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The Passenger
The Passenger | Cormac McCarthy
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One of America's greatest living writers, now eighty-eight, returns with a book - a pair of books, together a masterpiece - a decade in the making.
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The Passenger | Cormac McCarthy
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I love McCarthy. I‘m sure this one was really ready for publication with so many unresolved aspects, important ones. (Maybe it‘s all resolved in Stella Maris) But regardless, I enjoyed this. It‘s terrific up front as we wander around New Orleans (~1980). It evolves poorly, becoming less fun as it moves along. It‘s ok for a character to find themselves, but Bobby tries like 3x here. 🙂 Still, I think it‘s mostly an enjoyable read.

BarbaraBB I couldn‘t get through this one. 6mo
batsy I loved this! And it was my intro to McCarthy 😆 Stella Maris doesn't really resolve any questions, but I loved it too... 6mo
Graywacke @BarbaraBB Sorry. I always found McCarthy enjoyable, but not essential and not for everyone. Hope it at least felt good to bail. 🙂 6mo
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Graywacke @batsy your first here! Oh, this is not near his best. You can probably skip The Orchard Keeper (although it has his most sonically beautiful writing, so if you got into him, worth the stop.) But almost everything else is better than this. 6mo
Currey @batsy @Graywacke I love McCarthy but everyone I know who has read this told me not to read this one and that Stella is worse. However, I trust you two and I am putting it back on my TBR shelf. Many thanks 6mo
Graywacke @Currey he has a way. It‘s here, if imperfectly. (Stella is all one conversation so far. But, that a McCarthy strength) 6mo
batsy @Graywacke @Currey I've seen lots of McCarthy fans say that these two are not quite close to his strongest books, which is great news for me. Lots of good reading ahead 🙂 6mo
Flaneurette This was only my second McCarthy after All the Pretty Horses that I read way back in the 90‘s and I really loved it- but a MC who wanders about talking about the big questions is kinda my jam. The road sounds too bleak and blood meridian too violent and co-opted by infinite jest type bros-any suggestions for what next by him? 5mo
Graywacke @Flaneurette yes. 🙂 what to suggest next? Ok, it‘s a harder question than i thought. The Crossing is the natural follow up to AtPH. It‘s less epic, less universal, but equally pondering and plotted. McCarthy plots follow a path without an end. But they usually propel the reader. Cities on the Plain is an awkward part 3 (he wrote it first and clearly his character went unintended ways in the two prequels). But it does go into his big questioning👇 5mo
Graywacke @Flaneurette You may like Blood Meridian. It hits all his questions hard. It‘s a beautiful gory book, as beautiful as one ever written. That was something he cultivated - dark and beautiful and also meaningful. And in that sense, it‘s his masterpiece. No Country for Old Men is less gory, but darker (and more fun 😁) 5mo
Graywacke @Flaneurette too many options? Should i add I just finished Stella Maris today and it‘s all questions and I really found it enjoyable. Suttree if you want autobiographical charm (has sexism issues) i find The Road a little thin. Of its time, but less permanent than his other stuff (for me at least) Outer Dark is really dark, but wonderfully plotted (with no plot. Drive is curiosity, a hiding behind your pillow kind. 🙂) 5mo
Graywacke @Flaneurette maybe that wasn‘t so helpful. I‘m on steroids for covid and my brain is racing. Sorry if this is counterproductive. I think anything you pick you will enjoy if that questioning aspect of AtPH was what held you. (edited) 5mo
Graywacke @batsy i also loved Stella Maris. That was kind of unexpected. Reviews say it‘s like Sunset Limited, his play. I haven‘t that… hmm. 5mo
Flaneurette It was very helpful, thank you! Hope you are feeling better soon! I did also love Stella Maris, I think I will have to put on my big girl pants and read Blood Meridian. I still think about Alicia/Alice and her horts 5mo
Graywacke @Flaneurette oh. I could talk more about Stella Maris. I‘m thinking about it so much. Mostly just how enjoyable it was to be in. Maybe now i need to read 5mo
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The Passenger | Cormac McCarthy
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Bookclub book for May, selected by my good friend Leigh Coop. Looking forward to beginning today.

CatMS Finished The Passenger liked but did not love. 13mo
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The Passenger | Cormac McCarthy
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“Where he walked the tideline at dusk the last red reaches of the sun flared slowly out along the sky to the west and the tidepools stood like spills of blood. He stopped to look back at his bare footprints. Filling with water one by one. The reefs seemed to move slowly in the last hours and the late colors of the sun drained away and then the sudden darkness fell like a foundry shutting down for the night.”

batsy It's lovely that when I imagined this quote I saw something like this picture in my mind. 1y
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The Passenger | Cormac McCarthy
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@Megabooks was right. At about 50% it got compelling. It‘s bookish Stockholm Syndrome. So I am giving it a pick, even though it has no plot, the tangents are indulgent (Kennedy assassination, Vietnam war, math and physics blah blah blah) and Bobby is a Gary Stu paragon of wounded masculinity, ascetically brooding over the lost love of his life, his dead sister. But it was so well written, even though I have no clue what it means. 🤯

