2 nights ago we hit 3,000 books 🙂 The other day Wes said, “books make you happy mama.” “Sure do buddy.” “Books make me happy too mama.” #RaisingReaders #1000booksbeforekindergarten
He was too busy “reading” to take a picture 😂
2 nights ago we hit 3,000 books 🙂 The other day Wes said, “books make you happy mama.” “Sure do buddy.” “Books make me happy too mama.” #RaisingReaders #1000booksbeforekindergarten
He was too busy “reading” to take a picture 😂
15 months and today we hit #1000booksbeforekindergarten 🙂 Book 1000 was Jabberwocky a favorite since he was lan infant (thanks @Avanders !).
Back to the dr today bc he‘s been getting progressively worse. They‘re thinking ears or sinuses. But in better news this morning we finished up book 700! #1000booksbeforekindergarten
I read some cute kid Halloween books. Franklin's Halloween was the best & the pictures were especially nice 🎃
#Scarathlon2021 #TeamHendrix @StayCurious
#Screamathon @4thhouseontheleft
#BBRC #A2Z #LetterC #LetterD #LetterF @LibrarianRyan
#Spookoween @TheSpineView
Book 502! Prizes for summer reading program and #1000booksbeforekindergarten Guess mom finally gets a Book It pizza 😂🎉
Top row is for summer reading and flash cards are for completing 400 books! Grandma has him for 5 days and read 40 books in 3 hours- I guess you can see where I come by my love of reading 😂
#book443 #1000booksbeforekindergarten
Book 301 this morning! The prize this time was bubbles. #1000booksbeforekindergarten
Tagged book was our prize for completing 200 books. We‘re now at 203! #1000booksbeforekindergarten
We finished before daycare this morning! Which Of course made us late ;) (might as well start the habit of being late bc of a book now lol) A lovely reRead- I haven‘t read these since my mom read them to me as a kid! And some of the books I‘ve never read I don‘t think. Excited to keep going on the #narniareadalong ! #book103 #1000booksbeforekindergarten