Pretty happy with my #botmc picks this month, especially The Lost Apothecary as is was on my list to watch for in 2021. A book set in the Victorian age with a band of renegade women who poison men. Take all my money!!! 💸💸💸
Fabulous read! Never before have I had a book catch my by surprise more than once! While slow to start, the final 200 pages are gripping and compelling. Superb debut novel from A.J. Finn! #botmc
I meant to post this earlier, but realized the time and had to leave. Sorry for the suspense! I loved "Mr. Penumbra's 24-hour Bookstore" and can't wait to read Robin Sloan's next book! #botmc #bookofthemonthclub
Every single month I debate whether or not I should sign up... This month I finally decided to join!
#botm #bookofthemonthclub #botmc
Anyone not a #botmc member? Reply with your email address if you want this discount!
Part of the reason I joined #bookofthemonthclub a few months ago was to branch out in my reading. I'm a classics lover and I don't read much contemporary fiction (outside of fantasy). I'm excited to read this #debut soon.
#junebookbugs #botm #botmc
There aren't very many things better than the three b's- a bath, a book, and a beverage. 🛁📖🍷
#botmc #botm #bookofthemonthclub #bookofthemonth