BarbaraBB Happy you took @Megabooks (and @batsy !) advice and didn‘t give up on this book. Great review. Will you read Stella Maris as well? 1y
Ruthiella @BarbaraBB Nah. I don‘t think it will shed any light on the plot. But I might go back and read something from his back catalogue. 🤔 1y
Hooked_on_books I‘m glad this one worked for you! It didn‘t quite come together for me, though I found some parts very compelling. I liked Stella Maris far more than this one. 1y
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Cinfhen Excellent review! Is that the last one? 1y
squirrelbrain Great review! I‘m beginning to wish I‘d persevered….😬 1y
Reggie Bookish Stockholm Syndrome… been there. 1y
Cathythoughts Great review 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 1y
Amiable Love your review! 1y
BkClubCare 🤣🤣🤣😎🤩✅ 1y
BkClubCare @Ruthiella - this was your first Cormac? 1y
BarbaraBB I read some of his earlier books and did enjoy them! 1y
jlhammar Bookish Stockholm Syndrome - love it 😂 I'm about halfway through this one and will definitely finish. I'm not quite sure what to make of it all yet, but liking it so far. 1y
kwmg40 I wasn't going to read this one, but I may reconsider, especially after seeing your last line: “But it was so well written, even though I have no clue what it means.“ I felt the same way about My Volcano, and was very glad that I did read it. 1y
Ruthiella @Hooked_on_books It never came together for me either. But somehow it felt right to read on. This has happened to me before with “difficult” books. I think maybe something in my subconscious is “getting” it, even when the rest of my brain is confused. 1y
Ruthiella @Cinfhen Nope. I still have Nightcrawling and My Volcano to read. 1y
Ruthiella @squirrelbrain 200 pages is an investment, when you could be reading something else! You probably made the right decision! I‘m a bit of a masochist when it comes to the ToB shortlist. 😰 1y
Ruthiella @Reggie Right? It‘s happened to me before also! 1y
Ruthiella @BkClubCare It was the first time I‘d read any Cormac McCarthy. 👍 1y
Ruthiella @jlhammar I‘ll be interested to hear what you make of it! 1y
Ruthiella @kwmg40 Definitely give it a try if you can… It was an interesting experience. 1y
Tamra Bookish Stockholm Syndrome! 🤣 1y
Billypar Great review! McCarthy was an early favorite author of mine before l even knew of the existence of most authors I've read since. My Litsy handle is taken from the character Billy Parham featured in The Crossing and Cities of the Plain (both are my favorites of his and I recommend them every chance I get). I haven't read this one yet - just waiting for the right time. 1y
Ruthiella @Tamra It‘s a thing ! 😂 1y
Ruthiella @Billypar So that‘s where your handle comes from! 😀 I‘ll definitely check out one or two books by McCarthy and I‘ll keep your recommendations in mind. 1y
BkClubCare @Ruthiella - I was quite impressed with No Country for Old Men. And I was moved by The Road, gave it 5 stars 1y
Ruthiella @BkClubCare The Road conceptually doesn‘t appeal to me…too devastatingly sad. 😭😨 1y
sarahbarnes Great review! This makes me curious to try it at some point! 1y
Ruthiella @sarahbarnes Thanks! I‘m curious now to read something else from him, but who knows when I will manage it…so many books, so little time. 1y
sarahbarnes That is so sadly the truth! 1y
BkClubCare @Ruthiella - I get it, I do. It is also a triumph of hope and love. 1y
Readerann Your review is intriguing, but I think two McCarthy‘s was quite enough for me. 😁 1y
Megabooks Sorry I haven‘t commented yet! I‘m glad you ended up enjoying it! It was difficult and obtuse, but worth it for me. I want to read more of his books as well. Not sure where I want to start. If you look at my review of Stella Maris, @Hooked_on_books provided a link with a guide to the different phases of his writing. That may help. 1y
Megabooks Great review, btw! 1y
Ruthiella @Readerann I think two might be enough for me too. Just pondering what the second might be… 1y
Ruthiella @Megabooks Thanks for the tip! I‘ll check out @Hooked_on_books comment for ideas on where to go next! 1y
Hooked_on_books Oh good! I thought it was a really interesting article. Hope it helps! 1y
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The Passenger | Cormac McCarthy
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Well, I‘m shocked I was able to make it through this. I wouldn‘t have been interested at all if it wasn‘t for #tob2023. Though I try never to read detailed reviews prior to reading novels, the NYT article on this certainly helped me understand what I was reading and even with that, I am confident I did NOT catch everything McCarthy was doing with these two siblings: Bobby and Alicia. If I had to pick one word: manly. I listened to the audiobook.

