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Fundacion e Imperio
Fundacion e Imperio | Isaac Asimov
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Foundation and Empire | Isaac Asimov
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Besides the usual problem with Asimov (the only meaningful female character is still the one responsible for making tea and stew for men) the middle section is flabby and massively expositional/dialogue heavy. This is a shame because the previous book, despite its demoded aspects, is an enjoyable story. It‘s not all bad, though, but I see now why I‘ve never read past this part of the trilogy. However, I‘m aiming to fix that as soon as TBR permits

Bookwomble I identify with having a flabby middle section, and with being massively expositional, so probably why I enjoyed this book 😄 3mo
The_Book_Ninja @Bookwomble hey! None of that! We can‘t all be Thin White Dukes. I did enjoy it, just not as much as the first part. 3mo
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Foundation and Empire | Isaac Asimov
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I got tired of carrying the hardcover, I borrowed the mass paperback edition from the library 😂😂

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Foundation and Empire | Isaac Asimov
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#MayMoms Day 9: I am missing the tagged book and Foundation‘s Edge so I can complete the entire series. Bought these babies during the very recent Big Bad Wolf book sale in Dubai.

Eggs 👏🏻💥👍🏼 2y
TracyReadsBooks Love those covers! 2y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🖤📚💛 2y
Johanna414 These covers are great! 2y
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Foundation and Empire | Isaac Asimov
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Unfortunately I couldn‘t stay hooked to this series. I love Asimov in general but I think I‘m not the target audience for this series. Maybe one day I‘ll pick it up again!

BookDadGirlDad I want to read them all again....one day 3y
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Foundation and Empire | Isaac Asimov
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The Foundation is unbeatable according to Hari Seldon's predictions,the Empire can't defeat them; just before a Civil War between the Major and the Traders starts,a new player appears,"the Mule".Nobody has seen him but is a mutant with strange powers that couldn't have been taken into account by Seldon.Bayta,Mis,Torie and Magnifico the clown try to defeat him and to find the Second Foundation stablished by Seldon.

#20in4 Readathon @Andrew65

Andrew65 Going well 👏👏👏 3y
Andrew65 Love The Foundation series. 3y
nanuska_153 @Andrew65 I'm trying to read the whole three series in publication order, one per month, so I'll be busy for the next year 😁 So far I'm really enjoying it, with the exception of The Stars, like dust...I will definitely leave that one out of any re-reads 3y
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Andrew65 Foundation‘s Edge is next up for me in my re-read. 3y
nanuska_153 @Andrew65 nice, are you only rereading Foundation series or also the Robot and Empire series? and if all of them, are you reading them now in publication order or in chronological order? 3y
Andrew65 @nanuska_153 Almost read these in reverse order which was due to availability 🤣 Started with the R Daneel Olivaw series, then the Foundation books, belle I then move onto the Robots and Empire series. 3y
nanuska_153 @Andrew65 oh yeah, a bit all over the place 😅 I was very lucky, found the whole collection,and on the same edition that I already had two of the Robot series, in my favourite secondhand shop (even though they look unused) and bought them all for €5 each. Sometimes it's just meant to be! 3y
Andrew65 @nanuska_153 That‘s great 😊 3y
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Foundation and Empire | Isaac Asimov
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"He's a low-born rascal who has by unfailing flattery tickled the whims of the Emperor. He's well-hated by the court aristocracy, vermin themselves, because he can lay claim to neither family not humility. He is the Emperor's adviser in all things, and the Emperor's tool in the worst things. He is faithless by choice but loyal by necessity. There is not a man in the Empire as subtle in villainy or as crude in his pleasures. ??

Bookwomble ... And they say there is no way to the Emperor's favour but through him; and no way to his, but through infamy"

Asimov's description of Emperor Cleon II's closest advisor, Brodrick, with an absolutely randomly chosen photograph of a man.
TrishB 😂😂 random choose well. 4y
Bookwomble Annoying that Litsy won't let you edit your own comments - the advisor's name is actually Brodrig. 4y
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Bookwomble @TrishB I rally don't know what you mean, Trish 😇🤣 4y
TrishB 😁👍🏻 you can edit on an iPhone. 4y
Bookwomble @TrishB Ahh, I've an android 🤖 4y
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Foundation and Empire | Isaac Asimov
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And, so on to book two... ☀️?
I have a feeling there's going to be more "Pew! Pew!" in this one ????

Foundation and Empire | Isaac Asimov

The beginning of this book was really slow. Honestly, I wasn't a fan until about a third of the way in. Once I reached the section with the mule the story really picked up. Characters were introduced that made you care about them and the ending surprised me. I'm looking forward to reading Second Foundation because I need answers to the questions that I thought would be answered by the end of this book.

