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Dead Simple. Peter James (Revised)
Dead Simple. Peter James (Revised) | Peter James
After a stag night, the groom-to-be goes missing and four of his friends are dead. Detective Superintendent Grace is contacted by the missing man's fiancee, and discovers that the one man who ought to know his whereabouts is saying nothing - but he has more to gain out of the tragedy than anyone realizes."
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Dead Simple | Peter James
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In an unusual twist for me, I watched the series of this prior to reading the books as I hadn‘t realized it was a book series first. That said, I really enjoyed this take on the police procedural and that Det Roy Grace as more depth and compassion than many of the literary police detectives. The book hewed closely to the episode of the series but I‘ll definitely be reading more.

Dead Simple | Peter James
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Wow! I‘ve heard so many good things about this series and I‘m so glad I jumped on the bandwagon! I am addicted to this series now and this was only the first book! I can‘t wait to read more about Roy Grace! One of my favorites by far! 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟!

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I started this yesterday when I couldn‘t find my other Kindle. Mainly because Britbox told me there is a tv series available in a few weeks. I don‘t love the paranormal angle but thankfully it didn‘t play too large of a role. The characters and story definitely allowed me to overlook it for the most part. 👍🏼 #StartASeries #SeriesRead2021

Magpiegem Set in my home town ☺️ xx 3y
MicheleinPhilly @Magpiegem FUN! My wife and I have been talking about doing an all England and Ireland trip because we‘ve both only been to London. I‘ve been to Ireland but she hasn‘t. @Andrew65‘s daily pictures have given us some ideas. ☺️ 3y
RachelAmphlett We watched it when it was on here the other week and we‘re relieved that they stayed quite true to the book, as it‘s one of our favourites! 3y
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Andrew65 This is one of my favourite series, and pleased that they got rid of the supernatural angle from the series. 3y
TheSpineView Great job! 👍 3y
TrishB I love these 👍🏻 3y
MicheleinPhilly @TrishB You were the one who convinced me to buy the first 10 for 15.99 way back when. ☺️ 3y
TrishB Still a bargain 😁 3y
Magpiegem @MicheleinPhilly yes you should! You could do a tour of book locations (I‘ve definitely done this in some of USA). @Andrew65 photos of Devon are so lovely 😊. I have to admit though that I have never been to Ireland 😬 it‘s on my list!!! 3y
Andrew65 @Magpiegem Thanks 😊 3y
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Read in 2020. I thought it was a fun thriller, but not outstanding.

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Day 4 of #Top20Series #20Series20Days
Today I‘m putting forward one of my favourite detective series, the Roy Grace Series. I will always be grateful to this series as it helped get me through the death of my mother. After the funeral I escaped into the first book of the series why I tried to process events! This is an excellent series set in Brighton on the south coast of England. I love the way they present team meetings, & wonderful characters

tracey38 I put up a detective series today, too! 4y
Andrew65 @tracey38 Great minds think alike 👍 4y
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EadieB I need to read this series soon. 4y
Andrew65 @EadieB Yes I‘m sure you‘ll love it. I‘ve read them all apart from the latest, on a six month waiting list! 4y
MicheleinPhilly I haven‘t read this series yet but purchased the first 10 in a single go thanks to my enabler @TrishB. ☺️ 4y
Andrew65 @MicheleinPhilly she‘s enabled you on a great series, I know we are both big fans. You will love them, even more as it progresses. 4y
Deblovestoread Stacked! 4y
Leftcoastzen You and @TrishB are responsible for me diving into this series.I really love it!Next up for me is 4y
TrishB @MicheleinPhilly @Leftcoastzen @Andrew65 love this series, one of the few I‘m up to date on and read as soon as published! 4y
Itchyfeetreader Oh these look interesting 4y
Andrew65 @Kdgordon88 You won‘t regret it. 😊 4y
Andrew65 @Leftcoastzen De ad @tomorrow is an interesting one, pleased to hear you are enjoying them. 4y
Andrew65 @Itchyfeetreader They are good, even more so as they progress. 4y
eanderson I have a couple on my kindle! I‘ll need to get to this series soon. 4y
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Dead Simple | Peter James
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Growing up near Brighton, every Friday night we had a #Chippytea picked up by my dad on his way home from work, and eaten straight from the newspaper at the kitchen table, dowsed in lots of onion vinegar (the vinegar from the picked onion jar)😋🐟📰
So in honor of my dad, this is the first book in his favorite local detective series, still going strong at book #26! I‘ll read it #oneday, seeing as it‘s set where I‘m from.😊

