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This Is My America
This Is My America | Kim Johnson
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While writing letters to Innocence X, a justice-seeking project, asking them to help her father, an innocent black man on death row, teenaged Tracy takes on another case when her brother is accused of killing his white girlfriend.
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This Is My America | Kim Johnson
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I always wonder about the process behind cover art. This article explains a great deal and should accompany the story. #coverlove


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This Is My America | Kim Johnson
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Recommended to me by a student, this book is a story of betrayal, tenacity and love as seen through the eyes of Tracy, a young adult whose view of America is through the lens of racism. Clearly a book to promote diversity and inclusion, the story is riveting as it twists along the pages. If you like a good mystery, this is one.

This Is My America | Kim Johnson
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This YA novel knocked my socks off. I think Kim Johnson did a great job of giving us a glimpse of what it would mean to be a young black man in America today. Stories like these need to be told to help facilitate change.

Andrew65 Looks great. 3y
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This Is My America | Kim Johnson
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this book was phenomenal. It had The Hate U Give vibes… honestly it could be a really good movie too. About a high school girl who is trying to free her father from death row for a murder he didn‘t commit. Meanwhile, a murder in town occurs that is closely tied to her family. The whole book has investigative journalism vibes mixed with social justice and discusses treatment of black people in America in a very poignant way. Cannot recommend more.

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This Is My America | Kim Johnson
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Moving on Saturday and audiobooks are just easier right now.

This Is My America | Kim Johnson
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A captivating and thrilling murder mystery dealing with the injustices in the criminal prosecution system. When Tracy‘s brother runs from a murder he didn‘t commit, Tracy dives deep into the mystery to find justice for her brother. All while helping her innocent father as he sits on death row. 5⭐️

This Is My America | Kim Johnson
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I am participating in the Litsy MG and YA buddy reads and am purchasing the chosen books with the intent of sending them on quarterly to add to libraries or classrooms. I am going to do 2 boxes one for each grade level. This quarter will have the above books and maybe some extras. If you are interested comment below with MG or YA or both. I‘ll draw names April 1.

Daisey I would be interested in both as I teach 6th-7th English/Reading and also have 8th-9th graders in my classroom for math. I‘ve read a few of these, but I haven‘t been able to keep up with all of them and haven‘t added any to my print class library yet. Thanks for the opportunity! 3y
TheBookHippie YA 🤍 3y
megnews I‘d be interested in either. I add books to the little free libraries in the public housing developments I manage. This is a great idea! (edited) 3y
Soubhiville What a cool idea! I‘d be happy to add either to my LFLs. 📚❤️ 3y
Dcueto YA! 3y
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This Is My America | Kim Johnson
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This Is My America | Kim Johnson
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Oh my goodness, I would give anything to be a high school teacher to plan lessons. This book would create the best conversations among young people: Black history, community prejudice and passivity, corrupt prosecution, and so much more. I would love to encourage/mentor a teenager to be a leader in the community by giving workshops to save lives. Workshops shouldn't be needed, but they are in this world. #TeachersofLitsy #YABuddyRead @megnews

FashionableObserver So crazy: I just came across that book while looking for a new one for my son. I think it is a bit advanced for him, but I‘m going to buy it for myself! 4y
Butterfinger @FashionableObserver minimal foul language unlike Angie Thomas (I still love her though), but it does go over cruel things that humans should not do to one another. I understand what you are saying. That is the main reason why I am waiting a few more years to take my 10 year old to the Civil Rights museum or the Holocaust Museum. I'm not ready for her to know about inhuman acts. I teach her, but not showed her the ugliness. Am I making sense? 4y
Scochrane26 @Butterfinger I went to the Civil Rights museum with a group of middle schoolers. I think they learned a lot but not sure they took enough time with it. Totally understand wanting to keep a child‘s innocence. 4y
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Butterfinger @Scochrane26 yeah I will take her in a few more years. I think we had this discussion already or I just experienced deja vu. 🙂 4y
FashionableObserver @Butterfinger, I feel the same way about the museums! 2020 was enough of a lesson in how inhumane we can be. He needs to know—for survival‘s sake—but...baby steps. He turns 10 next month. Maybe we‘ll start with the museums next year... 4y
Butterfinger @FashionableObserver you are absolutely right. I am so sorry that survival has to be your priority; I wasn't thinking. Our children are the same age. Your need to protect is much stronger than mine and I am so sorry for that. Please remember to tag me when you finish this book. I want to know your opinion. 4y
FashionableObserver @Butterfinger You are so sweet! I appreciate that. But no apologies needed! I will definitely tag you when I finish it. My TBR stack is shameful right now. And I just keep adding to it! 🤦🏾‍♀️😂 #NoSelfControl 4y
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This Is My America | Kim Johnson

All that blood. WE built America. Black labor built the greatest nation in the world for free. They ripped us from our family then, and they do it again with new laws disguised as change. I'll be in prison doing that labor for free. 😢 #YABuddyRead @megnews

This Is My America | Kim Johnson

Sure, I'm shaken. Scared. Never imagined something like this could happen so close to home. But deep down this feeling is familiar. It runs through my veins, the blood from every generation before me passing down this fear, coded into my DNA.

