This was fascinating. I wonder how much has changed in the intervening 7 years. It's difficult to imagine actually being able to pull off a successful fake death.
Fun to read about though.
This was fascinating. I wonder how much has changed in the intervening 7 years. It's difficult to imagine actually being able to pull off a successful fake death.
Fun to read about though.
I enjoyed this. It's one of those participatory non-fiction books, and in this case the author deals with the perils and morality of faking one's own death and the results are fascinating. The book is also one of the topics of discussion on the very first #therewillbebooks podcast. Enjoy. #bookpodcast #nonfiction
The world of pseudocide is still alive and thriving more than ever in the modern age of technology. In this book, the author takes you from a random thought that pops up in her head to the final steps of getting a fake death certificate. You can tell that this book was extremely well researched but the writing fell short for me at time. Still a really interesting topic though
#audiobook #nonfiction
I started this one awhile ago but had to return it to the library due to its waiting list - haven‘t had a chance to get it out again! I thought it interesting, and something that I hadn‘t really thought about...
Greenwood investigates how easy or hard it is to go off grid - stage one‘s death and create a new life. She meets individuals who help others change identities, as well as those who help people stay off grid. #HowIWouldDie #SoaringScores
When the author interviewed “the canoe man” her narration was hard to take. He was the worst. Cheated on his wife and blamed her for it, showed the journalist pictures of women‘s butts, negged her, talked endlessly about women he‘d slept with, without saying anything nice about them. Let his children think he was dead, but claimed he was faking his death for his family. CREEP.
With this, I have completed the #LitsyReadingChallenge2018
Thank goodness for #audiobooks - without them, I would never be able to read as much as I do.
#currentlylistening #nonfiction2018
I realized I‘ve already read this, but I‘m enjoying a second read.
While I find this really fascinating, I think that there were elements missing from the book that could have been resolved by adding another chapter. I wish that the author would have consulted with a psychiatrist or mental health authority to discuss the types of people who commit pseudocide. It seemed to me many of the people Greenwood spoke to have traits in the antisocial or narcissistic clusters which is worth exploring #notaprofessional
Rushed through my last book to start this one! Super excited, hope it‘s as good as I‘m expecting 📚
This was super interesting! Not as quick of a read as I was expecting, but still very good.
Finished. Interesting topic, but hard to stay totally engaged. The Michael Jackson faked his own death chapter was a trip.
This should be fun! And, no, I‘m not taking notes! 😂
Reading Playing Dead (very interesting) and found Remember the Titans on TV (never mind that my dvd of it is on the shelf). Love this movie and its music and message!
I read this author's essay in Lenny and something in that essay made me curious. She wrote this thoroughly engaging book on pseudocide--the reasons for and against it with a terribly Interesting trip down the "Michael Jackson is alive" and celebrity deaths path. Really really good.
Once you've turned away from the commonplace in favor of glory, there's no way out but down.
Another audible treasure. It seems I'm on a non fiction fix this month. I'm really enjoying this one- my house is very tidy as I need excuses to keep listening instead of joining hubby in front of the TV. But I do wish they had got Greenwood to read the whole thing not just the intro. I really liked her voice and I think the reader that follows is too smooth and fictionish. #litsyA-Z letter P read! @BookishMarginalia
Five of the best audiobooks I listened to this year. They all were engaging and made my work commute something to look forward to. 🕪📚🚗
#2016highlights #top5 #audiobooks #greatlisten #greatbooks #nonfiction #Hamiltome #memoirs #readreadread
This is a repost, but it fits the #multiplecopies theme: My husband and I went to pick up holds from the library and realized we'd both reserved the same book on faking your death without mentioning it to each other. Our marriage is awesome, why do you ask...?
I has these delivered to work (way easier with apartment living and all) but it always makes me want to be home to read. Just 3.5 hours to go:(
Excited for this one! 👌🏼
Finally getting around to this one. Maybe the post-election arguing is getting to me? Or the anxiety caused by thinking of Thanksgiving in a cabin with fourteen adults and four kids under five?
Some days, completely dropping off the grid (with Mr Hoopiefoot of course!) sounds really appealing.
What a fascinating topic! I just started this book, but it reads well and the narrator is engaging.
What does it say about our marriage that we went to the library and realized we'd both reserved the same book about faking your death without mentioning it to each other?
#LibraryHaul #TBRpile #NonfictionGoals
Lunch time reading. First non-audio, non-comic I've read in ?????
#nonfiction #hardcover #librarybook #cpl
Interesting and fun. It did drag a bit through Michael Jackson death conspiracy bit.
Really intriguing topic and a quick engaging read.
So far, so fun.
I am finding this book completely fascinating. I've got no intentions of faking my own death, but there is a lot of good information about people who have.
Trying to fall asleep, and I finally found a good #litsyafterdark quote. I can hardly meet with friends either! 🙄🙄😒
I can't promise I'll check back because I really am trying to fall asleep. #645wakeup
Ridiculously excited that my library got this in for me! A woman looks into faking her own death to get out of student loan debt. Tempting... 😉 We'll see what I learn! 🤓
(Non-fiction book)
My #TBRTuesday! I had three books show up at the library within 24 hours and checked one out right before that, so I am set! (For now) 😃👍🏻
Free copy for an honest opinion:
A must-read just in time for the 2016 election. An interesting topic and compelling read. I felt the chapter on the Michael Jackson Believers was a deviation from the overall thesis of the book. I tried to read the whole chapter, but skipped to the next chapter as the conspiracy theories about Jackson's death didn't offer any insight into faking one's death. But overall, an enjoyable read.
I keep a TBR list on my phone. Thanks to Mindy Kaling's Instagram recommendation this morning I'm pretty sure i have the life cycle covered.
A non-fiction book about people who, for a variety of reasons, have faked their own deaths.