Cathythoughts Brilliant post 👍🏻♥️ 5y
Ms_T Lots of nostalgia for you there! Great post 😃 5y
Cinfhen Awwww, I‘m missing home for you❤️I‘d love to visit you in Brighton and hang with your dad 😁 5y
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EadieB @Cinfhen I‘ve read that one and getting ready to read book 2. 5y
KarenUK @cinfhen ..... now that would be lovely! 💕 5y
Cinfhen Wouldn‘t it !?!?!?! (edited) 5y
gradcat @KarenUK & @Cinfhen Great Post! I‘ve read the first three of them, but then I guess I got sidetracked. I can‘t believe there are 26!! I had no idea! ♥️ (edited) 5y
Crazeedi @Cinfhen @gradcat @EadieB @Andrew65 @TrishB @KarenUK great post, and I haven't read this series! 5y
TrishB Lovely post ❤️ I am up to date in this series @Cinfhen 🎉🎉 5y
Andrew65 Love this book series, one of my favourites. Unfortunately as currently suffering with gall bladder issues cannot have fish and chips and I so love them, and especially by the sea! 5y
Andrew65 @Crazeedi @gradcat @EadieB @TrishB @KarenUK @Cinfhen Unfortunately I am totally up to date on this series. 5y
EadieB @Andrew65 so the problem is your gall bladder? 5y
gradcat @Andrew65 Poor you! 5y
Andrew65 @EadieB It looks like that! Testing for biliary colic and gall stones! Which are both affecting the liver. Did second set of blood tests this week today, got another blood test next week. Waiting for ultra sound scan date and got endoscopy next Saturday so feeling a bit sorry for myself, not to mention the pain. 😔 5y
Andrew65 @gradcat Thanks, but possibly feeling too sorry for myself! At least when at work kept busy and keeps my mind off it. 5y
EadieB @Andrew65 So sorry to hear that you have to go through all of those tests etc. Not fun! Hope they solve your problem and you are feeling better soon! 5y
Andrew65 @EadieB Yes, fingers crossed, and thanks. Hope they can solve it quickly. Not the best thing on the first week of a school year! 5y
EadieB @Andrew65 Definitely not! Good that you have your deputy to help you. But bad that she is so new and probably needs your direction. 5y
Andrew65 @EadieB Thankfully so far just been missing for small bits of the day for tests. Just not as far on as I‘d like to be. Better now than last year. (edited) 5y
LeahBergen Yum!! I‘m craving a chippy tea now! 5y
Crazeedi @Andrew65 oh man that is no fun, I had that and needed up have gall bladder removed. Hope you find some answers 5y
Andrew65 @Crazeedi Thanks, definitely agree about being no fun! Just in waiting game for scan at moment. Apparently urgent only means likely to be some time in the next two weeks! 5y
gradcat @Andrew65 I hope you get seen to sooner rather than later...isn‘t that painful? 😣 5y
Andrew65 @gradcat Thanks. Yes! Although pain going up and down. Bigger problem is what can develop from it. 🤞 Eating a very bland diet which will hopefully be less painful. 5y
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Dead Simple | Peter James

The characters that feature in the book are very well described by the author and he portrays them in a way where you can imagine the characters and you do start to slightly think ahead of them once you know what the characters are like and you start to notice the way that they think. It was addictive and it kept me going back for more, it was like a drug to me I couldn't get enough of it!

Dead Simple | Peter James
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This book has alot of twists and turns to keep you wanting to know what will happen next. Peter James is one of my favs, haven't read one of his books in awhile, why did it take me so long.👍👍❤❤❤

Dead Simple | Peter James
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Peter, Peter, Peter...

Jennick2004 Ooh I like the cover of it! 5y
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Dead Simple | Peter James
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Day 16 #AdventRexommends
Not one book but a whole series today. The Roy Grace Detective Series is one of my all time favourite series and hard to separate out one book! Love the way you feel central to the investigation in this series, and especially are part of the twice daily briefings. The whole series is recommended. The tagged book is the first one in the series.

ephemeralwaltz We already have a title for next May! 6y
ephemeralwaltz And no, I still haven't read this year's installment. I'm behind 🙈 6y
Andrew65 @ephemeralwaltz It is good! Too many books too little time! 6y
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ElishaLovesBooks These look good! Stacking! 6y
Andrew65 @ElishaLovesBooks Very good! Enjoy 😊 6y
Leftcoastzen I may start the 4th one this month.Really enjoy this series. 6y
Andrew65 @Leftcoastzen Many great books ahead of you. 6y
Leftcoastzen 🤗 6y
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Dead Simple | Peter James
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Sometimes in the middle of literary fiction I get bogged down. Usually a thriller /police procedural will wake me back up.This one did! With plenty of twists and turns plus multiple surprises.Meeting Roy Grace,a complicated but clear headed detective was a treat. @Andrew65 always says how much he enjoys his series, I am glad I gave it a spin.