BarbaraBB I‘m in awe! 1y
Cinfhen Well done!!! Im glad I chose to skip this one 😚 1y
jlhammar Manly 😂 I am really hoping this one works for me as I've enjoyed previous Cormac McCarthy novels. Well, maybe enjoyed is the wrong word. They can be quite bleak and violent. I thought they were very good though. I have a print copy on the way so look forward to starting soon. 1y
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squirrelbrain Love your choice of word! Well done for battling through it! 1y
Ruthiella Well done! 👏👏👏 I just got a “skip the line” ebook from my library but I‘ve only read the first page. 1y
Megabooks I think he balanced it with having a strong woman in the companion book, though. I‘m just surprised you could make the audio work because I hated it!! 1y
Hooked_on_books Congrats on getting through! I wasn‘t a fan either and found the last several hours of the book quite a slog. There were parts of it I found really engaging, which is the main thing that pushed me to finish. 1y
paulfrankspencer Manly pretty well describes all of his writing. 1y
sarahbarnes Manly. That explains why my brother loves his books I‘m guessing. 😂 1y
Chelsea.Poole @BarbaraBB I‘m surprised myself too, honestly 😆 @Cinfhen I nearly did, but gave it a chance and it honestly wasn‘t as horrible as I had expected. 1y
Chelsea.Poole @jlhammar this is my first time reading anything from him! I‘ve never even seen the film adaptations! 😱 maybe I should… Bleak, this one was, certainly, but not so much with the violence. 1y
Chelsea.Poole @squirrelbrain “battling” 😆 1y
Chelsea.Poole @Ruthiella oh those “skip the line” titles are handy! Came up for you at a great time! 1y
Chelsea.Poole @Megabooks that‘s what I‘ve heard…I should give the companion a chance to help with this one, but I just have others waiting that I won‘t have to try so hard with 😓 and yes…after hearing about your trouble with the audio I thought “no way” but I think the lack of quotation marks, etc in the print was too much. And I slowed the audio down a bit which helped. (But still know some of it went over my head!) 1y
Chelsea.Poole @Hooked_on_books thanks! I agree some parts were very engaging but others were lost on me, hence the “so-so” 1y
Chelsea.Poole @paulfrankspencer @sarahbarnes “write what you know”, I guess?? 1y
Librarybelle Great job making it through this! I‘m not sure I could make it through… 1y
kwmg40 Thanks for the review. I still have half of the list to read, and it sounds like this one should have lower priority than the others. 1y
BarbaraBB Lack of quotation marks indeed. That is what made me bail, I got lost after a few pages. Why is that a thing these days?! 1y
Larkken Manly! 😂 I agree. My partner loves McCarthy but I find him to be a drag. 1y
Ruthiella Oh so manly! Race car driving, deep sea oil rigs, salvage diving, sleeping in a shack with no heat or electricity! Sheesh! 😂 1y
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The Passenger | Cormac McCarthy
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I read Stella Maris first, and although I enjoyed it more, this was still an intriguing read. I can completely understand though why others did not enjoy this one because it is a difficult read to connect with.

Both books are dark, depressing character studies that take the reader on meandering paths through each sibling's life as they cope with tragedy.

To be fair, had I not read SM first I might have bailed on this one.

squirrelbrain Interesting that you read SM first…. I bailed on this one though and not sure I feel like tackling SM. 1y
Graywacke (I thought we were supposed to read this one first. Well, I‘m easily confused) Great review. I‘m hoping to read both 1y
vivastory I have heard that bc of the writing style some people have had better luck connecting with it via audio 1y
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Addison_Reads @Graywacke You are supposed to read this one first but my library hold for Stella came in first, so I just read them out of order. 1y
Addison_Reads @vivastory I could see these working better as audio because of the style. 1y
Ruthiella Interesting. I‘ve never read any McCarthy and am fearful. But who knows? 1y
Cinfhen Well done 👍🏽 1y
BarbaraBB Interesting! I did bail but I never tried Stella Maris. 1y
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The Passenger | Cormac McCarthy
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I tried. I really did. I want to be a person who enjoys Cormac McCarthy but, as this was my second attempt at reading him, I think I can safely say he is just not for me. The good news is that I only have one more #tob23 book to go.

Pogue He is not for me either. You are not alone 1y
TheBookgeekFrau Nope, you are definitely not alone. Not my cup of tea. 1y
Suet624 You‘re not alone. 😉 1y
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squirrelbrain I bailed on this one too. I‘m reading my last two #tob books at the moment. 1y
BarbaraBB I wanted to be that person too! And though I read and enjoyed two other books by him I didn‘t manage this time. 1y
BkClubCare @Cinfhen that tag! 🏆 1y
Cinfhen It‘s my motto @BkClubCare 🤪 1y
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The Passenger | Cormac McCarthy
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Not too hopeful but I am giving it a try… #ToB23

squirrelbrain Good luck! 🤞 1y
Graywacke Oh. Curious over here. I really want to read this. 1y
batsy I love this cover. Captures the vibes of the book. 1y
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Suet624 Bless you. Good luck! 1y
Megabooks I hope you like it too! 1y
Jas16 I just started it too. Not so sure I will make it to the end. 1y
BarbaraBB @Jas16 I didn‘t… 1y
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The Passenger | Cormac McCarthy
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Wow. Thank you @batsy for getting me to give this another try because I loved it. It took 200 pages for it to really click, but I totally would go back and read it again. There is not much coherent plot, and you don‘t get answers to some plot-based questions. But it was a very clever way for the author to grapple philosophically with life, the way your past comes back to haunt you, and what you have to give up to move forward. #tob23 Ice storms!