#YABuddyRead @megnews

This Is My America | Kim Johnson
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This is one of books that everyone should read! I learned so much while reading this. And the mystery in this book is crazy amazing! Definitely a recommend!!! #ya #blackhistorymonth

This Is My America | Kim Johnson
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Tracy‘s father is on death row with less than a year to live for a crime he did not commit. She does everything she can to bring this to the attention of those who might help. Although it hurt my 💜 I loved this book. I loved how it brought in a fictional Equal Justice Initiative. If you haven‘t read Just Mercy, please do. Both are 5 🌟 books

JoyBlue I 💙 Just Mercy—I've read it twice so far. I'm just starting this book. Thanks for your review. 4y
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This Is My America | Kim Johnson

...white kids asked why it's not racist to say Black Lives Matter but a problem to say White Lives Matter or Blue Lives Matter. What they don't get is that those lives have always mattered. Ours are treated like we're less than equal. Like we don't deserve the same respect. A school shooter can come out alive but a Black kid in handcuffs on the ground can be shot, unchecked. An AK-47 in a white hand has more rights than a Black kid with Skittles.

Butterfinger #YABuddyRead @megnews I wish I could make everyone understand this. 4y
megnews Yes!! 4y
Butterfinger @megnews I have about 100 pages. I had to put it on the back burner so I could finish The Midnight Library. I'll discuss with all of you soon. 4y
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This Is My America | Kim Johnson
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megnews @mrp27 I‘m interested in hearing your quibbles you mentioned in your review. 4y
JaclynW I really enjoyed this book and think it's a great introduction to young people who don't know much about the realities of living in America as a black person. I hope this book sparks thought and activism in more people. This is also a good book for these same reasons 4y
JaclynW @megnews @mrp27 im also curious. 4y
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JaclynW I admired Tracy's efforts in creating change. What a brave and wise young woman. She did some very crazy/stupid things though in trying to chase criminals and solve the crime. I get where she is coming from, but still! I worried about her! I also felt so horrible for her family. The story just kept adding to their stresses. Which could most definitely be a reality for many families. It seems the things can compound so quickly. 4y
Deblovestoread This book hurt my heart. At one point I set it down because it felt like too much. Even though this was a work of fiction I felt a duty to finish as the Black members of our communities do not have the option putting down their lives and starting a new. They are walking through the issues in this book every single day. And it is on us to listen, learn and help. 4y
megnews @Jaclyn that book sounds amazing! Stacked. (Although I dislike that phrase.) 4y
megnews @Kdgordon88 so well said!!! 4y
JaclynW @Kdgordon88 Very excellent point. 4y
JaclynW @megnews I dislike the phrase too. So does the author, it is a big part of the story. 4y
Deblovestoread Thanks for the book rec, @JaclynW 4y
ravenlee My issues with the book mostly evened out as it went along. It felt like there was SO MUCH going on, and I wish we could have done without the love triangle (square?). I get why Tasha‘s family drama is there, per the author‘s note, but it also felt superfluous. I‘m glad I stuck with the book when I was tempted to bail early on. 4y
mrp27 @JaclynW @megnews I'm with @ravenlee I felt the love triangle was unnecessary, there was almost too much going on and I felt the story could have been more powerful it it narrowed its focus. Tiny quibble, it felt a little unrealistic having a teenage girl solving a murder. She conveniently finds the cell phone and gun. But that's just me, overall I thought it was a much needed story and it's an important read. (edited) 4y
megnews @mrp27 I agree about her investigation. Incredibly dangerous too. I think the story could have done without the love triangle but I also think it did add some pieces about the effects of racism on relationships. 4y
megnews @ravenlee I think Tasha‘s family dynamic could be a standalone story of its own. 4y
megnews @JaclynW @Kdgordon88 @BarbaraJean @ravenlee @mrp27 thanks to all of you for joining the conversation! 4y
Deblovestoread @megnews. I agree Tasha‘s family story would be an interesting perspective. 4y
ravenlee I think Tasha‘s family story would be a great read. It‘s another piece of the puzzle that should be addressed. And yes, the Dean story brought in some interesting questions, but it didn‘t need to be a love triangle to do that. 4y
ravenlee Thanks for hosting! I wouldn‘t have picked this on my own. 4y
Butterfinger I think there needs to be workshops. Even in Marion. There is a need and everytime I read a book about police brutality it breaks my heart and I want to grab my younguns and not let them out of the classroom. They are only with me for a year, but my love and care for them don't stop and if I feel this way, imagine the parents. How would I get that started? I need to go to I know exactly who I can go to. 4y
megnews @Butterfinger thanks for joining the discussion!! 4y
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This Is My America | Kim Johnson
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Nute Oh, I gotta read this book, because I feel like I have a lot to say in answering this question. It‘s a fantastic discussion prompt, Ms. Megan! 4y
JaclynW It is a long journey. Unfortunately. I don't think it has to be though (it shouldn't be, but reality is this). MLK was wise. His words resonate still today. He seemed to have foresight that we don't all have. It takes a really long time to change the hearts and minds (and actions) of people who have held certain beliefs for so long. It's a rewiring of sorts that needs to be done. 4y
