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The Luckiest Girl
The Luckiest Girl | Beverly Cleary
8 posts | 7 read | 3 to read
Falling in Love . . . Shelly fells as if she's living in a fantasyland. She's spending the school year in southern California, where flowers bloom in November, oranges grow on trees, and lawns are mowed in winter. When the star of the basketball team smiles at her, Shelly feels as if she's been touch by magic. Now she's about to discover the magic of falling in love! A bittersweet story of first love from one of America's most beloved children's authors.
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The Luckiest Girl | Beverly Cleary
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Currently working on my July #TBR. June had 7 books and that turned out to be too many, so I am scaling back this month. Right now I can't decide what to read for #middlegrade #classic...

The Luckiest Girl
Tuck Everlasting
I, Juan de Pareja
Catherine Called Birdy
Bed-Knob and Broomstick
Ghosts I Have Been
Letters from Rivka
The Phantom Tollbooth

Thoughts? #helpmedecide

Sace I can't find my copy of Staring Sally J. Friedman As Herself and I'm crushed 😢 5y
Michollio Phantom Tollbooth 5y
Sace @Michollio it's still in the running! (a few have already been dismissed.) 5y
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emtobiasz I love Catherine, Called Birdy ❤️ 5y
Sace @emtobiasz I asked my daughter which one I should read and she said she read Catherine but couldn't remember a thing about it but that she really remembered Ghosts. 5y
emtobiasz Hmmm, don‘t think I‘ve read Ghosts I Have Been. Catherine is very funny and helped make preteen me obsessed with medieval times— in the grisly realist sense, not the chivalry sense. I‘ve been meaning to reread it. 5y
Sace @emtobiasz Ghosts is one of my childhood books and Catherine was published the year I graduated from college. I really should read it. 5y
MayaB1226 I loved The Phantom Tollbooth when I first read it in second grade, and I still love it now! It‘s filled with brilliant puns and wordplay that I‘m sure flew right over my seven-year-old head when I first read it. It‘s really clever and the illustrations are great, too! 5y
Clare-Dragonfly I can hardly help you decide—I really love several of the books on your list! But I do feel like Ghosts I Have Been is not as well known as the others. 5y
Sace @MayaB1226 ohhh....that sounds like something I would really enjoy. 5y
Sace @Clare-Dragonfly it's actually a sequel to another book which I've never read. They were both written in the 1970's. 5y
Clare-Dragonfly I think there are three or four books, actually! The third(?) is 5y
Sace @Clare-Dragonfly it's so strange to me that as a kid I was only aware of Ghosts I Have Been. Even as an adult and knowing there are others I don't feel a rush to read the others. I'm looking at Offspring's bookshelf now (she's been gone over a decade but many of her books remain) and I see she has the first and the one you tagged. 5y
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The Luckiest Girl | Beverly Cleary
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Inside a wealth of goodies! All so pretty!
Some say "do not open till June 21st." But then a few...no sticker! ?
@WanderingBookaneer @BookishMarginalia

WanderingBookaneer Realized I forgot to put card in! 😳I have another box heading your way soon. 7y
merelybookish @WanderingBookaneer OMG! You don't have to! This is all wonderful! But are there instructions? Are there things I should open early? 7y
WanderingBookaneer Lack of stickers was oversight on my part. No instructions. 7y
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WanderingBookaneer As for opening early, that's between you and your conscience. 😜 7y
merelybookish @WanderingBookaneer haha. Okay! I think I'll wait...for now! 😉 7y
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Luckiest Girl | Beverly Cleary
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Okay, so I am a super lucky litten because this arrived today with instructions to "Open Me Now."
Okay! No #resistance here! ?
@WanderingBookaneer @BookishMarginalia #summersantagoespostal

tpixie 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 7y
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The Luckiest Girl | Beverly Cleary
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I love this book so much. Shelley leaves her hometown to spend the school year in California. Once again Beverly Cleary just nails the experience of being a girl. Sometimes you just want to cram roses down a garbage disposal to express your feelings.

julieloverofbooks I love Beverly Cleary's teen books too! Jean and Johnny is on my kindle and I still reread it for a comfort read 😊 8y
ReadingSusan @julieloverofbooks Yes! Jean and Johnny is my favorite of her teen books. 8y
CotziasReads I loved this book when I was younger!!! 8y
bookloaner I love this one so much! And that cover 😍 8y
ReadingSusan @halliereadit I found this in a used book shop years ago and was so excited to read it over my regular mass paperback. 8y
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