Interesting. I liked reading about the research studies better than I did the celebrity exempla, but the basic point that willpower is finite and fuelled by glucose is compelling.
Interesting. I liked reading about the research studies better than I did the celebrity exempla, but the basic point that willpower is finite and fuelled by glucose is compelling.
Me tonight driving past B&N
Concluding this #SelfHelp #NonFiction tonight! Great book, specially if you want to get more self control, simple tips and loved reading about David Blaine.
What are you reading tonight?
After a reading slump (think about 2 weeks due to move and work), getting back into books is just wonderful. This is that perfect afternoon looks like for me! How about you?
#TheBookCam #Reading #SelfHelp
I'm a fan of David Allen's GTD method which led me to listen to this. It was a great companion while cleaning and commuting. A few interesting points were mentioned that I will try to implement (i.e. Bright lines, postponing treats).
I went to the bookstore today to buy some books for the myriad of gift exchanges I'm involved in at the moment #letsgetcozy #letsgethygge #retellings and I didn't get a single book for myself! I haven't completed a line on my #TBRBingo so I didn't even browse for myself. #willpower
Yesterday was a day where I did a lot of introspection thanks to lovely bizarre dream I woke up from. In the end I realize I need to make some changes in my life and per usual I turn to books to help me.
Both are highly recommended and great reviews. They do kind of go hand in hand with each other too. I am not sure which one to start with. Any recommendations?
#TBRtemptation post 3! I look really warped in that reflection 😆. One of the world's most esteemed psychologists teams up with a NYT science writer to look at the secrets of self-control no how to master it. One of the most cited papers in the social sciences was Baumeister's, showing that willpower acts like a muscle, it can be strengthened and fatigued. Cutting-edge research, case studies, and more are looked at. #blameLitsy #blameMrBook 😎
Sitting on my hands, trying to read down Mount TBR!!! 😂