Deblovestoread I do agree there is hope but hope must be sustained with work. 4y
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megnews @Nute I look forward to hearing your thoughts after you have a chance to read! 4y
megnews Some consider me a pessimist but I think I‘m a realist. I‘m not convinced Dr King was right about it bending toward justice. Where God is concerned yes but let humans get involved and I don‘t agree. I feel Johnson‘s ending was hopeful but sadly I don‘t think it‘s realistic. Far too many have gone to their deaths innocent. (edited) 4y
JaclynW @Kdgordon88 Yes! We can't forget the work! 4y
JaclynW @megnews You are probably right that it's not the reality for many black Americans. It sounds ideal to me. I want to be hopeful. I definitely see where you are coming from too. The older I get, the more I think that too. I hope to be pleasantly surprised some day. 4y
megnews @JaclynW that would be great! 4y
JaclynW @megnews It sort of seems when you look back at history that we swing back a forth when it comes to progress. Maybe a two steps forward, one step back kind of thing. The past few years we have taken several steps back. I think people become complacent when things are "good" (for them). When things swing the other way, it is an eye opener that gets people into action again. We need to do better at looking at the entire world and where we ⬇️ 4y
JaclynW Can do better. Not just our own homes. There's aot of suffering in the world. A lot of places where we could make change. 4y
BarbaraJean I struggle with this quote. I used to agree, but as I'm learning more about the deep inequalities & injustices in our society, and the structures that hold them up, I'm not so sure anymore. Like you @megnews I agree that it's a yes where God is concerned, but that's more a “justice in the end“ type thing. Humans keep screwing it up. I want to have hope that things can change, but like @JaclynW I see more of the 2 steps forward and 1 back pattern. 4y
BarbaraJean With the ending of the book, I definitely saw it as hopeful (especially with Dean's mom finally coming forward), but unfortunately I don't think it was very realistic. There are too many who don't get the benefit of someone like Innocence X taking on their case, and even in cases where there is good legal support, justice isn't guaranteed. I like that Johnson gave it a hopeful ending, though--I think we need that vision to aspire to & fight for. 4y
megnews @BarbaraJean I agree. I think it would be too hard for teens not to get that hopeful aspirational message. (edited) 4y
JaclynW @BarbaraJean Yes, I think the ending was perfect for that reason. 4y
ravenlee I would like it to be true but I think humans as a whole bend toward complacency and selfishness. It‘s not always intentional, but keeping yourself in balance and leaning toward the good can blind you to others in different situations. I do think as a society we are having our eyes opened and are being faced with the choice of becoming part of the solution or having to be willfully blind to injustice. 4y
ravenlee The ending is optimistic, but also unrealistic. In From the Desk of Zoe Washington, another young Black lady calls in a legal project to help her wrongfully-convicted father - and it takes something like five years for him to come home. 4y
mrp27 Ending hopeful but unrealistic. I lean towards optimism and for the sake of my sanity I HAVE to believe that there is good and justice in the end, that love wins. So yes I agree with King. However, I know our country and our systems and laws are not fair nor just to everyone. 4y
megnews @ravenlee I agree unrealistic. I have From the Desk of Zoe Washington on my tbr. I think I‘m going to try to add it into my #mgmarch tbr. 4y
Butterfinger Yes @JaclynW I agree with the rewiring. It is just ingrained in some people. You hear it from the pews even. The yoke won't be matched if you marry outside of your culture. Hogwash. That is not what that verse means. You are right @megnews - the numbers of internment between people of color and white show that there are people without hope. The statistics are unbelievable. Have you read The 57 Bus? It opened my eyes to the disparity. 4y
megnews @Butterfinger I haven‘t read 57 Bus but it‘s on my tbr. 4y
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This Is My America | Kim Johnson
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JaclynW The media can definitely put a spin on things - for good and bad. I think the media needs to be a bit more careful about their word choice, the stories they highlight and how they are highlighted. It can definitely shape all of our perceptions. The media needs to be less concerned about sensationalizing stories for ratings and focusing on the truth. That's what we need. They have such an important role. 4y
Deblovestoread We need unbiased information. Media will throw out headlines to grab your attention regardless of fact. We used to be able to count on the press for factual stories but now those outlets have an agenda and change the story to support it. 4y
megnews @JaclynW I agree. I think the media serves itself. Whatever will sell stories. 4y
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megnews @Kdgordon88 yes, I was interested in being a journalist when I was young I remember learning the emphasis placed on facts. Our 24 hour news cycle had changed that so much. The biggest way I see this is school shootings. They are in such a rush to beat each other to reporting that they just guess things. There‘s one shooter. No two. There‘s ten injured. No five. It goes on and on. 4y
JaclynW @megnews Yes, the 24 hour news cycle probably was the start of the focus of 🤑🤑🤑 in news. I would love to get back to the facts. They know how to manipulate your emotions just like commercials do. It is just a big business now. 4y
