Beautiful drawings in this picture book! So detailed! #CharactersReading
Beautiful drawings in this picture book! So detailed! #CharactersReading
1. Tagged!
2. Cheesy poofs! (puffy)
3. Either as long as I‘m on a beach 😉
4. Hello local bookstore! Either that or airline tickets to Australia 🇦🇺
5. 😂😂😂 As if I can remember that far back!
Thanks @DebbieGrillo for the tag!
These are my #Top6Reads so far for 2019, although 3 of them are rereads (but first time on audio).
So now I‘m tagging 6 people. Show me your favorites so far (apologies if you‘ve already been tagged): @Mitch @Ddzmini @Laughterhp @BookwormAHN @phatsallylee @Klou
Thanks @LokiDokey for the tag! 😘
1. I‘ve read some great books this year, so I couldn‘t just pick 1.
2. I DNF‘d The Magicians & I‘m close to doing that on Robinson Crusoe.
3. Mary Oliver‘s Upstream, which is to be released Oct 29.
4. 49/78 for my GR annual goal.
Happy Thursday everyone! 💜👋🏻
I picked this cute, wordless book for the #MayScavengerHunt. It‘s a sweet story of a cat‘s adventures, and the boy who tries to track down his wandering pet. Beautiful, finely detailed illustrations, but I would not recommend the ebook version, as it is hard to see the details (and find Spot on each page) due to the formatting.
This adorable (1) wordlesss book with its (2) blue cover is about a (3) cat (non-human MC) who has a day of adventure. The illustrations are richly detailed, making it fun to try to find Spot and see what all he sees on his adventure. Also, the (4) shortest book on my TBR.
And pretty darn cool that this book fits 4 of the prompts! 😀
Also I got my book order in the mail today, one for the #MayScavengerHunt challenge (the “no words” prompt) and the trilogy for the #SFFTBR reading challenge (I think either the shortest book prompt or one of the my choice prompts).
But really I ordered both because I couldn‘t decide between them!
Overall, a stellar book day. 🥳
#OctoberPutASpellOnYou Day 2: While not technically a #BlackCat, this spotted cat has a Black Spot, which qualifies. 😂 This is a beautifully-illustrated wordless narrative of a young boy and his cat, aptly named Spot who snuck out of the window, into the big wide world outside. Whether or not this young reader is able to find his cat, I shall leave for you to discover. My review: https://wp.me/pDlzr-irz
Hauled two tote bags full of books back from the library. The kids have been fascinated with manatees since they saw them at the River Safari in Singapore. We've read all the Pout Pout Fish books so I know them by heart yet we still borrow them. Luckily the rest are new-to-us books. I'm working with the 5yo on his reading. He can read a bit on his own but is reluctant to so I'm trying out different beginning reader books to get him interested.