Megabooks Sorry if I missed anyone on the tag list! I‘m a bit foggy brained today, but I‘m already 19% into Stella Maris and enjoying it too! 1y
BkClubCare Awesome. I admit, I found it quite readable but couldn‘t quite reconcile the WTF-ness with liking it! I will read Stella Maris. Someday. 1y
MicheleinPhilly 200 pages to get into it?? I‘m too old for that. 😉 1y
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Ruthiella @MicheleinPhilly 👍💯% 😂 1y
BarbaraBB Kudos for trying again! I am starting it as we speak but I tend to think like @MicheleinPhilly and @Ruthiella , 200 pages?! 1y
squirrelbrain Still don‘t think I‘ll try it again…. 1y
Cinfhen Glad it worked for you but I don‘t have the patience to get to 200 pages….😅 1y
Megabooks @BkClubCare SM is much more straightforward. I hope you like it! 1y
Megabooks @MicheleinPhilly lol! 😂😂 1y
Megabooks @Ruthiella 🤣🤣 1y
Megabooks @BarbaraBB I‘m very interested to read what you think! I had to grapple a lot, but it was worth it. 1y
Megabooks @squirrelbrain fair enough 👍🏻 1y
Megabooks @Cinfhen 😂😂 we‘ve been feeling so differently about books lately, I‘m not even sure what to recommend to you! 😬😬 not this though! 1y
Cinfhen Hahaha - noted!! 1y
batsy I'm super glad to hear it!! ❤️? I agree with you, it's not easy to say what is "about", but it's certainly about a lot! If that makes sense. Lol. 1y
BkClubCare @Megabooks - grapple! 💯 1y
Megabooks @Hooked_on_books and @Chelsea.Poole sorry I missed you!! #brainfogsucks 1y
Chelsea.Poole @megabooks -- totally ok... I just tried to tag everyone in a recent post but experienced multiple malfunctions....also, I can never remember who exactly to tag, so most of the time I just leave it off all together. However! I'm on a mission here to read many from the TOB this month, so I thought I'd do some tagging lol. Also, you make me curious about this book (I had previously written it off). Have you tried audio for it? 1y
Chelsea.Poole also, great photo! 1y
Megabooks @Chelsea.Poole thanks! Yes, I tried audio initially, but despite two great narrators (Whelan and Macleod Andrews), the format didn‘t work for me AT ALL. V hard to follow, so I went back with the ebook. 1y
Chelsea.Poole Ok, very helpful! I hope to get around to this before the tournament! 1y
Hooked_on_books It‘s so great that you ended up liking this! 1y
Megabooks @Hooked_on_books I‘m so pleased. I think I feel opposite of you. I prefer this to SM (I‘m almost done), but I‘m definitely going to read more McCarthy. I have a $69 credit at the used bookstore, and I‘m thinking of picking up one by him. 👍🏻 1y
Hooked_on_books That‘s interesting how our opinion are opposite! I really liked the ruminating on science and philosophy in SM. I also appreciated this article that talks about distinct phases in McCarthy‘s career. It might be useful for picking your next read from his books: https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/books/story/2022-12-02/cormac-mccarth... 1y
Hooked_on_books I should also say, regarding SM, that I really appreciated seeing a man write not just a brilliant and complex female character, but then dedicate an entire book to her. That just doesn‘t happen very often. 1y
Megabooks @Hooked_on_books that is an excellent point about SM with a female protagonist in STEM! That said, both books tied me up in knots as far as difficulty, but I preferred the changes in locales and multiple conversation foils in TP. It just read more dynamic. I read the article you suggested before I went to the used bookstore. I think I‘d like to read his southern books because of my connection to Knoxville. 1y
Megabooks @Hooked_on_books and I would love to see more men with that excellent an insight into female characters. I love how he expressed her breakdown and suicidal ideation. 1y
Hooked_on_books He painted a very convincing portrait of her. I really appreciate the care he took in doing so. 1y
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The Passenger | Cormac McCarthy
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Saturday night = icing the broken foot, 90 Day Fiancé HEA trash on low (anyone else think Ed and Liz should just break the F up??), and trying again with The Passenger. #tob

My TV tastes may be low brow, but at least I read! ??