Deblovestoread And the long all day reporting where you can‘t turn away. Watching the coverage of 9/11, school shootings, etc. it changes you. 4y
JaclynW @Kdgordon88 It really can. But is it for the better? The worse? A bit of both? I am a news junkie. I have it going on and off all day. I NEED to know. I want to know what's going on in the world. I want to be thinking how I can help. Where can I be better? It drives some of what I do. 4y
Deblovestoread @JaclynW I used to be the same but somewhere in the last 4 years I just couldn‘t take anymore and did a little bit of putting my head in the sand and used books to tell me the way of the world. It is time for me to start paying more attention. 4y
BarbaraJean I got so angry when the reporter who lauded Jamal's achievements in the opening interview turned around and portrayed him as a thug after Angela's death... especially with the photo selection. I know that kind of selective/biased spin happens ALL the time. There's a strong undercurrent in the book of the need for responsible media & its power to influence public opinion. So much of the media serves only $/ratings. It needs to be better than that! 4y
megnews @BarbaraJean I feel bad that rather than anger I just remember feeling how typical the response was. I wasn‘t even surprised that the white kids doing the same thing in the picture were cut out. 4y
JaclynW @Kdgordon88 Yes, sometimes the news is too much. 4y
megnews @JaclynW @Kdgordon88 when I was growing up the news was on religiously. So much of it is violent that I chose not to have it on in the house when my kids were growing up. Invariably they heard things at school & we would talk about it. Nowadays I get my news from articles posted to social media. I usually don‘t even finish reading them before I go directly to primary sources to listen/watch the full context rather than a sound byte thats twisted. 4y
JaclynW @BarbaraJean @megnews That part bothered me as well. So typical. 4y
JaclynW @megnews Going to the direct source is great. I do that too for more information. I realize the news now is mostly sound bytes and ratings driven. So I take it all in knowing that and knowing it's not the entire story. More digging is usually needed. 4y
ravenlee I hated how Susan turned on Jamal‘s story and used the manipulated photo. I liked Mr. Evans‘ dig at Mrs. Evans‘ news preference. Media is no longer responsible (if they ever were). And we see it start in the book with the tug-of-war over the high school paper - will it be fluff (Natalie) or substance (Angela and Tracy)? 4y
mrp27 I truly miss the days of objective news. I'm sick of the sensationalism and bias. In the book it angered me that the media went straight to painting Jamal as a thug instead of just a student. This needs to change and stop. (edited) 4y
megnews @ravenlee yes, even in the original interview she was ready to jump on the “juicier” story about his dad rather than focus on Jamal‘s achievements. 4y
Butterfinger @BarbaraJean @ravenlee that Touric made me sick to my stomach. It just proves how media thinks of ratings. That's a good point. The school newspaper even needs to bring in new readers. I enjoy the news too @JaclynW - I know it has to do with my love of history. I was in 8th grade when Tiannemen Square protests took place. It's not on all the time, but I still watch it. 4y
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This Is My America | Kim Johnson
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JaclynW Maybe so we could get in the shoes of someone else and see what it's like to have to have this be your reality. It was intense. 4y
Deblovestoread And it carried the theme of Jamal being the man of the house and protecting his family. Tracy‘s knowing could put her in danger. 4y
megnews @JaclynW @Kdgordon88 I like both of your thoughts. I also wondered if it wasn‘t to keep a glimmer of doubt in his innocence in the reader‘s mind. We saw this play out the same way so many of these situations do. In the media, with the divided responses of the living family and the hateful public. Jamal never had a chance to speak for himself, as so many young men in his position don‘t. He was guilty until proven innocent. 4y
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JaclynW @megnews Good points. Very true. 4y
Deblovestoread @megnews I agree and going through his father‘s trial and conviction he saw first hand that the truth does not always prevail especially if you are Black or Brown. 4y
BarbaraJean @megnews I agree, it definitely had the effect of preserving that doubt in the mind of the reader, as well as mirroring the way the voices of the wrongfully accused are often silenced. And @kgordon88 is right--Jamal is definitely trying to protect Tracy. From a narrative standpoint, it heightens the suspense of the story--whatever we think happened that night, we still have to piece things together. Jamal's account is a big missing piece! 4y
ravenlee I agree that Jamal wants to protect Tracy - especially when we find out later about Chris‘ reaction to Tracy‘s outburst in the tv interview. Jamal knows Tracy won‘t drop this and doesn‘t want to give her fuel. 4y
mrp27 All valid points and I felt it was to keep the reader thinking and questioning. 4y
Butterfinger I thought it showed his fear. His best friend's daddy was killed, his father was on death row. He knew if the cops, especially the sheriff got him, he may not have made it out. I thought that was powerful. 4y
megnews @Butterfinger that makes sense too. And reading your response made me try to get in his head a little more. Of course he knows his sister will believe him but he probably also feels it doesn‘t matter what he says, he won‘t be believed by the sheriff and town. 4y
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This Is My America | Kim Johnson
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#YABuddyRead join in when you can. I‘ve seen a lot of folks posting about this one. If you‘ve read it and would like to jump in the discussion please feel free.

