A often difficult book to read, I advise checking out trigger warnings prior to reading it, but a great and interesting story overall. 3.5/5 Read for the #Buzzwordathon - March‘s word/prompt is Time.
A often difficult book to read, I advise checking out trigger warnings prior to reading it, but a great and interesting story overall. 3.5/5 Read for the #Buzzwordathon - March‘s word/prompt is Time.
Thanks for the tag @Powered_By_Plants hope your reading is coming along
This month I‘m looking forward to reading The First Time she Drowned- I was told that it was a guaranteed cry and I‘m in the mood to be destroyed.
My favorite thing to do in the summer is relaxing and taking time for myself.
Something that made me smile recently was watching Avatar the last air bender with my significant other
Its raining here in So Cal so of course time to cuddle up and read.
Finished listening to this book on my run tonight. It wasn‘t an easy read but it was so eye opening for me. It was great that the book was written through Cassie‘s eyes so the reader could get a sense of the family dysfunction and how past events shaped her current mental health. Thanks to the #syncya program for this awesome read!
Only part 3! This book is dragging a little. It‘s almost depressing, it‘s making me sad just listening to it. It‘s is totally interesting, but I am not sure I can finish it now. I‘ll have to set this one aside for a bit and listen to something else at the gym for a while.
3.75 ⭐⭐⭐
Got to do some audio gym time this morning and then shot archery tonight! Today was a much better day than the past two for week 2 of the #bookfitnesschallenge #bfcr2 #bfc hopefully I can keep it up and keep working toward my goals!
Excellent YA book that deals with mental illness. Kletter addresses very serious issues, such as suicide, with empathy and understanding. Great book for teens feeling like they are different or do not fit in. It reminds them they are not alone. 💚
The free audiobooks this week sound pretty great. Sharing in case anyone forgot to check 😊
I throughly liked this book. A girl at sixteen is put into a Mental Hospital by her mother. At eighteen she gets out and goes to College, and looks back on her life and how she just tried to get the love from her mother as her brother was getting. Characters are charming (not mother). It grabs you at the start then all of a sudden you have come upon the last page.
Here's to the men that we love. Here's to the men that love us. The men that we love are NOT the men that loves us, so...fuck the men and here's to us. CHEERS!!
I appreciate the study of emotional abuse & how damaging it is to a child‘s development. But there was so much that was just factually inaccurate or unbelievable. Cassie was institutionalized for over 2 years on unsubstantiated say-so of her mom, no family therapy the whole time, no aim toward release, & at 18 she can just leave? Not how it works! She ditches class at college for weeks & they call her on the pay phone? Nope! Shoddy. Meh. 2/5 ⭐️
It was when I discovered that there are two kinds of death. There is ceasing to exist, usually accompanied by a funeral and loved ones in mourning. And then there is emotional death born out of necessity and measured solely by the absence of grief it causes: the turning off the lights of oneself in order to shut down the feelings of being alive.
Haven‘t seen this one much on Booktube or elsewhere, but I‘m pretty sure it‘s gonna make me 😥
Wow this book was intense! Extremely well-written. I won't be letting go of the thoughts and feelings this book invoked anytime soon. Read this book when you can give it your full attention and don't be afraid to cry a little.
As a mom, this resonates with me so powerfully. Parenting is the hardest job I know and every day I hope and pray I am doing a good job!
Hoping to finish this on our loooooong drive to Georgia today. I'm really liking it but it is so sad that I had to take a break yesterday. My family has been visiting my parents and I was able to get lots of quality #momtime in. I have the best mom and I can't help but feel awful about Cassie's horrible mom. Everyone deserves unconditional love from their mom.❤️❤️
Can't wait for the books I ordered from Amazon so I started this one. There is some really beautiful writing so far. #alwaysreading
Started it this morning and I am hooked late into the night!! #bookdragon #nightowl
I just got this from the library for free!! So excited to add it to my book shelf and see what it has in store!
I have a long drive to take my son to camp.I picked this up at the library because I liked the cover. I was not disappointed. It is heartwrenching. It is like a train wreck you want to look away but you can't. The audio is so good!
I fell asleep listening to this, and woke up early to finish it. It's a powerful YA novel that shows the pains of mental illness and how it can affect those around you. Well-written and lyrical.
I've been listening to this all evening. Addicting and gives you a real look into mental illness.
This is an absorbing character study/coming of age story that looks frankly at various types of child abuse and a dysfunctional family without being cringe-worthy. You'll root for the heroine, as well as want to shake her and hug her. The story is well written and satisfying.
"I am a Pilgrim, not a doll. And I have a face."
(pg. 120)
*sixteen chapters down*
This is such a heartbreaking story. I wanted to wrap Cassie up in love and kindness while at the same time throat punching her pain away.
The writing is so beautiful with great examples of creative writing on point! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I was addicted to the read! So far, my #1 favorite read for 2017.
This was so very good. The writing was so compelling, even though the topic wasn't exactly new in the literary world. My only complaint was that the last few chapters went too fast. I loved this book though, and think people of every age would enjoy it. So many feelings and such a beautiful reflection of mental health and familial relationships. #litsyAtoZ K - Kerry Kletter
Have you ever wanted to hug a book and tell it everything will be okay? That is how this book makes me feel.
One of my favorite first lines.
"My mother wore the sun like a hat. It followed her as we did, stopping when she stopped, moving when she moved."
#audiobooks #firstlines
😿😿👏🏻👏🏻💔💔 so so good. This book broke my heart. The descriptions of emotions are spot on and gave me all the feelings. I listened to this on overdrive and loved the reader (especially the voice she gave to Zoe)
This book definitely fits the bill for #worstparent - this mom's behavior made my jaw drop multiple times. #octphotochallenge #day18
"Anxiety kicks up like dust, making the air thick to breathe."
"Anxiety kicks up like dust, making the air thick to breathe."
YA Audio This was not an easy book. The topics covered can be more difficult for some but the beauty of the characters, words, and rawness are compelling. Not for everyone but I will own the book (the analog variety)
Total family dysfunction. The mother's comments to the daughter made me cringe. #24in48 #readathon
Total family dysfunction. The mother's comments to the daughter made me cringe. #24in48 #readathon
Contrary to many reviews I had seen beforehand, I wasn't impressed with this book. There were absolutely no surprises - I knew very early on what had happened. The repressed memory recovery annoyed me. The best part was the shock I experienced from the messed up family dynamic.
I really loved this book. Cassie's story is so important and it was beautifully told. Kerry Kletter's debut is a masterpiece and I can't wait to read more from her.
Very eye opening. I learned a lot from this book, though the lessons were heavily administered and vaguely overdone. Extremely heavy and emotional content, it was fantastic if that's what you like in a book. Definitely recommend.
This book knocked me out, it was so good. I've never read a better exploration of a mother/daughter relationship and the struggle of mental health. I am an awe of this novel.
"But of course, a mothers eyes are the very first mirror we look into, the image that gets imprinted on our souls-whether they gaze back at us with love or with disgust." This quote hits me right in the feels, it is so true. I've never been able to put this feeling into words but Kerry Kletter has.
Low-key reading this book at work because I can't put it down. So hear my wrenching but so good. I don't think I've ever read anything that portrays mother/daughter relationships so brilliantly.