Suet624 You have a broken foot???? 1y
MallenNC Sorry about your foot! 1y
Dragon Sorry to hear about your foot. Wishing you a speedy recovery 💐 1y
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CBee Oh no!! I‘m so sorry you broke your foot!! 😔 1y
marleed Oh ow! You deserve to watch anything you want - she types while reading with the Saturday Night hallmark Chanel movie playing in the background ;) 1y
TheBookgeekFrau 🙋‍♀️Me! I definitely think Ed and Liz should break the F up already. They are ridiculous 😆 1y
wanderinglynn So sorry to hear you broke your foot! Hope it heals well & quickly. 💚 1y
Ruthiella Oh no! Hope you recover quickly! 1y
ChaoticMissAdventures Ouch! So sorry, hope you heal quickly. 1y
batsy Oh no! Wishing you a swift recovery. 1y
Sungirl79 Oh no!! Wishing you a speedy recovery!! 1y
peaKnit Hope you have a smooth recovery! 1y
JamieArc I don‘t watch 90 day fiancée (yet ?) but I definitely have low brow watching tastes ?. Glad I‘m not alone there! 1y
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick Well shit! That's no fun. Wishing you a speedy recovery! 1y
squirrelbrain Wait! How did you break your foot?! Hope it gets better soon. 😘 1y
Cinfhen Oh no!!! The foot is still acting up!!! Is this a new break??? 1y
BarbaraBB I am so sorry about your foot. I‘d think you should pamper yourself. Not sure the book is going to do the trick 😳, I do hope I am wrong though ❤️ 1y
LeahBergen You broke your foot?? 😮 1y
Bookwomble I hope you're feeling more comfortable soon 💖 1y
Chelsea.Poole Oh no, so sorry to hear about your foot!! 1y
Meshell1313 I too love trashy TV! Hope you feel better soon! Don‘t even get me started on Angie and Mike. 1y
Megabooks @Meshell13 “delete your Instagram Michael!!” 🙄 if I hear about that one more time!! 😝 1y
Megabooks @Chelsea.Poole @Bookwomble @LeahBergen @Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick @peaknit @Sungirl79 @batsy @ChaoticMissAdventures @Ruthiella @wanderinglynn @marleed @CBee @Dragon thank you each so much for the good wishes!! 🙏🏻🤞🏻 it heals soon and maybe I‘ll get some answers as to why it keeps happening to this foot. 💜💕💜 1y
Megabooks @TheBookgeekFrau ridiculous!! I wasn‘t overly fond of most of the HEA cast. There wasn‘t really anyone I wanted to stay together. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️😬 hopefully the TOW cast is better, but that‘s my least favorite one usually. 1y
Megabooks @marleed thanks! Sometimes it‘s good to veg out, as my mom calls it. 💜 1y
Megabooks @squirrelbrain @Cinfhen same foot it happened to last year. 👎🏻👎🏻 we‘re going to see if my underlying connective tissue disorder has anything to do with why it keeps happening. Thank you both for checking in! 1y
Megabooks @BarbaraBB my dear friend, you said EXACTLY what I needed to hear in your email. I am so lucky to have you as a friend!! I will write back soon!! 💜😘 see what I said to H and C above about my foot. I am enjoying the passenger more in print than audio, but I think what helped most was reading reviews by McCarthy fans. That helped my frame this in his wider collection. 1y
TheBookgeekFrau @Megabooks Yeah this season was kind of blah and same ol' same ol'. I'm hoping TOW will be better. BTW - Ed and Liz are together 🙄 ANDD some of the 90 Day gossip sites posted pics of Ed's ex-wife and Liz looks Exactly. Like. Her! 😲 1y
BarbaraBB ❤️❤️ 1y
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The Passenger | Cormac McCarthy
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Upon finishing The Passenger I had the same two thoughts that I had after finishing Suttree (the only other McCarthy book I‘ve read): ‘Damn, that was exhausting‘ and ‘Damn, that may well be a masterpiece.‘

The novel creeps slowly into your psyche; it‘s meandering, experimental, existential, and I was utterly captivated by it. But truthfully I don‘t understand what McCarthy is doing here. The book is an enigma and I‘m not sure how to decipher it.

The Passenger | Cormac McCarthy
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I tried. There are moments of grandeur and interesting characters, but the parts I‘m most interested in are dropped for a long stretch of the novel. Repetitive plot events that don‘t move the story along at the speed I wanted. It had a Lincoln in the Bardo flair, but less interesting to me.

The Passenger | Cormac McCarthy
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I gotta admit, I am really struggling with this one. I seem to be missing the Cormac McCarthy appreciation gene. I've never really warmed up to anything he's written.

Suet624 Me either. 1y
SamAnne Same here. And he was a favorite author of my Dad who always wanted to share his Cormac love with me. 1y
Sophronisba @SamAnne I can relate to you _and_ your dad -- my son didn't like Hilary Mantel and I immediately wondered where I'd gone wrong as a mother. 1y
SamAnne @Sophronisba hah! 😁. Yeah, my Dad had issues with my mostly meh response to Hemingway. But we bonded over Martha Gellhorn. Yes, Papa‘s wives were way more interesting! 1y
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The Passenger | Cormac McCarthy
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Oh McCarthy always makes his reader work, and that's something I love about his writing. It's pitch perfect on a word-by-word, sentence-by-sentence level. It's big ideas, confronting truths, impossible equations and the gritty reality of living imperfectly: lives and a world we can't completely understand.

Off to get Stella Maris ASAP and I expect I might find that extra star once I've had the full reading experience.

BarbaraBB Wow, great review. This book scares me but I will read it soon. 1y
ClairesReads @BarbaraBB thank you- it‘s a worthy but demanding read 1y
batsy Nice review! It can be such a pleasure to work for a book/author and find some kind of communion in the end. 1y
ClairesReads @batsy thank you! I absolutely agree- you‘ve captured it perfectly 1y
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The Passenger | Cormac McCarthy
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I felt like bailing for the first 20%, but I stuck with it and am glad I did. The style is challenging and there‘s an uncomfortable theme here that I wish hadn‘t been the focal point. But it‘s also highly captivating; the side characters provide colorful tangents and I really enjoyed Bobby‘s solitary sections. #tob23

BarbaraBB Wow, you‘re one of few people who read it, finished it and liked it! I‘ll try it soon too! 1y
batsy Great to to see another Passenger fan 👏🏽😁 1y
cariashley @BarbaraBB definitely mixed feelings about it, but have been turning over different parts in my mind enough for it to be a pick! 1y
cariashley @batsy glad I‘m not alone! 1y
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The Passenger | Cormac McCarthy
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The Passenger | Cormac McCarthy
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The Passenger | Cormac McCarthy
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I struggled with this book in the beginning - it‘s challenging in multiple ways. But it‘s worth it for paragraphs like this that take my breath away. #tob23

The Passenger | Cormac McCarthy
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This completely absorbed me in the past few days. It‘s quintessential McCarthy, from plot to style, and that‘s why I loved it. Though marketed as a mystery, it‘s really a story about loss and grief. I‘m excited for Stella Maris – and for a return to some of McCarthy‘s classics because I remember so little of them. I‘ve also yet to read Suttree for the first time. Maybe a project for next year?

