I missed posting for #agalaxyfarfaraway yesterday... but when I came across this today, I couldn't resist. #maybookflowers
I missed posting for #agalaxyfarfaraway yesterday... but when I came across this today, I couldn't resist. #maybookflowers
This is the first book I thought of for #agalaxyfarfaraway. A preacher goes to a planet in another galaxy to introduce the locals to Christianity. He brings his Bible with him and the locals call it "The Book of Strange New Things". After a time, though, it's not clear whether the preacher is having as much an impact on the locals as they are having on him. Meanwhile, Earth is falling apart and there may be no place to go back to. #maybookflowers
I never managed to get my hands on all of the stories of Pern, but these are the ones listed on my Goodreads read shelf and I loved them!
#MayBookFlowers #agalaxyfarfaraway
With all the excitement for ACoWaR, I didn't realize this #sequel came out on Tuesday too!! I'll have to wait until I'm home from the wedding to get it, but I've ordered it 😊 also fits today's #maybookflowers for #agalaxyfarfaraway!
#maythe4thbewithyou Happy Star Wars day!!!
I always keep my light saber handy when I'm reading outside 😋
#agalaxyfarfaraway #maybookflowers