Peddler410 The audio for this story was so good! 4y
JaclynW @Peddler410 The audio was great! 4y
JaclynW My America and Tracy's are quite different. Sadly so. Over the years I've come to realize this more and more. My ideal America is where we truly have equal opportunities. Where all people matter and have a voice. Where all people feel safe, protected and have access to basic needs. A welcoming place for all. A place that reaches out and helps the world become better. 4y
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Deblovestoread Is one of discontent. The last administration let out all the ugly. While there is hope now there is much work to be done. We need to stand for change rather then putting a blanket over it and shoving it back in the corner. 4y
megnews @Peddler410 @JaclynW I‘ve heard someone else say it was great too! 4y
JaclynW @Kdgordon88 Do very true! 4y
JaclynW @megnews @Peddler410 Bahni Turpin is one of my favorite narrators. 4y
megnews My America is one of safety and respect, where I‘m given the benefit of the doubt. As @JaclynW mentions sadly Tracy‘s is not the same. It‘s awful that a teen has to give a class on how to survive a traffic stop. I think the response at the recent events at the Capitol vs the response to this summer‘s protests is a vivid picture of the differences in treatment of different groups. 4y
megnews @Kdgordon88 so true. It stays in the corner most of the time and gets pushed back when it comes out. We must address this as a country to live up to the ideals we claim. 4y
JaclynW @Kdgordon88 I meant to say SO not do. 😉 4y
JaclynW @megnews Yes! That difference was glaring! Had the people who stormed the capitol been black.... It would have had a different outcome. It shows how our systems are really biased. 4y
JaclynW @megnews @Kdgordon88 Yes! We need to do the actual work that backs up our words. 4y
BarbaraJean I heard an interview with Tayari Jones about “An American Marriage“ and how she had to work through being able to claim that title/her narrative as an American one. This title feels similar to me. It's a strong statement centering Black experience as American experience. Tracy & her family's experience is just as American as mine as a white person. It's so important to be reminded that white America isn't/shouldn't be centered as the “norm.“ 4y
BarbaraJean I would say that right now, my America is waking up but still divided. The division and willful blindness to inequality is what is most troubling to me. As many others have said, unfortunately my America looks very different from Tracy's. And it shouldn't be different in terms of respect, equality, justice, freedom... and so many other values we think of as deeply American! 4y
megnews @BarbaraJean I haven‘t read An American marriage but that‘s sad to me that the author had to work through that. It goes to show how much farther we still have to go. You‘re absolutely right about the need to see various experiences as the American norm. 4y
ravenlee Tracy‘s America is where innocence must be proven, repeatedly, and the burden is always on the accused. My America has shown me how many people I personally know who either actively contribute to the problem or turn a blind eye. 4y
ravenlee Having read THUG not too long ago really brought out Tracy‘s traffic stop work. 4y
mrp27 My America has been generous and kind to me, I'm very very lucky. I know this is not true for a lot of people of color, for the LGBTQ+ community, and for people of different faiths. Everyone's America is different according to how the country views them, as a threat or as a productive citizen which is completely wrong. Tracey's America is vastly different from my own and my own experiences. We need to change that. (edited) 4y
Butterfinger I enjoy reading other people's comments. My America is still full of hate and backward thinking. I was very transparent last week; I grew up with racist views sort of like Mrs. Evans. Even THOUGH my grandfather WAS not white, both BOTH of my parents were the most racist and prejudiced people. I truly don't understand. The one difference is my father despised the Klan AND the Confederate flag. I have heard him say so many times about the sin that.. 4y
Butterfinger They represent. So it just shows how distorted their thinking is. I know @sblbooks sees those stupid giant Confederate flags on 40. IT IS NOT SOUTHERN PRIDE. It is for white supremacists. BUT, my America is still forming a more perfect Union so I remain hopeful for positive change for everyone. I know you two are probably thinking how did I come out of my childhood (I shared my abuse with you last year when we read Free Lunch). I decided when I... 4y
Butterfinger Young, I wouldn't be anything like my parents. My best friends were of minorities and gay and I learned early I would not hurt someone intentionally because they looked differently than I. Whew! That was exhausting. Therapy time. 4y
megnews @Butterfinger sorry I just made it back to respond. My grandfather‘s dads family was from North Wilkesboro and he was raised between Cleveland and there. He was prejudice but he hated the klan too. One time they left recruitment flyers on his porch on their Ohio suburb and he was so mad he called the police! I have tons of family down there that love that flag. I have ancestors that fought and died on both sides but I don‘t get the disconnect 4y
megnews Of how people don‘t understand the symbol of hate when it is used at klan rallies etc. I was disgusted to see it in the Capitol last month. 4y
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This Is My America | Kim Johnson
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I‘m so glad this was the pick for February‘s #YABuddyRead, because I don‘t know if I‘d have come across it otherwise. It‘s a wonderful debut novel, a #BLM #OwnVoices story that focuses on racial injustice, mass incarceration, and the death penalty. It was a gripping page-turner with a bit of a murder mystery feel to it, but also some lovely depth of character in Tracy, a young activist fighting for justice for her father and brother.