The Passenger | Cormac McCarthy
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The Passenger | Cormac McCarthy
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Having said yesterday that I ‘wasn‘t hating‘ this one (damning with faint praise!), today I‘ve had a bit of a change of heart and decided to bail.

I was trying to understand a bit more of what was going on, so read some GR reviews. People either love it or hate it, but the one thing that stood out for me that made me bail was…. In spoilers below just in case! 😁

I‘m beginning to think I might just read books that *didn‘t*make the shortlist!

squirrelbrain I was really interested in the central premise of the missing passenger but apparently that never gets resolved, I could probably put up with all of the waffle if it led somewhere but it doesn‘t. 1y
MicheleinPhilly HA! I will likely join you on that quest. ☺️ 1y
LeeRHarry Shall be giving this one a miss then 😊 1y
See All 11 Comments
BarbaraBB I‘m feeling a bit let down by this year‘s ToB. I will continue reading longlisted books to compensate! 1y
Ruthiella I‘ll give it a whirl but will also bail if it‘s not working. There‘s so much out there I want to get too! 1y
Cinfhen Maybe that‘s why there‘s the sequel - but I‘m definitely taking a pass on this one 1y
sarahbarnes Ugh. I‘m going to skip this one. The shortlist is starting to bum me out! 1y
Hooked_on_books I found it utterly bizarre that this book sets up the premise of a missing passenger, NAMES THE BOOK AFTER IT, then just drops the storyline. What?!? So weird. I actually am going to try Stella Maris, though, as it‘s all about the sister and I‘m intrigued by her. 1y
squirrelbrain @Hooked_on_books - I don‘t think I‘ll bother, as I found those parts very repetitive, but maybe they got more interesting later on? 1y
Hooked_on_books @squirrelbrain I initially just found those parts weird and didn‘t know what to make of them. Once I realize she was schizophrenic and having hallucinations, she became more interesting to me. SM is just about her, told as notes from her psychiatrist, so very different from this book. But one would need to be invested in the character to be interested in reading that. 1y
batsy I loved this! 😂 But I can understand; it does seem like you'll either love it or hate it. 1y
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The Passenger | Cormac McCarthy
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The general consensus is that if you're new to Cormac McCarthy, you should ease into his works & The Passenger is not the place to start. But I started here, & I'm entranced. It's a love letter to mathematics that's an interrogation about God, theology, spirituality, & the essence of being. I found it odd & bewildering, & also very welcoming, like I belonged in its pages despite not having my bearings most of the time. #ToB #ToB2023

batsy I really enjoyed thinking with McCarthy through the problems of language in this essay: https://nautil.us/the-kekul-problem-236574/ Language is a latecomer to human existence; the problem of how our unconscious tries to guide us is rendered idiosyncratically in Alicia's hallucinations, the characters that show up in Lynchian Twin Peaks-style that she fondly refers to as her (co)horts. The Passenger is all this + an homage to Flowers in the Attic! 1y
batsy I think there's something undeniably badass about a writer delving deep into these subjects & coming up with a novel as alienating as this at 89. The book is, for this reason, centrally preoccupied with death: "I have never thought this life particularly salubrious or benign and I have never understood in the slightest why I was here. If there is an afterlife—and I pray most fervently that there is not—I can only hope that they wont sing." 1y
SamAnne Cormac was one of my Dad‘s favorite authors and I feel bad I‘ve yet to read him. Another reading goal for 2023. 1y
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Itchyfeetreader This is a fabulous review thanks for sharing your thoughts 1y
Cathythoughts Beautiful review! I havnt read this author … soon 🤞🏻 1y
Chelsea.Poole Fab review!! 1y
paulfrankspencer Can't wait to pull this off my shelf. Highly anticipated. 1y
jlhammar Okay, now I'm even more excited for this. I've seen such mixed reviews, but as a McCarthy fan I was going to read it (and Stella Maris) anyhow. And Flowers in the Attic? I am so intrigued! 1y
batsy @SamAnne That's a cool (and sweet) reading goal! It's one of mine, too; I'm happy there's more of him to discover. 1y
batsy @paulfrankspencer I hope you find it worthwhile! Are there others by him you've read? 1y
batsy @jlhammar I'm glad to hear you're a fan! Which of his previous works are your particular favourites? I'm looking forward to Stella Maris. And the Flowers in the Attic thing is me being very silly 😆 but if you've read the media reviews you might have an idea. 1y
SamAnne @batsy I even have a copy of one of his earlier books my dad gave me years ago. Time to dig it out! 1y
batsy @SamAnne Lovely ❤️ 1y
paulfrankspencer @batsy The Road. Sunset Limited. Outer Dark. All the Pretty Horses. The Crossing. Cities of the Plain. Child of God. Blood Meridian. No Country for Old Men. It's a mixed bag for me. His best is pure poetry and the height of dialogue. His worst is quite unpleasant, but that's kind of what he's going for... 1y
paulfrankspencer Horses and No Country are my first recommendations for someone who wants to get into McCarthy. 1y
batsy @paulfrankspencer Thanks! An intriguing body of work, for sure. I've seen fans of his work not quite take to The Passenger, but I found it very readable, and wasn't too caught up in what I didn't get because like you mention, it read like poetry. 1y
Ruthiella Aw! And here‘s I was determined not to read it and you go and post this! 🤣 1y
jlhammar @batsy The Road is probably my favorite, but Blood Meridian and Outer Dark were also great. I've been meaning to get to his Border Trilogy (All the Pretty Horses, The Crossing, Cities of the Plain), but haven't yet. They are on my shelves! 1y
BarbaraBB Like @Ruthiella I thought of skipping this one but now I know I won‘t 1y
AshleyHoss820 I adore McCarthy! I started with All the Pretty Horses. Every work I read just deepens my appreciation. I *almost* splurged for this book in a box set with the book that goes with it (cannot remember the title…). Maybe after Christmas I‘ll grab it after reading your review! I‘m so glad you liked it! ☺️ (edited) 1y
Megabooks Wow! Excellent review. You make me want to try it again. 1y
batsy @jlhammar Thank you for this! I'm very excited to read his older work. I'll probably ease in with The Road. 1y
batsy @Ruthiella @BarbaraBB Oh dear, now I'm nervous ? There seem to be number of unfavourable reviews on Litsy, so it all depends, I think. Also it does set up a kind of central question or mystery re: the "passenger" but doesn't answer it (and leaves you to draw conclusions), so if that kind of stuff irritates it might not be what you think it is. It's a hard book to describe ? 1y
batsy @Megabooks Thank you! I know you weren't too fond of it and I'm surprised that it worked for me. Books are mysterious things 😁 1y
Cinfhen Gorgeous, thoughtful review 💗 1y
batsy @Cinfhen Thank you! 💜 1y
batsy @Cathythoughts There's some recs here by people who've read him before. Tagging you in case you find it helpful, too! 1y
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The Passenger | Cormac McCarthy
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This is a deeply weird book. The main storyline is riveting in places, but will then spin off somewhere else and never quite pick up the thread again. Some of the side characters are just awesome, but you kinda wonder what they‘re doing there at all. By the end, it was a serious slog and I just wanted it to be over. #toblonglist #whatweretheythinking

