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More Baths Less Talking
More Baths Less Talking: Notes from the Reading Life of a Celebrated Author Locked in Battle with Football, Family, and Time Itself | Nick Hornby
8 posts | 7 read | 9 to read
Read what you enjoy, not what bores you, Nick Hornby tells us. That simple, liberating, and indispensable directive animates each installment of the celebrated critic and authors monthly column in the Believer. In this delightful and never-musty tour of his reading life, Hornby tells us not just what to read, but how to read. Whether tackling a dismayingly bulky biography of Dickens while his children destroy something in the next room, or getting sucked into a serious assessment of Celine Dion during an intensely fought soccer match featuring his beloved Arsenal, or devouring an entire series of childrens books while on vacation, Hornbys reviews are rich, witty, and occasionally madcap. These essays capture the joy and ire, the despair and exhilaration of the book-lovers life, and will appeal equally to both monocle-wearing salonnieres and people, like him, who spend a lot of time thinking about Miley Cyruss next role.
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Nick Hornby writes a column for the Believer about books he's bought and books he's read. This collection (there are four and this is the fourth though there are more columns) covers 2011. Often very funny, the columns show his love of reading and his sharing what he's enjoyed about these books is infectious (Warning: Your TBR list will grow.).

BookNAround I loved this collection so much! 5y
Thndrstd @BookNAround Me too. ❤️ 5y
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To buy at m.bedbathandbeyond.com/m/product/over-tub-caddy-in-satin-nickel/1013382999?keyword=bath%20caddy

Reviewsbylola I need this in my life! The ledge of my tub that runs against the wall is tiny though. 7y
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Hi litsians! Help me out because I'm in dire need of guidance. What do you do when you're in a reading rut? It's been about a month since I've picked up my book and I don't know what's the matter with me. #help

Joanne1 Go to an author you always enjoy? Reread a favourite book? Go chat to a friendly librarian or bookseller asking for a guaranteed winner? Raid your family/friends shelves for their favourites? Try some short stories (I would recommend Olive Kitteridge by Elizabeth Stout if you haven't already read it)? Or try a different format like non-fiction or audiobooks if they're not your usual bag? 7y
KCorter I usually turn to comics or short story collections. I find it conducive to easing back into reading every day. I find rereading a favorite to be another good option. 7y
drokka Usually I pick something I don't generally read, such as a graphic novel, an anthology of short stories, or a subject I know nothing about. Lately though, I find my rut is usually caused by stress due to be overwhelmed. In those cases, I listen to audiobooks while I do other stuff and the stress and reading funk evaporate. I may take a couple of books. 7y
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Yossarian Go to Barnes & Noble and pick the most interesting cover from each Section (New Fiction, History, Graphic Novels, etc.) Go to the cafe with your stack of 7-10 books and start reading the top one. As soon as you lose interest put it down and move on. When you're still interested on page 20, you're out of your rut and into your groove! 7y
CouronneDhiver Take the pressure off... maybe just go to a bookstore and see if anything catches your eye... if not, carry on and try again in a week or so. 7y
DimeryRene Definitely comics and graphic novels. Something shorter that I can finish and feel accomplished until I can get back into novels. Doesn't feel like a rut if I'm finishing titles. 7y
Smangela Oh I love @Yossarian's suggestion! 7y
LiteraryinPA For me, my go-to author is Agatha Christie. If I'm in a rut reading a book I think I "should" read, sometimes I need to go back to some literary comfort food. 7y
LiteraryinPA I noticed from a previous post that you like detective and crime books? Then I recommend After the Crash. I finished it in one sitting and it was not a short book! 7y
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This compilation of Hornby's columns from the periodical "The Believer" offers his musings on his reading life. Each month, he provides a list of books he has bought and read, and then he briefly reviews the ones he read. Every single column had me laughing several times. I also appreciated the breadth of Hornby's literary taste, from children's books to nonfiction on esoteric topics. He makes it all interesting.

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Spent the entire weekend redoing our master bathroom and paid very special attention to the reading tub. One needs to relax after all and have plenty of smelly goods and candles for optimum reading and relaxing. After all the painting and installing new fixture I truly need it!

