I keep flip flopping on what to read next. I started Such Sharp Teeth but I don‘t think aim in the mood right now. Since this one is so short I figure I have enough time to read it before our #ChristiesCapers #AgathaChristieClubR3 read next week.
I keep flip flopping on what to read next. I started Such Sharp Teeth but I don‘t think aim in the mood right now. Since this one is so short I figure I have enough time to read it before our #ChristiesCapers #AgathaChristieClubR3 read next week.
Between a So-So and a Pan. The end saved a little, but there still wasn't any emotion from my side, even though the plot called for it. If you have a feminist side (like I do) you might don't want to read this book. There are some verc cringy scenes when it comes to relationship dynamics and uses some stereotypes when it comes to women and their part in the world. Also, the MC is even more superficial in this book than she was in the first.
What a great cover! I didn‘t like this as much as What You‘re Looking For is in the Library but not everything can change your life. This was still a lovely read— an ode to reading, really. Highly relatable 📚
I found the first book charming and was happy to see it has a follow up. This one finds our main character more settled but still helping out at her uncle‘s shop. It‘s bittersweet, exploring grief. I liked it.
Boy am I glad I finished this at home instead of on the bus. Some tears were shed. This was very good.
This book has the same cozy and heartwarming vibes as its predecessor. There‘s lots of discussion on reading and books which I loved. As a huge bibliophile, I related a lot to those parts. The book also has a strong emotional core, especially in the second half.
Full Review: https://oddandbookish.wordpress.com/2024/07/08/review-more-days-at-the-morisaki-...
For all the secondhand bookstore lovers out there.