RebelReader He‘s not my favorite author anyway so I‘m not surprised by your review. 😜 2y
Suet624 Yeah, I was probably going to pass on this one and now you‘ve justified my instinct. 2y
MicheleinPhilly Yeah, I think I‘m skipping this one and its companion. 2y
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Cinfhen Same!! #HardPass 2y
sarahbarnes 😂 Love this review. I will now feel okay about skipping this one. 2y
squirrelbrain Me too @Suet624 @MicheleinPhilly @Cinfhen - I‘d already decided to skip these two. Thanks for taking one for the team though Holly! 🤣 2y
Ruthiella I don‘t think this will make the shortlist - at the most maybe a play-in round. I‘ve never read any McCarthy before and this doesn‘t seem like a good place to start! 2y
Megabooks The more reviews I see the happier I am that I bailed! 2y
Librariana Will you be reading all the titles on the ToB longlist? Knowing what an excellent reader you are, I imagine you might have already read a good number of them ☺️ 2y
Hooked_on_books @Librariana I think I‘ve read 23 of the 68. I‘ll probably read a fair number of them, but there are a few I definitely won‘t read because of disliking those authors in the past (Moshfegh and Bulawayo) and I don‘t care to read the long, rambling Irving book. But often there are major gems on their list that I haven‘t heard of before and I love that! 2y
BkClubCare Oh. Julia Whelan is narrator? 1y
Hooked_on_books @BkClubCare She‘s one of them. She has the smaller part. The audiobook is done well. 1y
BkClubCare I thought it would be a few weeks before the Libby hold would arrive but I was notified “ready to borrow“ yesterday 🙄 so I will suck it up and ebook it now, I guess. 1y
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The Passenger | Cormac McCarthy
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I love McCarthy‘s prose and I wanted to love this book, but it‘s nearly impossible to follow the dialogue. Switching to audio helped that, but then it was harder to follow the plot. As expected, it is bleak and heavy, but I‘m hard-pressed to give a summary let alone a review. I‘ll adjust my expectations for Stella Maris. Also, there‘s a secret hinted at which I hope is not explored further. I‘m uncomfortable with the implication.

Megabooks Kinda glad I bailed now. Very helpful, great review. 2y
DGRachel @Megabooks I‘m not sorry I didn‘t bail, but I‘m also kind of sorry that I didn‘t. I hate feeling like I‘m not smart enough for a book. The plot meanders and goes off on bizarre tangents, and yeah…it just gets too weird in places. I kind of don‘t even want to pick up Stella Maris at all. 🥺 2y
Aims42 I know you shouldn‘t judge a book by its cover but …. I really can‘t find the passion to want to learn more about this book because the cover looks like my Econ 101 textbook from college 2y
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DGRachel @Aims42 😂😂 2y
BarbaraBB I won‘t read it now, I‘m sure after your and @Megabooks review! 2y
batsy @Aims42 Yes, they really dropped the ball on that cover! 😆 2y
Megabooks @aims42 @batsy or a prayer devotional. Doesn‘t look like a fiction book at all! I‘d think it was shelved wrong and skip it in a bookstore. 2y
Aims42 @Megabooks @DGRachel @batsy I‘m so glad I‘m not alone in thinking this 🤣 I could totally see the prayer devotional too!! 2y
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The Passenger | Cormac McCarthy
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I really wanted to like this one but the first seven pages is just beyond confusing and then none of the dialogue is quoted so trying to keep track of who was speaking was impossible. Sad really as this had the potential of being really good.

