Second read-through, still have no clue what's going on and I loooove that.
Second read-through, still have no clue what's going on and I loooove that.
This hot cocoa is 87% Kahlua
No such thing as too late in the night to start a new book!
Sinus infection and Joan Didion got me like
Boyfriend told me not to open my gift until Christmas but I'm impatient and he bought me a winner so WHATEVER I'M READING THIS TONIGHT.
Today's lunch stack!
Okay the big ol' omnibus edition was too heavy and brick-like for my liking so today I bought the three novels separately at my favorite STL bookstore (Left Bank Books duhhhh).
Totally worth it. More than happy to send all the royalties NK Jemisin's way.
Hoo boy am I in for a treat. 150 pages in and only 1250 more to go!
Have I mentioned how fully obsessed with NK Jemisin I am??
"I am not capable of defecating," she explained, "so your droppings are most appreciated!"
That makes one of us, Roz.
Look! Look at what came in the mail yesterday!
Re: sexual arousal stimulated by constipation:
"Is the urge to go ever complicated by the urge to come?"
Mary Roach, everyone.
Not mad about how my Friday night is shaping up.
Ann Leckie suggested NK Jemisin at a reading I went to last year and I'm so glad I listened to her advice. Leckie + Jemisin = Speculative Fiction Queens 👑🚀👑🌚