This volume was a slew of short stories. Good book all together. My favorites were The Parliament of the Rook which had Cain and Abel in it and the long Orpheus storyline. Artwork continues to be great especially with Dream in the sequences.
This volume was a slew of short stories. Good book all together. My favorites were The Parliament of the Rook which had Cain and Abel in it and the long Orpheus storyline. Artwork continues to be great especially with Dream in the sequences.
I enjoyed this one, not as much as I liked the other volumes, but still…There are 9 stand-alone tales that still belong to this universe. Side note: The next tattoo I get just may be Lil Death and Lil Dream from Abel‘s story. 😄
9 stories, most set in the past, some the distant past. Many featuring people who have lived. All focusing on either dreams or myth or both.
4th book #SuperSeptember
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ not my favorite but still a lot of fun!
“Dreams are composed of many things, my son. Of images and hopes, of fears and memories. Memories of the past, and memories of the future…”
#CurrentlyReading #Bookstagram #Recommend#GraphicNovels #TheSandman #NeilGaiman #Dreams #SummerReading
I just love getting lost in the dream world. The places I go with Neil is beyond my wildest imagination!
I love that he keeps on surprising me, always going where I least expect it to go, dreaming up new places and stories and recreating old ones into something more brilliant and amazing.
This is growing into one of my favourites.
Sigh another short story volume that I could have skipped. I liked that these stories were heavy with mythology but other than that 🥱. The ones I did like were “The Hunt” and “Orpheus”
The #readathon is always a great time to read a few graphic novels. I got through this one and two Fables volumes today. #DeweyOct
#quotsyjune19 @TK-421 #grove “Trees there were, old as trees can be, huge and grasping with hearts black as sin. Strange trees that some said walked in the night.” Love his imagery, but the cover of this volume creeps me out!
...And if you do something stupid, what then?
It is sometimes a mistake to climb; it is always a mistake never even to make the attempt.
If you do not climb you will not fall. This is true. But is it that bad to fail, that hard to fail?
Another enjoyable read from The Sandman series...always really clever storytelling
I need to add Morpheus to my gallery wall of geekdom.
This end-of-2017 SANDMAN reread was a good frickin idea, y'all. I've had the very best time.
This sixth volume is another short story collection. I'd love to say something deep about it--maybe discuss how all the characters use dreams to shape their futures, or examine the foreshadowing, or talk about the chest from SEASON OF MISTS--but if you want the truth I mostly just wanna bask in the awesome. So I will. #comics
I'm SO glad trade prices have dropped since the late 90s and early 2000s. I couldn't afford to shell out $31 on a regular basis, so I had to read SANDMAN at a terrible, slow pace as I waited for gift cards or windfalls. I couldn't even turn to Amazon, since they rarely discounted the series and back then you had to spend $75 to get free shipping. And neither library collections nor digital comics were a thing yet.
Be grateful, newer readers!
I couldn't point you towards my favourite single issue of SANDMAN, but for my money "Ramadan" is the very prettiest of them all. It's drawn by P. Craig Russell and coloured by Digital Chameleon's Lovern Kindzierski. #comics
The comics medium is so damned GOOD at these sorts of visual cues. #comics
I think about this panel a lot, too.
(Yeah; I'm hopping all over the place today, book-wise. It's been fun.) #comics
@bookriot #RiotGrams #October Challenge-#picturebookstack. Litsy's photo editor forced me to crop the photo , resulting in my favourite of the lot-Alison Bechdel's " The essential dykes to watch out for " getting croppped out of the frame !
Delighted with my purchases at Small World Books, not to mention proud of my restraint. Couldn't believe they had three of The Sandman volumes I was still missing! 🙂 #usedbooklove
"Sometimes you wake up. Sometimes the fall kills you. And sometimes when you fall, you fly."
One of my favourite quotes from one of my favourite series. Neil Gaiman has such a way of weaving myths, cultural histories, stories, and truths together.
#sandman #motivational
"Sometimes you wake up. Sometimes the fall kills you. And sometimes, when you fall, you fly."
My hobbies of reading and photography have a mutualistic relationship for me. Here's one of my photos which I've paired with a quote by Neil Gaiman. It just occurred to me that Litsy might be just the place for me to share these. I hope you enjoy them. #neilgaiman
I know it is shocking that I didn't immediately take to Sandman. For some reason I read a cousin's copy of "Fables" before anything else. It was a year or so before I re- started from the beginning. I love it more with every re-read. #changedmymindabout #fiestyfeb #day4 @RealLifeReading
The imagination of Neil Gaiman would seem to be limitless. I loved the story of Baghdad. The 'dog blanket' is keeping me warm, but not helping me to get ready for work 😫
This graphic novel made me fall in love with graphic novels. Gaiman is on some other level or creativity. #comicsandburritos
#reallifeperson #reallifepersoninabook I decided it meant a fictionalized real person in a novel. I ended up going with a fictionalized real person in a graphic novel. I could have gone with Shakespeare but I went with Robespierre. #octphotochallenge #day21 @LibrarianRyan
Another excellent installment. That last story was a classic "be-careful-what-you-wish-for" story.
On to the next book. I still have an hour before I need to go anywhere.
It's been a couple years since I put off reading the rest of the series. I'm not sure why. This is certainly the volume to pull me back in. Typical Sandman excellence.
Read the Sandman series - worth it.