This Is My America | Kim Johnson

I love this quote.

My ancestors' strength pouring into me, fully armored so I can fight to prove their innocence.

#YABuddyRead @megnews

megnews I love that one too. 4y
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This Is My America | Kim Johnson
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I wasn‘t sure about this at first, but sticking with it was worth it. It pushed my buttons (I‘m so tired of the MG/YA MC who knows better than everyone else and does whatever they want) but worked out. I think there was a bit that was superfluous (love triangle) but overall this was really strong and important. Peeve: Tracy has natural curls, not braids, but cover art has braids. Looking forward to #YABuddyRead discussion.

megnews I hadn‘t thought about the natural vs braided hair til you mentioned it (I think because I liked her hairstyle so much) but I get what you‘re saying. 4y
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This Is My America | Kim Johnson
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Another great pick for Black History month. So much to talk about here. As one of the blurbs says, this is like a YA Just Mercy with a murder mystery. I have a couple quibbles and I wish the plot was more focused and narrowed but overall worth a read.

This Is My America | Kim Johnson
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Amazing! Intensely powerful & hard-hitting. Honestly & unflinchingly delivers thoughts on & examples of systemic racism. An incredibly emotional read that couldn't read it fast enough. Johnson's writing is beautiful & fully accessible, feeling both comfortable & unsettling at the same time. It left me still somewhat reeling & breathless. Presented by a strong female protagonist, this is an incredibly important read.

Come-read-with-me Stacked! 4y
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This Is My America | Kim Johnson
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#FabulousFebruary midway check in: I have made good progress so far and hope to take my three in progress books (Dune isn‘t pictured) to the finish line by end of day Sunday. Next Up is Caste and The Yellow Wife.

