say. #CaitlinMatthews #TheCelticSpirit #rubbish #nothappening #wtf 6y
Eggbeater Wow! Wtf? I can't even. How are you supposed to use that to meditate? 6y
GingerAntics @Chrissyreadit I‘m going to have to rescind my precious recommendation. I do not recommend this book for any person. I‘m not sure where this particular entry came from, but one sentence ended my enjoyment and love affair with this book. It is going in the trash, literally. I honestly don‘t want this book ending up in someone else‘s hands. I want it to end up in a refuse pile at a landfill where it belongs. 6y
GingerAntics @Eggbeater no idea. None at all. The meditation was supposed to be on recognising our own violent tendencies and how to avoid them (nonviolence I think? 🤷🏼‍♀️), but totally failed at that. I don‘t know how someone could possibly meditate on anything after that. It took me over an hour to settle down after that and meditate. It‘s disgusting. 6y
Bklover I will most definitely avoid this! Thanks for the warning! 6y
Chrissyreadit Yes this is wacky- I wonder where it came from? This is the second time in a week that a book has blamed the victim for domestic abuse. I can‘t help but wonder if it is poor wording or an actual inappropriate response. Meaning that no one is responsible for someone‘s violence against them, but we are responsible for our own anger/aggression(normal stuff not abuse)and abusers are responsible for abusive action. 6y
Chrissyreadit On a second personal rant I had a teen client explain to me that feminism is angry women hating on men- and her google search had three posts stating that!!! When will women stop being treated this way???? 6y
Weaponxgirl @Chrissyreadit omg! I‘d be so frustrated if I was you and it would take all my restraint not to say well this angry woman is about to start hating on your opinion in a min. 6y
Weaponxgirl Good on ya, no point reading books that actually go against our values 6y
GingerAntics @Chrissyreadit that‘s what I thought might be happening. That‘s why I posted the quote so someone would hopefully comment and say “I think it might actually be this...” but absolutely NO ONE saw anything else in it all. 6y
GingerAntics @Chrissyreadit I just read an article about that yesterday. It‘s this thing by this angry group of men who believe women are forcing them to be celibate. Racism and sexism and violent language are rampant. They‘ve brought matrix pills into it, black pill and rape pill to be specific. It‘s pretty messed up. It‘s amazing the number of social media accounts that boldly proclaim that feminists are just angry women who hate men or feminazis or fembots. 6y
GingerAntics @Chrissyreadit it‘s terrible. Apparently, sociologically, it‘s men (and an amazing number of young men) who don‘t like the status quo being disrupted. Apparently every social movement has its backlash and this is the backlash to female empowerment. Unfortunately they are now being targeted by far-right extremists and politicised. It was a long article, but it was truly eye opening. 6y
GingerAntics @Bklover you‘re more then welcome. I was totally prepared to recommend this thing to everyone, then bam. So weird. 6y
GingerAntics @Weaponxgirl I want to understand other perspectives for a lot of things, but this is not one of those things. This is a black and white matter that really only has one answer. I hope for the sake of the people around this women it is just poor word choice and she doesn‘t really think this, but I‘m not about to stick around to find out. 6y
Weaponxgirl @GingerAntics I‘m the same, I like to have my thoughts challenged but I have cut off points. Help me see things in a new way but some things are just harmful and wrong and I‘m not going to support anyone expressing those views. 6y
Weaponxgirl Are we talking about incels? And how they are still often classed as lone wolves and not domestic terrorists when they commit violence. Yet black lives matters and antifa will get called terrorists by certain people in power. 6y
Chrissyreadit @GingerAntics the status quo is scary. I‘ve heard recently that women will be the last to have true equality. When intersectionality is added that is just an insane concept of the way humans are valued. I‘m also struggling to stay hopeful in a country whose ideals I believed in until I learned they only count for a few people. 6y
GingerAntics @Weaponxgirl yup. Those are them. 6y
GingerAntics @Chrissyreadit yeah, I think that‘s a dark day for every American female. The day you learn you‘re not actually equal to the men around you, even though 51% of Americans are female. 6y
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Is this saying what I think it‘s saying? Is this FEMALE author really blaming domestic abuse victims for their abuse? Please tell me I‘m reading this wrong?

This sentence is preceded by “Violence initially stems from the thwarting of our will or desire; it is an instinctive lashing out against things we do not like.”

Violence and abuse are “instinctual”? I may be done with this book, right here, right now.
#CaitlinMatthews #TheCelticSpirit #wtf