Centique I like to break up heavy books with something lighter too. Usually mystery or fantasy for me. It really works! 6y
Andrew65 It is a great series! 😊 Pleased to see you gave it a try and enjoyed it. (edited) 6y
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Top notch crime fiction by one of Britains best. The hook gets in deep and the tension is relentless. If you like police procedurals this is a must read. And Peter is one of the nicest guys you ever want to meet.

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Dead Simple | Peter James
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2. Struggling with tagged book.
3. #friyayintro

DGRachel I think you should set it aside and come back to it later. Read something light and cheery. You need light, cheery, and funny. 6y
dsfisher Yeah, you are probably right as I haven‘t picked it up today. 6y
Cathythoughts Lovely pic 💜 6y
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Today book one of the Detective Roy Grace Series is available for Q8.49 on Kindle and books 2 - 7 all available for Q8.99 each. Great time to catch a bargain. This is one of my favourite all time Detective series.

TrishB Love this series too 👍🏻 7y
Andrew65 @TrishB I always feel I am more part of the investigation with these books, more so than in many others. Love the daily team meetings. (edited) 7y
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Dead Simple | Peter James
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Playing catch Up. #MarchMadness #FavoriteDetective #FavouriteDetective So many favourites to choose from, but gone with Roy Grace. Love these books. Starts with Dead Simple, but hope you aren‘t claustrophobic!

somebooksaround yesss! Loving these! The TBR list grows! 7y
ephemeralwaltz ❤❤❤❤❤❤ 7y
ephemeralwaltz So excited for some new Roy Grace! 7y
Andrew65 @ephemeralwaltz Me too, waiting so impatiently! 😫 7y
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Dead Simple | Peter James
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Heard good things about this one. About to delve on my first Roy Grace book 😊

Andrew65 I love the series, and only gets better and better as the series progresses. Waiting impatiently for the new one next year. Enjoy. 😊 7y
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Dead Simple | Peter James
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#NoOneKnows what happened to Roy Grace's wife, she just disappeared one day - run away? Abducted? Murdered? This forms a long shadow across Roy Grace's personal life, and to some extent his professional life. This is one of my favourite detective series, set in Brighton, England. #Rocktober

Cinfhen I love a good mystery😍 7y
Andrew65 @Cinfhen This one runs through a number of the books. 7y
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Relaxing morning starting my new book #peterjames #deadsimple

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Dead Simple | Peter James
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This hash tag is Dead Simple. It just has to be one of my favourite of all Detective series, the Roy Grace series which is set in Brighton, England. Every one of the thirteen books has Dead in the title. I have read and loved everyone. Of the first 12 and the great news is a new one was published this month so one to look forward to. 😊
I do recommend this series if you like high quality police procedurals. This is the first book. ❤️ #death

andrew61 They are good, i think i read about 4 and for some reason haven't caught up with him since, i will have to revisit. 7y
Andrew65 I particularly like the team meetings which are a key part of the book, I think Peter James does this best of anybody. Also like where some have the perspective of the killer in. Characterisation and group dynamics is also excellent. @Andrew61 (edited) 7y
RealLifeReading Not typically a book I read but I'm always attracted to books set in Brighton because I lived there for a year. Added! 7y
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Andrew65 @RealLifeReading There's even one where a fair bit of the book takes place in the Brighton Pavillion! I spent many a happy day as a child on Brighton's beach. 7y
RealLifeReading Ah the beach... it was the very first pebbled beach I had been to! 7y
Andrew65 @RealLifeReading I have so many memories of how painful those pebbles were when you were going in and out of the sea! 7y
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For the first book in s series, it was pretty good. I have read that as the series progresses the books get better, so I'm hoping that persevering with it will pay off. If you like Inspector Banks, DI Lynley or Rebus, this series will be right up your alley. My #LRC8 #Over400Pages book for the #LitsyReadingChallenge

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Currently halfway through Dead Simple by Peter James, this is The First Book In A Series You've Never Read Before for the #popsugarreadingchallenge & it's my #LRC8 book for #over400pages for the #LitsyReadingChallenge I've finished 11 squares so far!

Michelle_mck Oh is it good? 7y
Lizpixie I've just finished, it was good. Not anywhere near as good as Peter Robinson or Elizabeth George, but still good. It is the first book in a long series, so I'm hoping they get better with practice. He does have great reviews for his later novels so I'm willing to give him a chance. 7y
TrishB I love these - Roy Grace develops well. 7y
Michelle_mck Good to know - I will give it a go 7y
JazzFeathers That cover alone would do the trick for me ;) 7y
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A stag night prank gone horribly wrong and a race against time to find a missing person. Plenty of twists and turns in what was my first (but definitely not my last) read of Peter James

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"It's not the dead who harm people Roy. It's the living."

Dead Simple | Peter James
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Read this little gem this week and loved it. Not sure how I've never heard of Peter James and his Roy Grace before but I'll be spending much more time with them in times ahead. Very good.