I scrubbed all the baseboards in my house yesterday and ended up getting sick after (and sore... so so sore). Gansey snuggled up to me and made me feel better. I just *clenches fist* love him so much.
I scrubbed all the baseboards in my house yesterday and ended up getting sick after (and sore... so so sore). Gansey snuggled up to me and made me feel better. I just *clenches fist* love him so much.
They had take your dog to the bookstore at Brazos Bookstore tonight! They even had episodes of Wishbone playing on the big screen. It was a fun night out! Munchie made some friends and of course I brought home some books!
1. I get tons of comments on Dexter. He‘s small & very playful, so people think he‘s still a pup (he‘s 8 years old). And then I get a lot of people asking what breed he is because he‘s so awesome, they want one! (He‘s a full-blood mutt! 😂) #dogsoflitsy
2. Other than Litsy, it‘s my new idea journal.
3. White water rafting or kayaking down any river!
Here is my pup that loves to “sploot”. Also love me some puppy paws. #dogsoflitsy
1. My dogs minus any paperbacks
2. Silver had been with us 8 or 9 years I think. Walley maybe 6 or 7. And I'm totally guessing lol
3. Silver is almost blind but he fakes it well. He knows to look up for treats! Walley lacks social skills. He's learned how to act from watching Silver and it's been great seeing him figure out how to accept love.
4. Thanks for the tag @Bostonmomx2
#petsandpaperbacks @HotMessJess
So Molly really wants dinner. I told her I wanted to finish a short story first. So she wedged herself between me and the back of the couch and keeps nudging the book. 😀. Guess it‘s dinner time with audio book.
A bit non bookish: this is Koda who usually doesn‘t cooperate for pics but after a rough day he is being sweet! 💖 today my sister had to put her Great Dane down so it makes me want to love this guy more! Going to spend the rest of my night reading with him at my feet! 💙 I hope you littens are having a great day and squeeze your fur babies if you have them! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤
My golden years Chloe, ever polite always waits for the cat to finish. Versus Chase our young Lab, who just barges in. 😁
#BookNDinner! It's like a regular sausage party over here. 😂 For this hot and humid evening: Ball Park hot dogs, seasoned tots, sauerkraut, and Leinenkugel's Summer Shandy. Yum! 😋 This has been another presentation of: #MrBookBookBabeKitchen. Happy reads & happy eats!
For no other reason than this dog's face sums up Monday & everyone needs a good laugh. Haha! She looks so confused! #dogsoflitsy