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Skin of the Sea
Skin of the Sea | Natasha Bowen
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Skin of the Sea | Natasha Bowen
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Scholastic book fair haul…under $20!

Eggs LOVE ❤️❤️❤️❤️ 3mo
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Skin of the Sea | Natasha Bowen
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This author takes African myths and the beginning of the slave trade and starts a quite interesting and compelling story. The main narrator is a mermaid.

#BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 6mo
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Skin of the Sea | Natasha Bowen
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This was a quick read for me and I enjoyed the book a lot. The book was so fascinating that I couldn't put it down. I rated this book a 3 out of 5 stars. This is the thirteenth book completed for #RushAThon readathon hosted by @Andrew65

Skin of the Sea | Natasha Bowen
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#SeriesLove2023 @TheSpineView @Andrew65

Books that involve folklore from other countries intrigue me and make my inner fairytale loving child excited.

This book uses African folklore/mythology and the tragedy of the slave trade to deliver an amazing Little Mermaid retelling. 💚 It has adventure, heartbreak, romance, and a heroine who will stop at nothing to make things right.

I hope the sequel lives up to this one.

TheSpineView Awesome!🌞 13mo
dabbe Gorgeous cover! 🤩🤩🤩 13mo
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Skin of the Sea | Natasha Bowen
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Based upon or playing off African mythology, this is a story of heroism and as with most stories of heroes, it may not end as we want. Simi broke a rule in saving a life rather than blessing the soul back to the supreme being. She must now attain forgiveness. This sets her and her saved on many dangerous adventures.

Skin of the Sea | Natasha Bowen
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Skin of the Sea | Natasha Bowen
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Simi was an awesome character: she was easy to relate to and feel for. Unfortunately other characters were less developed.

I really loved how this was based on African mythology, it was really fascinating!

I didn't find the plot being that unique: it was quite usual, only setting and mythology spicing it. The basic storyline was an average.

I loved how this wasn't overdramatic, this was somehow really beautiful.

#SeriesLove23 #Pantone2023

TheSpineView Fabulous 1y
Andrew65 Well done 👏👏👏 1y
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Skin of the Sea | Natasha Bowen
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2/5⭐ I loved exploring West and Central African mythology in a Little Mermaid retelling, but the narrative was slow and dry for me, the characters one-dimensional.

Skin of the Sea | Natasha Bowen
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I had high hopes for this one but it‘s pretty much a YA version of River Solomon‘s The Deep and I thought that was just ok. I don‘t really have a desire to read it again so I‘m moving on.

Skin of the Sea | Natasha Bowen
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Loving it 😍

Skin of the Sea | Natasha Bowen
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Currently reading this one, filled with new-to-me African mythology.

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Skin of the Sea | Natasha Bowen

I actually like this book, but it a little heavier than I want to read right now. I am half way through it and there is so many historical elements. The way the Orisha folklore is woven through the book is beautiful. I believe the beginning of the book has pieces of the TransAtlantic slave trade. Also, the introduction of African folklore based mermaids is great. People forget the idea of “mermaids” can be seen in every culture. #bipoc #mermaids

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Skin of the Sea | Natasha Bowen
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Update: These two watching me like hawks lol 😂 they went from nurses to security - making sure Everyone knows when I need to move or sleeping. Being hit by a car and having to be laid up makes them want to cuddle up but I can‘t because my legs are on fire. No broken bones but serious pain /bruising/ limited movement. I am reading a little bit but I am mostly tired. Send good vibes and prayers. I can‘t catch a break. 🤦🏾‍♀️

Beatlefan129 Oh no! I hope you start feeling better soon! 2y
Butterfinger Oh my goodness. I can't imagine the level of pain. I will certainly be thinking of you. 2y
GondorGirl I'm glad you have these two watching after you. Hopefully you feel better soon! 2y
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DinoMom Those sweeties look like great nurses. Pets are always great for recovery. Take care (edited) 2y
Cupcake12 Thinking of you xx 2y
Moonprismpower I‘m glad you‘re home and healing. I‘m so sorry this happened. I hope you feel better soon. ❤️❤️❤️ 2y
Eggs Sorry about your injuries 😔 Hope you feel better each day💞💞 2y
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Skin of the Sea | Natasha Bowen
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Meet one of nurses - Bruiser— keeps checking on me — he is normally bratty but since I can barely move and sleep a lot he is constantly checking to see if I need anything

Cupcake12 Such a cutie 🥰 2y
GondorGirl Good job, Nurse Bruiser! 🥰 2y
Liatrek So sweet❤️ 2y
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Skin of the Sea | Natasha Bowen
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Starting a new book! This is the last book for my February reads!! I am excited about this book. It has been on my list for a while. So let‘s see how it goes. My book light & reading buddy🖤 #gryffindor #bipoc #woc #fantasy #bhm #booklight

BookwormAHN I hope it's good, the cover is gorgeous 🤍 2y
Liatrek Love this cover and the bear is so cute 🙂 2y
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Skin of the Sea | Natasha Bowen
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It was a great month for reading! Can‘t choose a favorite- they were all amazing! Top were physical books, bottom were audiobooks.

