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#Two4Tuesday @TheSpineView

1. Yep!
2. So far just my ongoing ones: #192019challenge (read a book pub'd every year from 1920 to 2019 - I'm not going to finish this year) and continue working through the #1001books list. Might add another if something really jumps out at me, but don't want to overload myself.

TheAromaofBooks So are you doing the years in order, or just randomly as you find them? 4y
Daisey Yep, I‘ve found that since I started the 1001 books list and read for book clubs, it is just too complicated to try to make things fit other lists as well. I want to just keep some mood reading. 4y
TheSpineView Happy Tuesday! 😊📚 4y
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llwheeler @TheAromaofBooks I have been doing it randomly as I find them, so now I have 1990-2019 finished, most of the 80s, and only haphazardly anywhere else lol. I can pull a lot of the other years from my tbr though, so I'll get there eventually! 4y
llwheeler @Daisey yes, keeping space for mood reading is important to me now. Two years ago I did too many challenges, and so now I try to be conscious of not doing too many. I'd rather be able to mood read - or spontaneously join in buddy reads! 😉 4y
llwheeler @TheSpineView thanks! To you too ☺️ 4y
TheAromaofBooks That's fun! I tend to read a lot of older books. On my blog I list all the books I've reviewed by publication date, so you inspired me to see if I have one for every year from 1920, and I do! Most of my early years are filled with P.G. Wodehouse and Agatha Christie. :-D 4y
llwheeler @TheAromaofBooks awesome 😁 4y
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Death in the Stocks | Georgette Heyer
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My first time reading Georgette Heyer - already have a library hold on another, so it won't be the last. Definitely understand why she's a classic, excellent prose and great characterization. A thoroughly enjoyable read, especially on a week when I was quite tired.

1935 for #192019challenge (yep still doing that, though haven't posted much for a while)

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The Bluest Eye | Toni Morrison
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Friday night reading with my companions cat nephew Dac, and dog niece Shandy as we remember the life of #ToniMorrison.

#192019Challenge #1970

Ericalambbrown This is one of her‘s that I‘ve not read. I need to do that! 5y
SconsinBookyBadger @Ericalambbrown I have A Mercy, Home, and God Help the Child added on my tbr, not realizing until now those haven‘t been read yet. 5y
Ericalambbrown @AnansiGirl I just need to go through all her books and add all of them that I‘ve not read 5y
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And That's a Wrap | Shannon Mullett-Bowlsby
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I finished #192019challenge ... and I‘m as sad as I am happy about it 😕/❤️🤷🏻‍♀️
This has been an amazing enriching reading journey, & I‘m so glad I went on it.
@Marchpane thank you SO much for coming up with this & sharing it - it‘s the best thing I‘ve ever done as a reader ❤️

If anyone is looking to take on something like this, do it. Try doing 192021 - you have 2 1/2 years to do it. You will be so glad you did 🥰

1984 | George Orwell
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Travels with My Aunt | Graham Greene
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Starting my very last book for #192019challenge 😢

Oblomov26 Fantastic read 5y
Sweettartlaura @Oblomov26 it really is 🙂. I‘m just a little bit into it but I‘m loving it already ❤️ 5y
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Men Like Gods | H. G. Wells
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It's been a while since I've done a photo challenge! Giving it a try again with #30JuneBooks @howjessreads

This is my #currentread, using it for both #sfftbrchallenge and #192019challenge. It's my first time reading Wells and I'm not very far in yet.

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Heart Choice | Robin D. Owens
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This was a fun challenge last year (though I didn't quite make it) so doing it again this year. Thanks for hosting, @TheHeartlandBookFairy 😀

Here's my book stack - all books for challenges except Heart Choice. 10 of them are the last books I need for #sfftbrchallenge, and the right hand stack is for #192019challenge

llwheeler Aaand of course I forgot the hashtag in my actual post 🤦‍♀️ #14books14weeks 5y
TheHeartlandBookFairy @llwheeler so happy you are joining us again! 5y
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What did I just read???
This play is my pick for 1921 for #192019challenge and though the adaptation I got is modern, the spirit comes through.
A company of actors is practicing a play, when 6 people come in. They say they are characters left unfinished by their author, and they‘re looking to set their story down.
The actors oblige them.
What ensues is a whirlwind of mindf$&!ery that shows the shadow side of creation.
I‘d love to see this.

RohitSawant Oo, sold! Reading your review, first thing that popped into my mind was King's The Dark Half 😄 5y
Sweettartlaura @rohit-sawant it‘s definitely a precursor. Shorter - different because it‘s written for the stage - but definitely reminiscent. Read all the intro/stage directions - they help bring this to life, as well. And let me know what you think 🙂 5y
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My 1920 pick for #192019challenge & for author‘s first book for my local library challenge.
This is Agatha Christie‘s first book, & first Poirot story.
It‘s a little hard to appreciate 99 years later - at this point it‘s beyond formulaic. But it‘s worth a read/listen regardless: it‘s engaging; it‘s historic; it‘s short & sweet; and if you have any interest in the mystery genre, it‘s a hallmark.