Still reading Ancillary Justice, which means my final total for #sfftbrchallenge is 45/50. Pretty good! And I will finish these last 5 over the summer.
Thanks for a fun challenge @DuckOfDoom !
Still reading Ancillary Justice, which means my final total for #sfftbrchallenge is 45/50. Pretty good! And I will finish these last 5 over the summer.
Thanks for a fun challenge @DuckOfDoom !
Also I got my book order in the mail today, one for the #MayScavengerHunt challenge (the “no words” prompt) and the trilogy for the #SFFTBR reading challenge (I think either the shortest book prompt or one of the my choice prompts).
But really I ordered both because I couldn‘t decide between them!
Overall, a stellar book day. 🥳
Man alive I love the WTNV folk. I enjoyed the first novel a little better, perhaps, but this one was delightful.
If you‘re unfamiliar, the pod cast is a fun, sweet, creepy fictional community radio program from a desert town that is never boring.
The drawing out of the ending is totally within the way the Night Vale world works but I feel they‘ve done it more elegantly in live shows and on the pod cast.
#Booked2019 book related to a podcast
1. Earlier this year, I dog sat Gracie (top) and everyone wanted to sit with me.
2. Litsy #AtoZ challenge, #SFFTBR challenge, & 78 books for the GR challenge
3. Worst, my mom had a health scare. Best, was offered a new job
4. I have a couple, but still working on a plan.
5. Practical Magic
W00t! 🥳 2018 was a pretty good book year for me.
My reading resolutions for 2019:
📕 Finish the #SFFTBR with @Leniverse
📗 Master the Litsy #AtoZ challenge
📘 Read at least 78 books (1.5/week)
I think these are the reading challenges I‘m going to tackle next year. It will probably be like this year were I complete just one. But I shall try.
I‘m not doing beat the back list because last year the leader kind of gave up and there are no prompts this year. So I‘ll do Nancy Drew instead.
#mountTBR (36)
I need my head examined. 😬
Hopefully, by *finally* finishing this book (that I started in October), my way-too-lengthy reading slump is coming to an end. #SFFTBR
Overall, a solid 3.5 stars. Read my full review on Goodreads:
Saturday night: Rolos, a little easy knitting (more washcloths!!), working on solving poor Evelyn‘s murder, and starting my #SFFTBR buddy read with @LibrarianRyan
A little underwhelmed. Not a bad book, but a bit on the predictable side. Plus the heroine annoyed me. #SFFTBR
My full review:
Sitting outside Damn Good Burger Co with my Maine Root ginger ale waiting for my burger & enjoying this awesome fall day! Yay for finally getting some fall weather. 🍁🌻🧡