Littens, I have been going crazy lately. I've started working out in the morning again, which is good, but I'm so tired when I get home from work and my crazy commute that I fall asleep as soon as I open a book at night! To group T for #lmpbc @aschermetz @whippoorwill815 @the-flashley I honestly don't know if I'm caught up it a month behind 😂. I hope I will finish this one this weekend and send it out Monday.
I miss reading! 😫
I have a birthday party today and tomorrow and here I am hoping to finish up some reads this weekend! 😅
Wish me luck to find some reading time! 🤞🏼
Here is a question for the Litsy community. I love to read, I really do. That being said I am the IT Director for a company which means 50+ hour weeks most of the time, and stress is no stranger either. I also have the annoying condition of falling asleep if I try to read after 7pm. How do you other busy Littens fit reading into you busy lives?
This pile.
I‘ve had very little time for books this week; I started listening to Al Franken‘s book days before the allegations came out against him. I‘m tired and I‘m disappointed.
Anyway, 2018 intentions include disappearing a few of these from my TBR.
Sadly, it‘s been a few weeks since I‘ve actually been able to read because life has been too busy. I‘m in withdrawal!! It‘s a good thing I love my new house and the cozy eat in kitchen with fireplace. Getting some grad work done this morning so I could keep working on my house this afternoon!
Good morning! How is everyone? How are you getting on with #SummerReads? Our theme is 'Travel/Summer '. I'll be tagging those who are participating. PS: clicked this beauty, straight after it rained :)
#nooitmeertedruk #tonycrabbe #books@details