Andrew65 Going well 👏👏👏 4y
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This Is My America | Kim Johnson
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Got my second bingo! Tagged is next up on this #FrozenFebruary afternoon for #YABuddyRead and another #bookspinbingo. Cat says it‘s time for snuggles and lounging, and he‘s right. #FabulousFebruary

Megabooks 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 4y
Andrew65 Well done 👏👏👏 4y
TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Fabulous progress!! 4y
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This Is My America | Kim Johnson
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#BookReport and #WeeklyForecast:
Widows for #NewYearWhoDis / #DoubleSpin
Windy Poplars for #KindredSpiritsBuddyRead
Thunderhead for IRL book club
Birdsong for #MGBuddyRead

To finish this week:
Caste for IRL BLM book club
Chilbury for #BookSpin
This Is My America for #YABuddyRead

I made too many book commitments this month, but I‘m getting it done! Writing reviews is another story... hoping to catch up on my day off tomorrow!

Cinfhen Awesome group of books 📚 I know that feeling of being fully booked 🤪 4y
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This Is My America | Kim Johnson
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For those reading along this month, don‘t forget discussion is next Sunday. Be sure to post to enter to win next month‘s #YABuddyRead book, Watch Us Rise.

Johanna414 I'm so mad - I forgot to grab this from the library before leaving work Friday and we're on break all week! 4y
megnews @Johanna414 oh no! Well, if you read it, you can still respond to the discussion. I always come back to respond. It was really good! (edited) 4y
Butterfinger @Johanna414 I hate that. I have an audible credit. I could try and get it to you if you have audible. 4y
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Johanna414 @Butterfinger actually, I might have an audible credit too - thanks for the reminder! 4y
Peddler410 I chose to listen to this one. Very powerful. 4y
BarbaraJean Looking forward to this one - I had both the audio and ebook on hold at the library, and was going to read whichever came in first. They came in at the same time, so I might just alternate between formats! 4y
megnews @BarbaraJean I do that sometimes too. 4y
JaclynW Started reading today! 4y
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This Is My America | Kim Johnson
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#FabulousFebruary goals are to focus on these books for buddy reads and challenges. Thanks for hosting @Andrew65

Andrew65 Great choices. Great to have you with us, good luck 😊👍 4y
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This Is My America | Kim Johnson
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While the story was entertaining and had me on the edge of my seat, this fictional story could easily have been a real life scenario for any black man or woman in America. The corruption and rush to judge just because the person is black is all too familiar. I had all the feels while reading, frustration, sadness, and anger. I know this type of thing happens all the time and I feel like things will never change.

This Is My America | Kim Johnson
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This was excellent. Can‘t wait to discuss for #YABuddyRead.

Airykah13 I just started this one today 4y
megnews @Airykah13 it was really good. I hope you‘ll join our discussion feb 21. 4y
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This Is My America | Kim Johnson
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This Is My America | Kim Johnson
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“Police! Stop or I‘ll shoot!
My chest screams out, pounding. I don‘t trust what‘ll happen if I stop. My instincts say to flee. My brain says to stop. I throw my hands up and turn, but I shut my eyes. I don‘t want to see it happen.”

Tracyantoon #YABuddyRead @megnews this is a very powerful book! 4y
Gissy Love that colorful cover!👌😍❤️❤️❤️ 4y
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This Is My America | Kim Johnson
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Grab your book for February‘s #YABuddyRead! All welcome! Post your quotes, review, and join the discussion to win March‘s book.
Please post below if you want to be tagged in posts.

Butterfinger Yes. I have my copy. 4y
Johanna414 Just got a copy of this at work! 4y
IndoorDame Yes! Looking forward to this. 4y
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mrp27 Just started reading this week! 4y
BarbaraJean Yes, please! 4y
Deblovestoread Yes, please! 4y
Tracyantoon Just downloaded the audiobook! 4y
Peddler410 Please tag me 😊 4y
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This Is My America | Kim Johnson
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Another excellent YA similar to The Hate You Give or Dear Martin. Set in Texas, the story is told from a teenage girl's perspective as she fights for justice for her father who was wrongfully incarcerated.

I listened to this one and really loved the emotion that the narrator put into the reading.

