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Time of the Flies
Time of the Flies | Claudia Pieiro
6 posts | 2 read | 7 to read
Life after crime from the International Booker-shortlisted author of Elena Knows Fifteen years after killing her husband's lover, Ins is fresh out of prison and trying to put together a new life. Her old friend Manca is out now too, and they've started a business - FFF, or Females, Fumigation, and Flies - dedicated to pest control and private investigation, by women, for women. But Seora Bonar, one of their clients, wants Ins to do more than kill bugs--she wants her expertise, and her criminal past, to help get her kill her husband's lover, too. Crimes against women versus crimes by women; culpability, fallibility, and our responsibilities to each other--this is Pieiro at her wry, earthy best, alive to all the ways we shape ourselves to be understandable, to be understood, by family and love and other hostile forces.
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Time of the Flies | Claudia Pieiro
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Another thought provoking read from this author. If you‘ve liked her others you‘ll like this. Lots of feminist theory. Oh, and flies.

BarbaraBB Can‘t wait 😃 2w
Tamra Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzz 2w
Suet624 I‘ll have to look for this one. Reading one of hers now. 2w
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TrishB @Suet624 there is one before this one I didn‘t read as I didn‘t realise! 2w
Suet624 Yes, that‘s the other one I read. 2w
sarahbarnes I can‘t wait for this one - it‘s on order at the library and I‘m on the list. 2w
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Time of the Flies | Claudia Pieiro
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Took me a long time to get through this novel because of life.

I enjoyed it but did not absolutely love it. Packed with a lot of feminist themes to think about 👍🏾, it just didn‘t have the drive of Elena Knows. That one is hard to top and it‘s difficult not to make comparisons. Elena is still my favorite of the three I‘ve read so far.

If you like tidy endings, take a pass. 😅 Pineiro might be planning a trilogy or leaving the door open?

BarbaraBB Which three did you read? 3w
Tamra @BarbaraBB the tagged book, Elena Knows, and Little Luck. I probably should read All Yours, which apparently is the first book with the protagonist in Time of the Flies. (edited) 3w
BarbaraBB I just read All Yours and loved it. My favorite though is A Little Luck. You‘ve made me curious about Time of the Flies. 3w
Tamra @BarbaraBB I will have to get my hands on All Yours! 3w
BarbaraBB I think you‘ll love that one too 3w
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Time of the Flies | Claudia Pieiro
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It‘s sale at my favorite bookstore… so I went a bit overboard and bought all of these 🤦🏻‍♀️
In my defence: they were real cheap, except of course for the tagged book, which I couldn‘t ignore after @Tamra posting about it!

I hope I bought some good ones!

LeahBergen Nice haul! 👏 2mo
squirrelbrain Oooh, great haul! 2mo
Deblovestoread 👀 lovely stack! 2mo
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sarahbarnes I can‘t wait to hear what you think of Time of the Flies! I‘m waiting for my library to get it in and I‘m on the list. And a new Everett, too! 2mo
sarahbarnes Oh and the Lacey - I‘ll be interested to see what you think of it! I liked it but not quite as much as her others. 2mo
Suet624 Oh my! I want so many of these! Great picks. 2mo
Tamra 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 I‘m reading it slowly - life intervenes. 2mo
BarbaraBB @sarahbarnes The Everett is an older one but I couldn‘t resist it! 2mo
BarbaraBB @Suet624 I bought the Lacey based on your review! 2mo
Suet624 Oh God. This had an outrageous concept. I hope you don‘t hate it. 😩 2mo
BarbaraBB @Suet624 Don‘t worry, it cost me about one euro so nothing much to lose 😀 2mo
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Time of the Flies | Claudia Pieiro
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My idea of Happy Hour. ☺️

I made a trip to the nursery today. The cashier mentioned mums when I expressed dismay at the nearly empty greenhouse. I hate the word and sight of mums in August - which I humorously explained to her. 😠😢 She got it. It‘s too much of a reminder that summer in the upper Midwest is woefully short.

Amor4Libros This book is so good! Did you read the prequel? 2mo
Tamra @Amor4Libros is there a prequel? What am I missing??? 2mo
Amor4Libros @Tamra Yes! It‘s called “Tuya” (Yours). The time of the flies takes place 15 years after. It gives you the backstory of what happened that landed Inés in prison. Some people say it‘s not necessary to read it, but I feel it gives you a lot of context for this one. And it‘s also a great read! 2mo
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Tamra @Amor4Libros oh my - must get. Thank you! 2mo
Amor4Libros @Tamra Anytime! 🤗 2mo
merelybookish Short summers here too! The mornings and evenings are noticeable cool. 2mo
Tamra @merelybookish 😢 I‘m never ready. 2mo
BarbaraBB How is the book? I am so excited about reading it - soon! 2mo
Tamra @BarbaraBB it‘s great! I‘m taking my time to enjoy. 😁 2mo
BarbaraBB Oooh that is so good to know, thanks 🥰 2mo
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Time of the Flies | Claudia Pieiro
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What does this mean? ‘…‘ Pineiro uses it frequently in this book.

Ruthiella Long pauses of no talking maybe? 🤔 2mo
TEArificbooks Long pause in speech. Probably speaking with their facial expressions. 2mo
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Tamra @Ruthiella @TEArificbooks yes! I thought that or perhaps omission of irrelevant speech/gestures/vocalizations. 2mo
Tamra @Pogue have you seen ellipses used this way before? It‘s new to me. (edited) 2mo
swynn @Tamra It's not common, but not exactly new either. The early 20th century novelist Ronald Firbank used to do this sort of thing, with characters speaking in ellipses and punctuation marks. I'm not sure whether he was the first. 2mo
Tamra @swynn thank you for the insight! 2mo
Pogue @Tamra yes, it is not very common but I have seen this before. 2mo
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Time of the Flies | Claudia Pieiro
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Book mail! 🪰🪰

I‘ll read anything Claudia writes. I ordered this the minute I heard about it.

jlhammar Looking forward to this one! 2mo
Tamra @jlhammar it‘s next in the queue! 🤞🏾🤞🏾 2mo
BarbaraBB A new one? Thanks for sharing, I want to read everything by her too! 2mo
sarahbarnes Yes!! I already have a hold on this one as soon as I heard about it! Looking forward to your thoughts! 2mo
Cathythoughts Must stack 👍🏻❤️ 2mo
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