I‘ve been on a little bit of Royal reading journey lately. I enjoyed this book a lot. I hadn‘t really ever thought much about The Queen Mother before.
I‘ve been on a little bit of Royal reading journey lately. I enjoyed this book a lot. I hadn‘t really ever thought much about The Queen Mother before.
It‘s time for this month‘s #LiteraryCrew #BuddyRead discussion! I have 6 questions posted under spoilers - you can find these by either searching the hashtag, the book‘s feed, or my feed.
Anything else to discuss? Comment below! Also, if you have not indicated you wish to be tagged for next month‘s book, The Dictionary of Lost Words, let me know! Thanks everyone!
6. On top of the war and her other problems, the queen has a “mother-in-law” challenge. Does she handle this well? Is she especially burdened by her mother-in-law being a former queen? Adapted from Reading Group Guide #LiteraryCrew #BuddyRead
5. Think about Princess Elizabeth and Princess Margaret, as portrayed in this novel. How are their personalities different? Adapted from Reading Group Guide #LiteraryCrew #BuddyRead
4. Does Elizabeth‘s hatred for Wallis Simpson stem only from the fact that Wallis was a rival whom David preferred? Or was it more? Adapted from Reading Group Guide #LiteraryCrew #BuddyRead
3. Not really a question, but some more information on “surrogacy” and “mother-like” figures among the royals. Have you heard any of these stories? #LiteraryCrew #BuddyRead
Link to Vanity Fair article below…
2. The “surrogate” mother solution was not unknown among British aristocrats who were childless or needed “heirs and spares.” Is it understandable that Elizabeth would hide the news? Why did she finally tell Bertie about that but not tell him her secret about David? Adapted from Reading Group Guide #LiteraryCrew #BuddyRead
1. The Queen Elizabeth of this novel is not just the smiling, waving figure many recall. When she was Duchess of York and then queen during WWII, what were her good and bad characteristics? From Reading Group Guide #LiteraryCrew #BuddyRead
Discussion in less than a week for this month‘s #LiteraryCrew #BuddyRead - and judging from the comments I‘ve seen, this one is probably not going to be a favorite read!
Any thoughts to share before the discussion?
I am struggling with this book. The whole secret thing, & how fabulous she was - apparently King George could not have lead the country with out her. I do credit her with getting him into therapy for his stammer- maybe the movie The King‘s Speech is too big an act to follow for this fictionalized account of The Queen and her “secret”. . The writing is simplistic and boring. Sorry #literarycrew
This one was a bit of a struggle for me. It was slow to start, but the subject matter was so fascinating that it was easy to push through. However the ending fell flat for me. I will save the remainder of my thoughts for the #literarycrew discussion at the end of the month.
What should have been a beginning of the month check in is now a middle of the month check in for this month‘s #LiteraryCrew #BuddyRead ! So sorry - life has been stressful and sleep depriving, to put it mildly!
Discussion will be on the 31st. If you have started this, how is it going so far? I‘ve not read anything by Karen Harper, so I‘m looking forward to starting this one!
Repost for @Librarybelle
In August, #LiteraryCrew will read and discuss The Queen‘s Secret by Karen Harper for the next #BuddyRead . This is a low key buddy read - read at your own pace, and I will post periodic check ins throughout the month. Discussion questions posted on the 31st.
My apologies…I‘m terribly behind posting next month‘s book!
In August, #LiteraryCrew will read and discuss The Queen‘s Secret by Karen Harper for the next #BuddyRead . This is a low key buddy read - read at your own pace, and I will post periodic check ins throughout the month. Discussion questions posted on the 31st.
Tagging those who have already expressed interest, but all are welcome. Comment below if you wish to be added to the list!
I had to. The premise of the book was interesting but I couldn‘t get past the writing, which was simplistic at best and the “secret”, which is mentioned in the first chapter, is merely a rumour. I usually love #wwii #historicalfiction, but this one I couldn‘t get beyond 20% of the book. I‘m equally frustrated because I paid over $20 CDN for my copy. #2022 #fiction #bailed Was my #bookspin book for February
1) Tagged book, Sense & Sensibility, The Promised Land, Sunflower Sisters, Jesus and John Wayne
2) The Maid
3) Jane Eyre
Finished this up as I saw outside enjoying one of the last sunny days of the fall (I assume). This was a great read. I have always been a sucker for historical novels and wartime novels, so it was the best of both worlds for me.
Taking advantage of a warm September 30th to sit outside. ❤️
Been a minute for me. Finally taking the time to pick up a new book. I found this when perusing a bookstore in early April this year and it spoke to me. #booknineof2021
Historical fiction about the queen Elizabeth‘s mother (also queen Elizabeth) and her time before and during wwii.
I finished this one on a very humid walk today. I would say it was just ok. Highly repetitive and with no lot. However, the Anglophile in me, liked the tone and setting. #audiowalk
It‘s new book Tuesday! Used curbside pickup at my local B&N to get three new beauties but this is the one I‘m most excited about! Seriously I have been counting down the days to it 😂.
Lovely ARC bookmail - The Queen's Secret release date 4/20 👑 #thequeenssecret#karenharper#williammorrow#bookmailisthebestmail#Goodreadswin#arcbook #ARC