GingerAntics Humans are naturally violent? Really? I‘m sorry, I just don‘t believe that. Children are TAUGHT to be violent by the people around them. 🤬🤬🤬 6y
TrishB I find that quote really objectionable 😡 6y
julesG Yes, humans are animals. No, really. But that is never an excuse for violent behaviour. And yes, that quote is saying what you think it's saying. 😠😡😬 6y
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Weaponxgirl I don‘t even know where to start with this! It‘s so wrong in every way. 6y
Caroline2 Hmm! 🤨 I don‘t agree with that quote at all!!! Anger isn‘t instinctive?! It normally stems from fear. (Fight/flight response.) Cor if everyone lashed out after a build up of ‘irritations‘ could you imagine?! Dear oh dear! I don‘t blame you for being done with this book! 6y
GingerAntics @TrishB @julesG @Weaponxgirl @Caroline2 I was hoping I was taking it wrong, but I‘m also kind of glad I wasn‘t going crazy here. I agree humans are animals. I‘ll even agree that fear and even a response of some sort to things that are irritating are instinctual (ie “wow this annoys me I‘m going to walk away/turn it off/not talk about this subject with this person/etc) but I‘m sorry, lashing out violently is not. (edited) 6y
GingerAntics @TrishB @julesG @Weaponxgirl @Caroline2 Animals don‘t go off on flies and hurt them, they flick them away with their tales. Instinctual acts of violence and even violent parenting seem to be instinctual (and even acceptable) only among humans, which is sad. It could almost be said calling humans animals is offensive to all the other animals. Only humans do violent things for fun. (edited) 6y
GingerAntics @Bookwomble this is the quote in question. 4y
Bookwomble @GingerAntics A lot of my work is supporting survivors of domestic abuse and the, "I'm sorry but you made me angry" defence that certain abusers use to excuse themselves is very common, very manipulative, and very wrong. I think it's an attitude deeply embedded in patriarchal society ? 4y
GingerAntics @Bookwomble I completely agree. It‘s really odd because in other parts of the book she talked about how Celtic society was more balanced. I just don‘t understand. I get this was written in the late 90s, but we knew that was BS then, too. 4y
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We need to get here. Only then can we stop having conservative power grabs for women‘s bodies and autonomy as human beings.
#CaitlinMatthews #TheCelticSpirit #compassion

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Interesting, I think some extreme conservatives are currently using their “freedom” to infringe upon the liberty of women right now. I would personally love to see some balance return to the madness that is the current state of affairs.
#CaitlinMatthews #TheCelticSpirit #liberty #freedom #waronwomen

Weaponxgirl Yes! I see this in arguments about free speech all the time and alt right assholes trying to say the uk is less free as we have laws against hate speech. Your freedoms shouldn‘t come at the expense of other people‘s freedom or wellbeing. 6y
readinginthedark Ugh, I'm struggling even more with this after just having a baby girl and living in Missouri. So frustrated right now. 😔 6y
GingerAntics @Weaponxgirl yeah, you‘re actually freer because you don‘t have to be worried about getting verbally attacked every three seconds. Honestly, it‘s not really alt right anymore, it‘s just right. 6y
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GingerAntics @readinginthedark I can‘t imagine what that‘s like. I‘m getting to where I‘m going to have to start making serious decisions about having kids, and as it stands here in TX at the moment (and all over really) I‘m not sure I really should have kids. Why add more kids to get hurt by this madness. Still want them, but it might not be the right thing to do. I do not envy your position. Hugs. 6y
readinginthedark Thank you. Honestly, having a boy is just as bad in a totally different way. I mean, I love my children, but teaching them both to value equality, respect, and independence is so hard sometimes. 6y
GingerAntics @readinginthedark it does seem almost like having to come at the same thing from two totally different angles. It‘s amazing the number of small, seemingly innocent but still totally sexist things for kids. I don‘t know how you have any sanity. Sheesh. The mind boggles just trying to fathom it all. 6y
readinginthedark Absolutely. My kid was teased for having a purple shirt. It took him months to work up the courage to wear it to school again. And people are constantly giving me onesies that say how "pretty" my baby is. I just get rid of them. It's all so sexist, not to mention teaching them that other people's opinions and desires matter more than their own. 6y
readinginthedark And the number of times I've gotten crap for not making my child hug relatives goodbye is ridiculous. Bodily autonomy and consent only matter to us, I guess? Forget tradition. My kids aren't touching anyone who doesn't want them to or that they don't want to touch. 6y
readinginthedark Sorry for the rant. It's been a lot, and I'm tired. 6y
GingerAntics @readinginthedark oh I‘m totally with you on that. Teaching kids about consent starts with little things like that. If you don‘t want a hug or a kiss, if you don‘t want to give a hug or a kiss, you should be free to say that and have that respected. If we don‘t respect that in our kids, how can expect them to respect that as adults. I think it‘s equally good to teach girls they have the right to say no and have that respected... 6y
GingerAntics @readinginthedark just as it‘s important for boys to know to respect that and that the same thing will be respected when they don‘t want to be touched/hugged/kissed. You‘re cool. I‘m right there with you. No need to apologise. 6y
readinginthedark Hey! Slightly more well-rested now! And yes, it's so important. Our struggle with this lately has been teaching my son to observe nonverbal signals from his baby sister since she can't speak yet. He wants to give her kisses all the time, which she usually loves, but sometimes she wants space and he can't always tell. We keep repeating, "She's a human, not a baby doll." He's getting better at observing, so success! 6y
GingerAntics @readinginthedark hey, that‘s awesome!!! I think nonverbal queues are hard for little kids and even some adults, so helping he read them young is AMAZING!!! No wonder you‘re so tired. 6y
readinginthedark 😅 It's certainly a full-time job on top of everything else but hopefully worth it! We're building a better world, in theory! 6y
GingerAntics @readinginthedark fingers crossed. 6y
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This really ties in to my last post. When you‘re only concern is this far off “place” and this time other than now, great damage is done to the lives, places, and people you encounter right now where you are. Unfortunately, we all pay for that. It‘s not just you or the people you meet. We are all interconnected, people.
#CaitlinMatthews #TheCelticSpirit #interconnection #truewealth #climatechangeisreal