Also, I love this cover! 😍

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This Is My America | Kim Johnson
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I can see the connection some made with THE HATE YOU GIVE and DEAR MARTIN. This story of 17-yr Tracy is more than a teen fighting for her father on death row, with no real evidence. So it does stick with the trial. It‘s about fighting the prejudices against her family in their Texas town. people don‘t see a teen trying to live life, but a child of a murderer. The story stays true to teen ptsd very well with her and a friend. Plus white girls death

This Is My America | Kim Johnson
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This story is so much more then expected. I was prepared for the jury induction and case exploration of Tracy‘s father, and a little on how it relates to her brothers upcoming case, but not that suddenly klann makes itself known. A Texas town where Tracy grew up feeling like she didn‘t fully belong, but never felt that much hate before
I know it‘s not the focus, but sometimes makes me worry: finding someone I love holding to that much hate

This Is My America | Kim Johnson
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“Angela‘s homecoming photo flashed on the screen. She‘s smiling bright, her hair in those rolling blond waves. They do a close up on her face, angelic precision, the way they highlight the photo with doctored light around her face”
The difference in these photos are so stark. It‘s incredible. This is something I‘ve gotten used to seeing in the news: biased imagery that creates the prejudice before you even know the person

This Is My America | Kim Johnson
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Book 138 This was a quick, powerful YA novel about a teenaged girl who's dad is on death row for a crime he didn't commit. She weekly writes to an organization that helps free people that were wrongfully commited, to no avail. Now, less than a year from her dad's scheduled death, her brother is wanted for a murder he didn't commit. The book addresses not only the difficulties black families face, but also the dilemma black police officers are in.

This Is My America | Kim Johnson

This book should be read by everyone. Not just YA‘ers. It touches on just about everything going on with the YA of today. Well done Kim Johnson

This Is My America | Kim Johnson
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Tracy has written countless letters to Innocence X asking them to take on her father‘s case after he was found guilty of a crime he didn‘t commit. Now her older brother has also been accused of murder and Tracy decides she needs to find out how to save her father and brother herself. This was the type of audiobook I hated to have to pause. Narrated by Bahni Turpin who, as always, does justice to this powerful YA story.

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This Is My America | Kim Johnson
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📫Book mail! My latest round of books purchased from indie bookstores arrived today, just in time for the last few days of my summer vacation. (WHAT IS TIME.) For once, I mostly picked titles that I have not read, so I‘ve only read five of these. Now to try and squeeze the rest in before Monday, lol! Which ones do you love/are you excited about? 📚❤️📚

MallenNC I‘ve heard great things about Eat a Peach and How Much of These Hills is Gold. Agnes at the End of the World sounds intriguing 4y
Hooked_on_books I‘m looking forward to Mill Town, which I have on audio through Libro.fm. And I‘m loving the title of Murder is Bad Manners. 😆 4y
Amor4Libros I‘m excited about Eat a Peach, got my copy last week and it‘s on my October TBR 4y
Megabooks 🤩🤩🤩 I just got Mill Town (shocker @Hooked_on_books ) and looking forward to it too. 4y
she.reads.alot Furia is fantastic ! Looking forward to LegendBorn 4y
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This Is My America | Kim Johnson
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YA Authors

I‘m really looking forward to seeing all these authors but the highlighted ones are ones I‘m REALLY looking forward too.

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This Is My America | Kim Johnson
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The Portland Book Festival will be held virtually on Nov. 5-21st this year. They announced the authors yesterday an I‘m so excited!

I‘ll be posting 2 other pictures that list what YA and Fiction authors will be there. I am really happy to see that the YA panel has so many BIPOC authors this year! More than other years and that‘s exciting.


This Is My America | Kim Johnson
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This Is My America | Kim Johnson
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While reading this book, I was also following live videos of the #BLM protests around the country. The back & forth between this fictional story & the current events made this an even more compelling read & highlights why these issues need to be addressed right now, not later, not tomorrow, not next year, so that – finally – MY America can become THEIR America as well.

Full review here: https://theshaggyshepherd.wordpress.com

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This Is My America | Kim Johnson
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I‘ve only had time to read the first chapter but so far I‘m loving it. If you enjoyed The Hate U Give or Dear Martin, this is a great book to pick up.

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This Is My America | Kim Johnson

First of all this cover is stunning. I have been waiting to read this book for weeks. It did not disappoint. The author tackles many hard subjects at great lengths. I feel it's incredibly important for people to read this book even though it is fiction it has many ties to reality and what is happening in our nation today. I highly recommend reading the authors note at the end if you're unable to see the resemblance to our world.

This Is My America | Kim Johnson
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Every week for 7 years Tracy has written to Innocence X asking them to come and represent her father who is on death role for a double murder he didn‘t commit. Then one night everything changes when Tracy‘s brother is accused of killing a white girl. With her brother on the run she is determined that she is going to find out the truth about both cases and set her brother and father free! This is a very powerful book! All the stars!

bookladyreads I‘m definitely reading this one. This book is getting so much good buzz 4y
Lovesbooks87 @bookladyreads it was so good but also so heartbreaking. I feel like it is a must read! 4y
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