Agree or disagree? Explain your thoughts! 🤔🧠💭
Agree or disagree? Explain your thoughts! 🤔🧠💭
Great rugs in the new library (Helsinki!).
The first purpose built library built in a Nordic country. Beautiful and serene today with open access. Finland knows how to do a good library!
My local library has been under renovation for what feels like forever. Just found out the reopening and ribbon cut are at the end of the month😬🙌🏻
Displayed in my local public library 😍
I got the chance to spend some time in the amazing Norbertean library in Prague a few years ago. One of the most stunning places I have ever set foot in. A bibliophile‘s paradise.
Illuminated manuscripts library anyone? (Florence, Italy, San Marco museum/monastery where Fra Angelico lived and painted)
1. About once a week. Although I use the Hoopla app ALL. THE. TIME! I also serve on it's board.
2. The Library of Alexandria & the Kansas City Public Library @sammisho
3. Currently none, but have recently had about 3or 4 for Interlibrary loan. I 💙💚💛💜 Interlibrary loan.
4. I don't remember, but sometime in elementary school. My boys got theirs at 5. A little right of passage 😊📚
#trivialthursday @GarthRanzz
This is such a relevant quote with the current administration‘s attitude toward funding for libraries
Read this today, great article about libraries and their users! http://www.nydailynews.com/opinion/2018-libraries-rescue-article-1.3726473
At first glance I was in love with this room. But then I started wondering how anyone is supposed to get to the books on the top shelves. Anyone?
National Geographic has a great article on 14 Epic Libraries Around the World. It's fabulous. Pictured are two that I'd not heard of before: a pop up library on the beach in France and a children's library in Thailand. All the libraries are amazing. Here's the link if you want to check it out.
Just discovered that the Toronto Reference Library has a bookstore and everything is $1 or less!!!
I wonder why Harlequin Romances are only 25 cents 🤔 #stopthemadness
Well this is definitely my favorite #SerialReader badge so far! Not surprising since this beautiful library is located in my home town and is the only part of the original building to survive the terrible fire of 1916. Feeling a little homesick now though.
Did something different for my walk today and walked to the next town over. And so now I'm taking a tea break at the Burlingame Library and enjoying their perfect rooftop terrace. It must be a well kept secret... it's so peaceful up here. And perfect for reading!
Today is something pretty at #riotgrams. I just love love love gorgeous libraries....here You Go. This is one of my favorites!!
It's good to be home! So proud of my little library! We were awarded another star on our American Star Libraries rating! I'm so thankful for all the amazing ladies (and a few men) that work to make this place feel like home for every person who passes through our doors. #LibraryLove #NWALibrary
https://www.theguardian.com/books/2016/dec/12/library-closures-will-double-unles... this article just made me feel both very sad and very lucky. I'm in a city in the uk that has a amazing library service that isn't under threat thankfully. I'm one of the lucky people. Lets all use our libraries and let our local MPs know how important they are to us please. #librarylove #useitdontloseit have others been affected?
Me, upon seeing my library's three day book sale announcement: OMG. I NEED TO BE PACKING TONIGHT! LICI AND I ARE GOING ON A ROAD TRIP. OMG. I'M COMING AFTER WORK. STOP IT RIGHT NOW.
Them: Cindy. Calm down. (See above)
The new library in my hometown is so cool. I kind of wish I still lived there just for this. @RealLifeReading #librarylove #somethingforsept #septphotochallenge
#librarylove Part 2: One post just isn't enough to contain all the love and gratitude I have for libraries, so I'm going to give some shoutouts to the ones I hold near and dear. Pictured here is the Carlingwood Branch of the Ottawa Public Library. The 60's cube architecture may be a little uninspiring, but inside was my safe haven, my after school 'program,' my bookish paradise. #somethingforsept #septphotochallenge @RealLifeReading