Skin of the Sea | Natasha Bowen
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I‘m glad for the weekend, I cleared my plans and am hoping to catch up.

My current audio I tagged: Skin of the Sea by Natasha Bowen
On kindle: ‘Twas the Knight before Christmas by Hermoine Moon
In Print: The Rebellious Life of Mrs. Rosa Parks (Young Readers Edition) by Jeanne Theoharris
Beneath the Moon by Yoshi Yoshitani (still slowly reading these stories)

Hoping to get to: House of Hades and the Scattering

@Andrew65 #weekendreading

Andrew65 Some good choices. 2y
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Skin of the Sea | Natasha Bowen
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My second book of the year, and a good one! A take on The Little Mermaid but with African folklore, and it‘s during the onset of the slave trade. Mama wati are mermaids that salvage the souls of those killed at sea, but a big problem arises when Simi saves a living man thrown overboard.
I would say 4/5 stars only because I guessed a “twist” at the end and I thought the last chapter so abrupt! I was placated with a sneak peek of the next book.

Skin of the Sea | Natasha Bowen
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I was mesmerized by this retelling of The Little Mermaid. Only, it is not just a retelling, but it is filled with African history and mythology, where one can learn about the African culture, knowledge, and history, as well as the transatlantic slave trade, the If‘a spiritual system, and rich mythology. 🌊🪨🌊 read the rest of my review HERE: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/4230339727

Skin of the Sea | Natasha Bowen
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The audio of this was just fabulous. Mermaid Simi saves an alive boy, instead of shepherding souls and so they must go on a journey to appeal for atonement.

Skin of the Sea | Natasha Bowen
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Me beginning of the day: I have to get everything back on the train with me and I just got a new Kobo for XMas so I have to show restraint
Me end of the day and 2 bookstores later: ☝️

Skin of the Sea | Natasha Bowen
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I am posting one book per day from my to-be-read collection. No description and providing no reason for wanting to read it, I just do. Some will be old, some will be new - don‘t judge me I have a lot of books.
Join the fun if you want. This is day 350.

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Skin of the Sea | Natasha Bowen
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Library hold just came in for the latest It‘s Lit book club selection. I am in LOVE with this cover! Hope the story is as good as the cover!

#Blitsy BlackLitsy

Soubhiville It is beautiful! Immediately caught my eye. I‘ll watch for your review 🙂 2y
ryanme That's definitely a great cover!👍🏾 2y
rubyslippersreads I would buy that just for the cover! 😍 2y
GreenGrl87 Yes, I am in love with the art on this one! 2y
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Skin of the Sea | Natasha Bowen
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I liked this book but did not love it, and I'm still processing why. Excellent world-building and use of African history, spirituality, and mythology, but I never felt invested in the characters or their bonds with each other, except Kola and his twin siblings. More time could have been spent fleshing everyone out, I think. #yafantasy

Skin of the Sea | Natasha Bowen
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I did some Christmas shopping on small business Saturday. Snagged 2 copies of this one at my favorite indie bookstore. One is for my daughter and the other is for an aunt. I just love this cover. I'll likely buy one for myself after the holiday because it sounds like an amazing story.

Skin of the Sea | Natasha Bowen
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Refreshing original take on the little mermaid. African mermaids and their stores connected with the water in early 1400‘s. This is a dark story, close to Andersons original, yet nicely different. Did keep me engaged. It‘s one of those, you have to read it for yourselves books. I‘m not quite sure how I feel about it when done. Ending left me hanging a bit, more confused than anything. So much felt unresolved, but I guess that‘s part of the point

Skin of the Sea | Natasha Bowen
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Take the Little Mermaid and set it in 15th century in the waters off the West African coast. Excellent re-imagining of the classic fairy tale with lots of interesting info about West African culture and myths plus facts about the slave trade. Simi is a mermaid who used to be human. She saves a young man but has now endangered her own people and the world is at risk too! https://cannonballread.com/2021/11/skin-of-the-sea-elcicco/

Skin of the Sea | Natasha Bowen

African mermaids! Who can say no to that??? One of the podcasts I listen to happened to be doing orisha stories so perfect timing; I got the traditional fable of the gods and then the new twist here. This was fairly fast paced and didn‘t bog the reader down with more info that we needed. While I enjoyed the mostly fast pace of it all, I did feel that the romance could have been done a bit better; it‘s either too fast or not fast enough.

Skin of the Sea | Natasha Bowen
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The cover art of this one is sooo beautiful! And it sounds interesting too. This'll come out in November.

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