Caroline2 Oh I like that “like-souled people”! 😍 6y
GingerAntics @Caroline2 right? That just has a great feel to it, doesn‘t it? That really jumped out at me, too. 6y
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I see a lot of this where I live. Everything is about this “someday” or “eventually” life, so people act completely contrary to their supposedly beliefs because they think this thing that will happen later is all that matters.
#CaitlinMatthews #TheCelticSpirit #hereandnow #liveinthemoment

Weaponxgirl You see this with body image too. When I‘m thinner I‘ll buy nice clothes and do this thing I like. I was like that for a while but now I‘m like No way! Appreciate what we have now and do what brings you joy (goddess I sound sappy and motivational) 6y
GingerAntics @Weaponxgirl I think that‘s our default to write it off and ignore it because it‘s so simple, but so true. So I‘m fat. My legs work. My feet work. It‘s a beautiful day, why not go for a walk or a run or visit a friend? Nothing is perfect, but it‘s functional and beautiful in its functionality. So rock and roll with it. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I think you have something these. I‘ve put off way too much of my life for when I‘m “skinny again.” 🙄 6y
Weaponxgirl For ages I was like I can‘t flirt or chat with attractive people because of my size after a bad breakup but it‘s ridiculous that we do that to ourselves. My self worth isn‘t equated to how I look and the funny thing is people are drawn to you when you are just being yourself. Worst thing is I do t treat others nearly as badly as I treat myself. Yup, let‘s just get on with the fun in life! 6y
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GingerAntics @Weaponxgirl I‘m all about that!!! I just don‘t get out enough. The only place I really want to go is the zoo. Is that weird? 6y
Weaponxgirl @GingerAntics nope, I freaking love the zoo as long as it has a huge conservation part to play. 6y
Weaponxgirl Also sealife centres as long as they don‘t have whales or dolphins performing. 6y
GingerAntics @Weaponxgirl I think the only ones still doing whale performances is SeaWorld. That place is kind of twisted. The zoos I‘m familiar with here all have a conservation element and they all work together (across the country and around the world) to support endangered species and protect them in the zoo setting (with natural habitat designs, etc) to prevent them from going extinct. Not sure about zoos there. 6y
GingerAntics @Weaponxgirl Is it the Chelsea Zoo that‘s in Secret Life of the Zoo? We just got episodes of that here this year. They‘re doing a lot of conservation stuff. 6y
Weaponxgirl @GingerAntics most zoos here are but there was one that was horrific with animal deaths ect. Just one of those things I‘m annoying about. People ask duo want to go the zoo I‘m all excited then I‘m just checking their credentials and conservation policies. How do I have friends? 😆 6y
GingerAntics @Weaponxgirl 🤣😂🤣 naw I feel like that‘s only fair. If I‘m going to spend a bunch of money to get in, I want to know that money is going to something good. 6y
GingerAntics @Weaponxgirl sometimes I feel like I‘m asking too much for a guy who doesn‘t care about size (like the arse hat on the train platform last time) AND not just see women as possessions or meat or something to have sex with. 🙄 Part of me feels like saying “eph it.” Part of me thinks no American men should be getting sex at all at the moment. If we all cut them off, some shite would change. 6y
Weaponxgirl @GingerAntics I do know both those feelings well too. I say the feminists attack the viagra stores, if abortion is against God‘s will then So is ficking limp dick (I‘ve seen similar on placards and love it) 6y
GingerAntics @Weaponxgirl I was thinking if abortion is against god‘s will, then so it the use of viagra. If god wanted you to get it up, by god he‘d let you get it up yourself. 😏 6y
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Another great poem from this book. It‘s also quite a poignant poem for our time as well.
#CaitlinMatthews #TheCelticSpirit #GerardManleyHopkins #BinseyPoplars #poetry

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One of these days I‘m going to have to read Hebridean Alters for myself. I love just about every quote from this book that Matthews has put in here.
#CaitlinMatthews #TheCelticSpirit #alistairmaclean #hebrideanalters

Caroline2 Lovely quote! 🥰 6y
rabbitprincess Ooh I'm going to have to get that too! My mum would probably also want to read it. 6y
GingerAntics @rabbitprincess I‘m having a hard time tracking down a copy of it. It must be older. The tagged book is from 1999, so it obviously predates that to some extent. 6y
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Interesting that this is today‘s passage, as I‘m diving into my reading list on how our education system kills creativity and wonder in our children...how despite all scientific evidence, we keep doing the exact opposite of what we need to do to properly educate our children.
#johnmoriarty #notthatmoriarty #turtlewasgonealongtime #CaitlinMatthews #TheCelticSpirit #education #childhood