Two postman came with books to the door (at different times) this morning, an unusual treat. I tried to read this as a library book but it was requested before I could make headway...I‘m glad it‘s here.
Two postman came with books to the door (at different times) this morning, an unusual treat. I tried to read this as a library book but it was requested before I could make headway...I‘m glad it‘s here.
I seem to be reading a lot of very hard-hitting, harrowing NF recently.
The book contains Etty‘s diary and letters just before and during the time she was sent to a transit camp awaiting transport to Auschwitz, where she died in November 1943,
The diary section is actually difficult to read due to Etty‘s grandiloquent style. The letters are different - difficult as she is in the camp and awaiting her certain fate.
Recommended, but tough.
On Sunday I was in Amsterdam taking the number 24 tram to the Van Gough Museum. I read the above on Sunday night. Very strange. Very wonderful.
#BestOfFebruary #FeistyFeb
Disappointing reading month, quantity wise. Still less than half way through Mistress Mine on Kindle and only finished one audiobook (Life Of Pi).
A very tough but very important read. The first part of the diaries focuses more on her unhealthy relationship with her therapist than on the war - even in war, life goes on, and she's a neurotic twenty something with a life and human strengths and weaknesses. The mood very much changes in her letters from Westerbork transition camp, and the growing despair and horror (and hoping against hoping right until the end) is unbearable.
#CurrentRead #riotgrams
Probably gonna finish this today. It's becoming quite a bleak difficult read towards the end, knowing that there isn't going to be a happy ending.
Oh God. This is heartbreaking.
#Page24OfCurrentRead #ReadJanuary
The focus of much of the diary isn't the war or the persecution of Jews, but her massively unhealthy relationship with her therapist. Life goes on in war. @RealLifeReading
#BookAndYourFaveSnack #ReadJanuary
Chocolate covered coffee beans that my husband got me for Christmas. Note red wine damage to book. 😳 @RealLifeReading
Started reading this last summer and set it aside because (and I know this is selfish) it was too bleak to read while planning/celebrating our wedding. Hoping to finish it by or near Holocaust Memorial day.
posting a day late #ThisMonthsTBR #ReadJanuary
I started The Sagas of Icelanders and An Interrupted Life last year, I've got a bit of time off I'm January so I REALLY want to get them finished.
#SeasonsReadings2016 Day 15 - We Need Diverse Books
We need books that reflect and explore all kinds of diversity and experience!
#WeNeedDiverseBooks #persephonebooks #diversity #JamesBaldwin #ElifShafak #BritBennett #MarlonJames #JosephBoyden #EttyHillesum