Cinfhen Lots of readers are saying the same thing - wayyyy to confusing. This is one from the long list I‘m really not interested in reading. 2y
KristiAhlers @Cinfhen yeah I wouldn‘t invest $ into. Which is sad since I did 🤣. Oh well lesson learned. If you decide you‘re interested in reading it let me know I‘ll happily mail you my copy 🙄 2y
Cinfhen So sweet of you & thanks for the offer but I don‘t want you wasting any more $$$ - I really don‘t care to read it, even if it makes the shortlist. 2y
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The Passenger | Cormac McCarthy
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I tried with this one, but I just couldn‘t connect with the dialogue or either MC. Even Julia Whelan, whose narration I‘m finally enjoying more, and Macleod Andrews, whom I adore, couldn‘t get me into this. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I think I‘m just going to have to skip if this or its sequel makes it to the ToB shortlist.

Cinfhen Good to know!! I‘ve seen several reviews saying Passenger was confusing- I just went back to this book I had bailed on earlier this month - 2y
Megabooks @Cinfhen VERY confusing!! Especially since the character Whelan narrates has hallucinations that speak to her. Her narrator was good, but I find it super confusing when there‘s a lot of dialogue between a person and their hallucinations in an audiobook. I‘m on the fence about Dinosaurs, but it‘s one I‘ll definitely read if it makes the shortlist. Rn I‘m tackling this in print 2y
Megabooks @Cinfhen and I‘m planning on getting this on audio now that my credits have come through 2y
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Megabooks @Cinfhen but this is my current audiobook from the library that I think you will love!! 2y
Megabooks @Cinfhen and I‘m expecting your Hanukkah gift to arrive today, and the only hint I‘ll give is that it‘s one of my top 7 from the tob longlist that I don‘t think you have. 🤫 and now I‘ll stop tagging you, but I do think you‘d enjoy the Chen. 😘😘 2y
Cinfhen My niece and I just discussed the Nathan Chen memoir…it‘s nuts that he‘s writing a memoir at 23!!! Hailey wanted to know if I‘m going to buy it - I told her it‘s probably going to be a #BorrowNotBuy for me but maybe I will use an Audible credit if it doesn‘t pop up on Scribd 2y
Cinfhen You‘re making me giddy with curiosity!!! Thank you SO MUCH!! Im going to listen to Flight next week when it becomes available on Scribd. It actually looks good!!! Are you liking it?? 2y
Cinfhen Did you finish 2y
Megabooks @Cinfhen yes! I loved search! Unsure whether it is 4.75 or 5⭐️, but idk if someone not as involved in church life would enjoy it as much. It‘s well written and funny but it was the subject matter that pushed it into the upper stratosphere for me. I‘m further into the Chen, and it‘s running #BorrowNotBuy, but I still think you‘d enjoy it. Flight is sitting next to me, but I‘ve gotten caught up in house things and haven‘t gotten far. 2y
Megabooks @Cinfhen I finished this today and it‘s a solid 4.5⭐️ and another winner from the longlist!! 2y
Cinfhen I‘m saving the Wilson for 2023 challenges but I‘m really looking forward & I‘ll probably start Search after the weekend. Friends left to Jerusalem a few hours ago so tonight & tomorrow I‘ll be cleaning and playing catch-up plus I volunteer at the bookshop on Wednesday‘s 2y
squirrelbrain Meg, I‘m glad you reviewed this, as I‘d put both of his on my ‘no‘ list for ToB then I was doubting myself. 😁 I‘m saving the Wilson too for 2023 @Cinfhen 2y
Megabooks @squirrelbrain 💯💯 okay to be on the No list! 👍🏻 2y
BarbaraBB This is good to know, I was hesitating to buy the box but it‘s quite expensive. Now I can let it go 🙃 2y
Megabooks @BarbaraBB I‘d say no on this. Very confusing and not very compelling, but I‘m interested to read a review if someone gets it better than I did! 2y
BarbaraBB If you don‘t get it no one will! 2y
Ruthiella I‘ve never read any Cormac McCarthy and I probably won‘t start with this either. I think he might be an acquired taste? (edited) 2y
Megabooks @Ruthiella I think I‘ve read this but so long ago I‘m not sure 2y
KristiAhlers I totally just bailed for the same reasons. Quotation marks are horribly important in helping the reader navigate the narrative. 2y
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The Passenger | Cormac McCarthy
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It‘s a good day for reading on the deck. 😎

Aimeesue Awwww, pibble ❤️ 2y
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The Passenger | Cormac McCarthy
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One of the dangers of preordering books when they are announced is that you forget about them. The Perfect Crime anthology was supposed to publish in September, I ordered it in January, and my local indie just got it in. The other danger is that when you walk into the store to pick up said “surprise” preorder, you walk out with more books. Hello, Mr. McCarthy. I‘ve been waiting for you. 💖

AmyG I am very curious to hear what you think of The Passenger. 2y
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