For comfort, I recently reread the entire Murderbot series.
I finished the last book and wanted to immediately start the first one over.
“I closed the story by reflex, like that would make it not exist. After three seconds of shock, I made myself open it again.“
“Disinformation, which is the same as lying but for some reason has a different name, is the top tactic in corporate negotiation/warfare.“
On the other hand, I don't think I have listened to the short stories (or even if there are audio versions of them).
I also saw there is supposed to be a Murderbot TV series. Not sure how I feel about that. I mean, a LOT happens in Murderbot's head. 3mo
Murderbot is NB and has a dislike of all gendered body parts.
1. But Murderbot was made to be a secunit, so the company would almost certainly have based sec units on a male form, to take advantage of the fact that most men are stronger than most women. So the secunit body would likely be a muscular male with short hair. 3mo
2. Pronouns are presented in the feed, so people don't have to change their physical appearance to be addressed in their preferred pronouns. So it shouldn't matter how someone presents--their gender is what they tell you, not their presentation.
So I think it's likely Murderbot would present masculine to those around them (and to us) but in the universe, how they present isn't important--how they self-identify is. 3mo
But Murderbot wouldn't bother to change their voice to sound less masculine, they don't want to be identified as male OR female--I think their selection of “it“ as preferred pronoun is important. Murderbot isn't human (doesn't want to be human) so human genders don't fit 3mo
Though I def. preferred Eric. Solely because of his gift to her of getting her driveway regraded. *That* was the gift someone struggling to make ends meet really needs. ;) 3mo
I've read multiple historicals recently w/ trans characters, but they're trans males, doing something women can't do (like becoming a doctor) which leaves the reader open to believe they are living as men so they can Do The Thing.
I can't think of trans female secondary characters portrayed in such a way, which is why I think having a manly man be Muderbot is good. 3mo