Foundation and Empire | Isaac Asimov

I had a whole lot of concerns about this book starting out. I can‘t tell you a single thing that happened in the first third of the book but the story really takes off after the character of Mule is introduced. After we‘re introduced to Mule, the story really begins to jell together and the ending of this book really makes you want to immediately jump into Second Foundation. So I‘m gonna go ahead and do just that. ❤️

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Foundation and Empire | Isaac Asimov
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Currently at 4 hours in the #24B4Monday Readathon, and about to start a new book. Had hoped to be further along by now - Gone 6 pm here. This is the second book in the seminal Foundation Series which I initially read over a generation ago. Good to revisit.

BeansPage Always good to revisit good books 👍😊👍 5y
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Foundation and Empire | Isaac Asimov
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Hey, now! No one warned me that there would be clowns in this sci-fi! 🥺

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Foundation and Empire | Isaac Asimov
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Some #bookmail on a dreary LA day. Think I can finish these before book club next week?

LeahBergen I bet you can! 😄 5y
Bookwomble I like those covers - very stylish. 5y
LauraJ @Bookwomble Cooler and less expensive than the U.S. versions! 5y
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Foundation and Empire | Isaac Asimov
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Second book in The Foundation series and I enjoyed it just as much as the first one. Two more crises in the world Seldon set up on the edge of the galaxy. It‘s great when you find a series you can just hoover up in big chunks.

My mini goal this year is a collection of sci fi and fantasy authors I‘ve never read before - some classic, some new. So far Asimov is a big pick. He suits me because he‘s full of ideas without miles of description.

Foundation and Empire | Isaac Asimov
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I have developed a love and hate relationship with this series. The first book was too episodic with many time skips. This one was not but the middle of the book was sluggish for me.

I started this book during my travel around three weeks ago but could not finish it until today.
There was no memorable character. The surprising ending constructed the perfect prelude to "Second Foundation".

My rating: 3.5/5

#scifi #bookreview

Foundation and Empire | Isaac Asimov
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It's 15 hrs till I reach home. Let's see how much can I progress.

Foundation and Empire | Isaac Asimov

It pays to be obvious. Especially if you have a reputation for subtlety.

Foundation and Empire | Isaac Asimov
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I was surprised to find one of the main characters in book two to be a woman. It was mentioned multiple times how otherworlders were surprised at her behaving 'just like a man,' and that the men with her not only accepted but expected this. This would have been a refreshing change, except her husband continually told her how to feel, how to arrange her face, because she was being 'unpleasant.' It almost made me pine for the book with no women.

Foundation and Empire | Isaac Asimov
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Speaking of which, not many ladyfolk in book 1; I expect 2 & 3 to be similar. One thing that makes some books feel disingenuous despite a good story, well-written, is a distinct lack of people who are not white cis-het men. Or, secondary to that, any cis-het men. It leaves the story feeling a little cold and bare. I'm so happy to see progress in this area being made in more modern fiction.

Foundation and Empire | Isaac Asimov

I decided to abandon this book at around 60%. The story and the writing didn't capture my attention and I didn't care for what is going to happen. It was time to move on. I think I am done with this series.

Jaywigley Well it hasn't aged well. It's 1950s at best. But the ideas are everything--so interesting when you're 20 or 21 and haven't read much sci-fi. 8y
Kathrin @Jaywigley I agree that his sci-fi doesn't age well. I picked up some mystery writing of his at a used book sale, but I haven't read it yet. 8y
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Foundation and Empire | Isaac Asimov
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What's wrong with me? I am thinking about bailing on this scifi classic... I just can't focus on it. 😱

BarbaraTheBibliophage Maybe just the wrong time ... 8y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa Or maybe a bad narrator? 8y
Sue I confess I've never been an Asimov fan. He had some great ideas, but the actual story telling .... 8y
Kathrin @Sue That's what I am struggling with... All of this so far is dialogue... Where is the meat?? 8y
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Foundation and Empire | Isaac Asimov
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I love, love, love this series. It's an almost annual re-read. #24in48

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Foundation and Empire | Isaac Asimov
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Well, here we go, my odd little stack for @24in48 . A motley assortment based on size, speed, and desire to re/read. I am REALLY EXCITED for doing this.

MrBook A well thought out plan provides the flexibility and cogency to meet any crisis or opportunity with great confidence and strength. (I just made that up, but I hope it works as moral support.) 8y
Peterdamien It's excellent and I've decided to depend upon that advice in all future disasters. Fire? Meteor? Zombies? No problem! 8y
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