Bookzombie It looks great! 8y
LeahBergen 😍😍😍 8y
My_novel_obsession It looks so relaxing 👍 8y
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Reviewsbylola So awesome! 😍😍 8y
stacybmartin This looks amazing! 😍😍😍 8y
DebinHawaii Perfect!! 🛁💜 8y
Lizpixie Beautiful! I love baths but can no longer have one in our small bath. 8y
Gleefulreader Love! ❤️ 8y
JEMoutrageous Looks great. I am slowly buying accoutrement for a perfect bath. I have the shelf to hold the book, wine and candle. I need some pretty smelling thing to put in the bath, a bath pillow, a candle or two, and some wine. I guess I have really only bought the shelf and a crapload of books.😎🤔😁 8y
Sara_Planz @JEMoutrageous I need this bath pillow you speak of!!! 8y
JEMoutrageous @Sara_Planz They have them at Bed, Bath & Beyond. Though I am going to investigate some more. If I am going to spend money on something frivolous, it better be above and beyond.😁 8y
Sara_Planz Well Bed, Bath and Beyond definitely has the Beyond covered! 😄 Must look into these too! 8y
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Trying out my Christmas present for the first time- I've wanted one of these for years!! Finally all the hinting paid off! Hopefully my books will be a little less soggy and my wine less frequently spilt in the bath!!! 😊

beagle.mama Love it! I wonder if such a thing exists for spas? I worry about kindle when soaking. 8y
courtney Brilliant gift!! Those always look so incredible! 8y
LeahBergen Lovely!! 8y
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jessberk13 How amazing!!! I wish my bathtub was deep enough for this luxury 😩😩😩 8y
Bookzombie That looks amazing. 8y
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Sono tutte storie | Nick Hornby
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"Hornby è un paladino del libro, della lettura, del piacere che dà una felice esperienza letteraria. Ha una qualità di cui c'è disperato bisogno: un entusiasmo intelligente."
The New Republic

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#funfridayphoto #funnybooks it took me a while to come up with books that make me laugh. I like sly, clever, sharp wit, usually based on personal observations, by writers such as Nick Hornby. And the best part about these essays in these books? Mainly about books! (note: these + a few more all in are in Ten Years in the Tub, which I don't have yet). Oddly enough I haven't read any of his novels; don't know if his humor carries over in them.

katedensen I picked this up at the Harvard Bookstore years ago and promptly forgot about it. You've made me re-add it to the neverending #tbr pile 😊 8y
Reviewsbylola LOVE THESE!!! I am constantly checking to see if a new one is coming out. 8y
Hooked_on_books Ten years in the tub is great! You won't be disappointed if you get it. 8y
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ValerieAndBooks @katedfisher Enjoy! It won't take long to get through! @Reviewsbylola I'm not sure if he's still writing these essays anymore? He's awesome for sure! @Hooked_on_books yes! Even though these four books are in Ten Years in the Tub, I still want it because there are some extras in it. Plus a good way to to re-visit 😊 8y
Zelma There is the same dry humor in his books, but I definitely prefer his essays. I ❤️Ten Years in the Tub. I typically re-read it every January to start my new year off well. 8y
HeatherBookNerd About a Boy is wonderful! 8y
ValerieAndBooks @Zelma good idea to re-read a fave every New Years! What do you think was his best novel that you've read? 8y
ValerieAndBooks @HeatherBookNerd Thanks, I definitely will have to check this one out. Looks good! 8y
Zelma @ValerieAndBooks I've only read a couple so I can't give a good recommendation. I liked A Long Way Down and didn't care for About a Boy. 8y
ValerieAndBooks @Zelma looks like I should read the descriptions of his novels and just pick first the storyline that sounds most appealing to me (and borrow from the library unless I find it super cheap as a used book) 8y
Zelma @ValerieAndBooks 👍 I think you'll find fans of all of his titles; he's a pretty consistent author. I also read How to Be Good and found it only ok. But I still really want to read Juliet Naked and High Fidelity (love the movie). 8y
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