New books for (early) Christmas.
New books for (early) Christmas.
I am really not feeling YA contemporary right now.
I really loved the save the bookstore storyline, but the romance was a little icky because Trey has a girlfriend through 90% of the book, and there's one scene where he accuses of Ariel of lying, which pissed me off. I think this would have worked out better without the romance, or making Blair an ex/friend instead.
#WinterGames #GangstaWrappers
@Bookwormjillk @Clwojick @StayCurious
#WGWordesearch 2410 pts
My rather ambitious TBR for this year‘s #Wintergames and #TeamEveegreen. The list of 20 books include the 2 team reads, a mix of audio ebooks and lots of holiday romance. It also works for December‘s #Bookspin & #BookspinBingo which I love.
This is usually the type of story I would love, but I had some issues with the main characters. I couldn't stand the male lead, he had some decent moments, but they were rare. I spent most of the book hating him. Things shift suddenly toward the end of the book, it wasn't built up at all. I'm so disappointed because I had been looking forward to this book. It was a cute concept, I really wish I had liked it more.