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A re-read from 5 years ago because I don't remember it well enough to talk about it in book club
Whatever you choose to believe about the disappearance of Michael Rockefeller, the fact remains that it is one of the most intriguing of mysteries, and Carl Hoffman‘s “Savage Harvest” only serves to make it just that much more interesting.
Regardless of whether you believe what Hoffman proposes, his level of detail is so impressive that you learn much about Rockefeller himself, and not just the circumstances of his vanishing.
Poor Michael Rockefeller...his quest to study primitive art in Dutch New Guinea led to tragedy of the cannibalistic kind. Hoffman chronicles the exploration and the discovery of what happened to Rockefeller in this nonfiction account. Haven't read it yet, but it's on my to read list! #welcometothejungle #rocktober
Went to the UP a couple weeks ago and all I did was read and hike for 9 days. I need to go back!
An award-winning journalist goes on a quest to solve the mystery of the disappearance of Micheal Rockefeller in the jungle of New Guinea, 50 years after the fact. Did he drown, as the official report states, or was he in fact murdered and cannibalized by the local Asmat tribes? Hoffman is able to dig up some compelling records and eye witness accounts to answer questions that have been lingering for decades. Fascinating, sad, and thrilling.
This has been on my TBR for 3 years. I think i heard about it on Books On The Nightstand (miss it!). From the blurb, it sounds like Michael Rockefeller had a passion for primitive art that became deadly in the jungles of New Guinea. Day 10 for #characters2017 #deadlypassion #junebookbugs #death #riotgrams #booksinthewild
So, I left my booky-book on the plane and had to pick up a ebook I had had ready. Savage Harvest is testy to read at an obviously work-centric hotel with business folks all over the place juggling for positions of dominance. Weird feels.
#TopReadsOf2016 🌟Nonfiction edition ⭐️ #SeasonsReadings2016
Our Staff Pick Sunday is from Assoc. Publicist, Emily!
Michael C. Rockefeller disappeared off the coast of Papua New Guinea in 1963 and though his whereabouts were greatly speculated, they were never confirmed. Fast forward nearly 50 years and intrepid journalist Carl Hoffman has solved the mystery. With exhaustive research and countless firsthand accounts, SAVAGE HARVEST is gripping, fascinating, and jaw-dropping--one of my all-time favorites!
Fascinating & well-written: it examines the broader cultural and political landscape while telling Rockefeller's story. He makes a compelling case that Rockefeller was killed and eaten a part of the Asmat's ritual war/cannibalism.